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George Alexanders Estate

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1868 [unknown]
Location: Edinburgh, Scotlandmap
Surname/tag: Alexander
Profile manager: Joanne Lamb private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 55 times.

George Alexander owned a good deal of property in Edinburgh, and the transactions as recorded in the Scottish Sasines give us some insight into his family.

In 1868 he purchased a number of ‘lots' when the Grange Estate was auctioned for development. At this time he was living in Grange Loan.

George died in 1892, and from then on a number of transactions deal with the handling of his estate.

In particular, a record in 1896 detailing the setting up of a consortium to manage his estate gives the addresses and/or occupations of its ten members.

Similarly, a record in 1901 also gives this information.

Note: The Sasine Register is the Scottish register of title deeds of all properties in Scotlsnd.

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