Location: West Chester, Chester, Pennsylvania, United States
Surnames/tags: Family_Genealogies Sources Hannum
Other:Space:Category-Source | Space:Sources-Family_Genealogies
Genealogy of the Hannum family
Genealogy of the Hannum family: descended from John and Margery Hannum, settlers in Chester County, Pennsylvania, with brief notices of other families allied with the name, and abstracts of early wills
- Author: Hannum, Curtis Hoopes.
- Publisher: H.F. Temple West Chester, Pennsylvania 1911
- Source Example:
- Hannum, Curtis Hoopes. ''"[[Space:Genealogy of the Hannum family|Genealogy of the Hannum family]]"'' (H.F. Temple West Chester, Pennsylvania 1911)
Available at these locations
- https://archive.org/details/genealogyofhannu00hann/
- {{FamilySearch Book|481576}}* = FamilySearch Book: 481576
- (snippet view) https://www.google.com/books/edition/Genealogy_of_the_Hannum_Family/JERPAAAAMAAJ
*FamilySearch Book external template has a parameter for page number just add a pipe | then the number between the book number and the closing brackets i.e.
- {{FamilySearch Book|481576|492}} = FamilySearch Book: 481576
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