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George Edward Rouse Census Records

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1900
Location: Livingston, New York, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Rouse, Freeman
This page has been accessed 45 times.

Benjamin Rouse Family b. 1788
1900, 1910 Census details can be found here:William Rouse Census RecordsCensus]]

In the 1920 census George (age 36), Farm laborer, was the married head of household in Canadice, Ontario, New York.[1]

1920 United States Federal Census: Canadice, Ontario, New York
Name Sex Race Age Status Relation Occupation Birth Place
George Edward Rouse (1887-1941) M White 36 Married Head Farm laborer New York
Ethel May (Freeman) Rouse (1893-1947) F White 24 Married Wife New York
Kenneth George Rouse (1913-1950) M White 7 Single Son New York
Marie Elizabeth (Rouse) Wilson (1915-2004) F White 4 Single Daughter New York
William Rouse (1920-1952) (Willie) M White 0 Single Son New York

In the 1925 census George (age 39) was the head of household in West Bloomfield, Ontario.[2]

1925 Census: West Bloomfield, Ontario
Name Age Relation Sex Birth Date Birth Place
George Edward Rouse (1887-1941) 39 Head M abt 1886 USA
Ethel May (Freeman) Rouse (1893-1947) 32 Wife F abt 1893 USA
Kenneth George Rouse (1913-1950) 13 Son M abt 1912 USA
Marie Elizabeth (Rouse) Wilson (1915-2004) 10 Daughter F abt 1915 USA
Mildred Mae (Rouse) Vandermolen (abt.1929-2010) 4 Daughter F abt 1921 USA
William Rouse (1920-1952) 6 Son M abt 1919 USA
Russell Richard (Rouse) Moore (1923-1997) 2 Son M abt 1923 USA
William Rouse (1860-1935) 60 Father M abt 1865 USA
  • Russell was adopted by Joe and Lucy Moore.

In the 1930 census William (age 67), Farmer, was the widowed father of George Rouse in West Bloomfield, Ontario, New York, United States.[3]

1930 United States Federal Census: West Bloomfield, Ontario, New York, USA
Name Sex Race Age Status Relation Occupation Birth Place
George Edward Rouse (1887-1941) M White 45 Married Head Farmer New York
Ethel May (Freeman) Rouse (1893-1947) F White 37 Married Wife New York
Mildred Mae (Rouse) Vandermolen (abt.1929-2010) F White 1 Single Daughter New York
William Rouse (1860-1935) M White 67 Widowed Father Farmer New York
  • William died in 1935.

In the 1940 census George (age 58), Farmer, was the married head of household in West Bloomfield, Ontario, New York.[4]

1940 United States Federal Census: West Bloomfield, Ontario, New York
Name Sex Race Age Status Relation Occupation Birth Place
'George Edward Rouse (1887-1941) M White 58 Married Head Farmer New York
Ethel May (Freeman) Rouse (1893-1947) F White 49 Married Wife New York
Ernest Booth M White 59 Widowed Lodger Farm Laborer New York

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