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Genetic Descendants of Walter Mattingly/Matney Sr

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 1 May 2023 [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Mattingly Matney
This page has been accessed 251 times.

Genetic Descendants of Walter Mattingly/Matney Sr.

Haplogroup: R1b-DF27/S250–>ZZ12_1–>FGC78762->ZZ19_1->Y32298->Y14084*
Y14084* Haplogroup SNPs: A23315, A23316, FT55233, FT56526, Y13607, Y13608, Y13609, Y14081, Y14082, Y14084, Y14086, Y172388, Y18449, Y18574, Y18575, Y18576, Y18577, Y18578, Y18579, Y18581
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The Project has seven DNA donors descending from Walter Mattingly/Matney Sr..
  • Members M1, M6, M10 and M12 descend from Walter Matney Jr.
  • Members M2 and M5 descend from Broadwater Matney.
  • Member M9 is believed a descendant from Walter Matney Jr. The last name at birth of this member is not any of the surname derivatives of Mattingly or Matney.

Genetic Pedigree of Walter Mattingly/Matney Sr.

Hover cursor over any linked patriarch name to see previews of profile key dates, parents, spouse(s) and children.
1: Thomas Mattingly I MRCA: Y14084*
2: Cesar Mattingly
3: John Mattingly MRCA: Y14083*
4: Walter Mattingly/Matney Sr. MRCA: Y14083->Y85450
5: Walter Matney Jr. MRCA: Y14083->Y85450
6: John Walter Matney (Twin son)
7: Robert E. Matney
8: Lloyd Albert Matney
9: Dennis Lloyd Matney
10: Living Matney
11: M1 (See Note 1): Y14083->Y85450
6: Walter John Matney III (Twin son)
7: Walter (Watt) Matney
8: Fullen Matney
9: Alva Holland Matney
10: Carl L. Matney
11: M12 (See Note 2): Y14083->Y85450
6: David Matney Y14083->Y85450
7: Elijah C. (Lige) Matney
8: David Matney
9: M6: Y14083->Y85450
7: David Earl Matney Jr.
8: Wade Matney
9: Jessee Lee Matney
10: M10: Y14083->Y85450
6: William Charles Matney (possible ancestor)
7: Unidentified Matney Ancestor
8: Biological Father
9: M9: Y14083->Y85450
4: William Carrell Matney
5: Broadwater Matney MRCA: Y14083->Y85450
6: Walter Jefferson Matney Y14083->Y85450
7: William Henry Matney
8: James Harold Matney
9: M5 Y14083->Y85450
6: John Alexander Matney Y14083, Y85450
7: Isaac Noah Matney
8: Tyree Jones Matney
9: Ted F. Matney
10: Living Matney
12: M2 Y14083->Y85450
Note 1: A comprehensive SNP Y-chromosome test was not completed for Project Member M1. He had complete the Y-111 STR Panel which resulted in a match to other Project Members. Only the DF27 pack test and tests for individual SNPs Y14083 and Y85450 were completed. He was found to be Y14084+, Y14083+ and Y85450+ and presumed positive for the Y14084 Group SNPs:
Note 2: A comprehensive SNP Y-chromosome test was not completed for Project Member M12. Tests for individual SNPs Y14083, Y14084 and Y85450 were ordered. He was found to be Y14084+, Y14083+ and Y85450+


Participants M2, M5, M6, M9 and M10 were found to carry the Y-chromosome mutations identified in the Y14084* SNP group believed to be carried by Thomas Mattingly I. Participants M1 and M12 were tested only for SNP Y14084 of this group and were found to carry this SNP.
SNP Y14083 was found in all participants indicating they are descendants of Cesar Mattingly.
SNP Y85450 was found in all participants. This is a new SNP defining a new sub-clad under haplogroup Y14083*. SNP Y85450 was not found in any other Project member and is limited to this group.
Was John Mattingly, son of Cesar Mattingly, the progenitor of SNP Y85450? No. If John Mattingly carried SNP Y85450, it would also appears in the descendants of his other sons. None of the descendants of his son, Richard Mattingly Sr., or the descendants of his son, John Baptist Mattingly Jr., carry SNP Y85450. The conclusion is Walter Mattingly/Matney Sr. was most likely the progenitor of SNP Y85450.
Some genealogies show William Carrell Matney, born in England, as the father of Broadwater Matney. Broadwater Matney had to inherit SNPs Y14083 and Y85450 from his father. It is highly unlikely and statistically improbable these SNPs originated in England concurrently with their American cousins. Either William Carrell Matney was not born in England or William Carrell Matney is not the father of Broadwater Matney.
Genealogical traditional has long held that Walter Matney, Broadwater Matney and Brooks Matney are brothers. It is clear Walter Matney Jr. and Broadwater Matney share a common genetic ancestor. Walter Matney Jr. passed SNP Y85450 to his sons and their descendants. Broadwater Matney also passed SNP Y85450 to his sons and their descendants. Walter Matney Jr. and Broadwater Matney inherited SNP Y85450 from a common ancestor. William Carrell Matney cannot be the brother of Walter Mattingly/Matney Sr. because that would imply John Mattingly as the progenitor of SNPs Y85450 which he is not. There are two possible alternatives:
  1. If William Carrell Matney is a brother of Walter Mattingly/Matney Sr. then neither decend from John Mattingly.
  2. It is possilbe William Carrell Matney and Walter Mattingly/Matney Sr. descend from Thomas Mattingly, younger brother of John Mattingly. This assumes Cesar Mattingly was the progenitor of Y14083. (See Thomas Mattingly, Son of Cezar)
Project member M9 carries terminal SNP Y85450 and shares 141 centiMorgan autosome DNA with project member M6. The autosome match is indicative of half third cousins sharing a common set of second great grandparents. The second great grandfather of M6 is Walter Matney Jr.. DNA evidence suggests a non-parental event introduced Matney DNA into the paternal ancestors of M9. The male descendants of William Charles Matney lived in close proximity to the parents and grandparents of project member M9. And one son of William Charles Matney married a first cousin of the grandfather of project member M9. Additional DNA testing of descendants of brothers or uncles of M9 to determine where the Matney DNA was introduced.

Most Recent Common Ancestors (MRCA)

Walter Mattingly/Matney Sr. is the genetic MRCA of project members M1, M2, M5, M6, M9, M10 and M12.
Walter Matney Jr. is the genetic MRCA of project members M1, M6,M9, M10 and M12.
Broadwater Matney is the genetic MRCA of project members M2 and M5.

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