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Surnames/tags: Kemble Kimble
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Surnames/tags: Kemble Kimble
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Genealogy of the Kemble (Kimble) Family in America
- Descendants of Thomas Kemble of Berkshire, England (1616?-1680), Anne Page (1623-1665), and Hannah Chaffen Aplin (d. 1697).
- Hannah and her children Samuel, Joseph, Benjamin and Edward emigrated from Devonshire to Burlington County, New Jersey in 1681. In 1683 she married Benjamin Scott (d. 1685).
- Includes other Kemble families whose ancestors are unknown. Descendants have settled throughout the United States.
- by Kemble Stout, 1916 - 2004
- K. Stout, published Pullman, WA, 1992
Available online at these locations:
Table of Contents
- Preface
- A Personal Note
- Part I Descendants of Thomas and Hannah (Chaffen)/Aplin/Kemble of London
- Introduction - The Thomas Kemble family in England
- Chapter One - Samuel (1) Kemble
- son of Hannah (first through eleventh generations, including 75 family sketches)
- Chapter Two - Hezekiah (4) and Abigail (Cox) Kemble
- great-grandson of Samuel (1) (fourth through thirteenth generations, including 113 family sketches)
- Chapter Three - Thomas (4) and Priscilla (Burr) Kemble
- great-grandson of Samuel (1) (fourth through twelfth generations, including 101 family sketches)
- Chapter Four - Abraham (5) and Mary (New) Kemble
- great-great-grandson of Samuel (1) (fifth through twelfth generations, including 73 family sketches)
- Chapter Five - Samuel (5) and Susanna (Blizzard) Kemble
- great-great-grandson of Samuel (1) (fifth through twelfth generations, including 124 family sketches)
- Chapter Six - Vespasian (5) and Martha (Mapes) Kemble
- probable great-great-grandson of Samuel (1) (fifth through twelfth generations, including 71 family sketches)
- Chapter Seven - Benjamin (1) and Hannah (Wright) Kemble
- son of Hannah (first through twelfth generations, including 94 family sketches)
- Chapter Eight - Titan (3) and Mary (Avery) Kimble
- grandson of Benjamin (1) (third through eleventh generations, including 91 family sketches)
- Chapter Nine - Peter (4) and Exercise (Reeves) Kemble
- great-grandson of Benjamin (1) (fourth through eleventh generations, including 80 family sketches)
- Chapter Ten - John (5) and Martha (Prince) Kemble
- great-great-grandson of Benjamin (1) (fifth through twelfth generations, including 74 family sketches)
- Chapter Eleven - Jonathan (6) and Caroline Kemble
- great-great-great-grandson of Benjamin (1) (sixth through twelfth generations, including 37 family sketches)
- Part II Descendants Of Other Seventeenth Century Kemble Immigrants
- Chapter Twelve - Edmund and Mary (Beckford) Kimball
- Chapter Thirteen - Henry and Mary (Brigden) Kemble
- Chapter Fourteen - Thomas and Elizabeth (Trerice) Kemble
- Part III Eighteenth Century Kemble Immigrants And Descendants
- Chapter Fifteen - Peter and Gertrude (Bayard) Kemble
- Chapter Sixteen - William and Elizabeth (Cole) Kemble
- Part IV Nineteenth Century Kemble Immigrants And Descendants
- Chapter Seventeen - Arthur and Frances (Rogg) Kemble
- Chapter Eighteen - Charles and Elizabeth (Thomas) Kemble
- Chapter Nineteen - Charles and Maria (Gammon) Kemble
- Chapter Twenty - Frances Anne ("Fanny") Kemble
- Chapter Twenty-one - George and Emma (Crispin) Kemble
- Chapter Twenty-two - Henry and Mary (Bolger) Kemble
- Chapter Twenty-three - Joseph and Katherine (Kirchner) Kemble
- Chapter Twenty-four - Michael and Ann (Flinn) Kemble
- Chapter Twenty-five - William and Mary (Fry) Kemble
- Chapter Twenty-six - William and Rachel (Hart) Kemble
- Chapter Twenty-seven - William and Sarah (Lee) Kemble
- Part V - Twentieth Century Kemble Immigrants And Descendants
- Chapter Twenty-eight - Bartlett and Chrissie (Neighbour) Kemble
- Chapter Twenty-nine - Frank and Elizabeth (Kirk) Kemble
- Chapter Thirty - Gerald and Gladys (Schultz) Kemble
- Part VI - Kemble Families Whose Immigrant Ancestors Are Unknown
- Chapter Thirty-one - Adam and Lydia (Zartman) Kemble
- Chapter Thirty-two - Amos and Elizabeth (Wolf) Kemble
- Chapter Thirty-three - David and Lydia (Wert) Kembel
- Chapter Thirty-four - George and Susan (Wise) Kemble
- Chapter Thirty-five - Peter and Susannah (Groff) Kembel
- Chapter Thirty-six - Aaron and Matilda (Leming) Kemble
- Chapter Thirty-seven - Andrew and Sarah Ann Kemble
- Chapter Thirty-eight - Charles and Eliza (Thompson) Kemble
- Chapter Thirty-nine - Edward and Margaretta Kemble
- Chapter Forty - Elwood and Margaret (Alcorn) Kemble
- Chapter Forty-one - George and Catharine (Felty) Kemble
- Chapter Forty-two - Jacob and Bethiah (Hopkins) Kemble
- Chapter Forty-three - John Kemble of Ulster County NY
- Chapter Forty-four - John and Mary (Chalmers) Kemble
- Chapter Forty-five - John and Mary (Whipple) Kemble
- Chapter Forty-six - John and Frieda (Paetz) Kemble
- Chapter Forty-seven - John and Jeanne (Tyson) Kemble
- Chapter Forty-eight - William and Eliza Kemble
- Index
- Appendix
- "The Remarkable Case of William Kemble"
WikiTree Syntax
- <span id='Stout'></span>Stout, Kemble. ''[[Space:Genealogy of the Kemble (Kimble) Family in America | Genealogy of the Kemble (Kimble) Family in America ]]'' (Pullman, WA, 1992), [ Page ].
- ([[#Stout|Stout]])
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