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Georgia Plantations

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Georgia, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Black_Heritage Plantations Slavery
This page has been accessed 983 times.

US Black Heritage Project

US Black Heritage Project Georgia Team

Index of US Plantations

If you would like to add a plantation to this index please email the profile manager.

Instructions for placing plantations on this page:

Under Construction - If your plantation page needs work or is partially complete place it under this heading.

Profiles Needed - If the plantation has names but the profiles are not yet completed then place it under this heading.

Do Not Count - If you have created an index or holding page for multiple plantations you are working on that were owned by the same person, please place your holding page under this heading.

Please place each plantation in alphabetical order.


Georgia Plantations

  1. Allen Lawrence Plantation, Putnam County, Georgia
  2. Alex Scott's Plantation, Camden County, Georgia,
  3. Benceville Plantation, Camden County, Georgia, owned by John Lewis Kale Holzendorf (1775-1861), then Lewis Anderson Holzendorf (1817-1879)
  4. Benjamin A Gates Home Place Plantation, Meriwether County, Georgia
  5. Berne Plantation, Camden County, Georgia, owned by John Lewis Kale Holzendorf (1775-1861), then Alexander Lafayette Holzendorf (1808-1887)
  6. B K Gates Plantation, Meriwether County, Georgia
  7. Black Hammock Plantation, Camden County, Georgia, owned by Nathan Atkinson (1758-1817), then Alexander Atkinson (1796-1840)
  8. Boggy Swamp Plantation, Camden County, Georgia, owned by Alexander Atkinson (1796-1840)
  9. Bourbon Plantation, Camden County, Georgia, owned by Nathan Atkinson (1758-1817), then John Franklin Atkinson (abt.1735-1808)
  10. Brewton Hill Plantation, in Chatham County, Georgia, owned by Robert Habersham, see Slaves of Robert Habersham
  11. Catalpa Plantation, Coweta, Georgia
  12. Causton’s Bluff Plantation, in Chatham County, Georgia, owned by Robert Habersham
  13. Deptford Plantation, in Chatham County, Georgia, owned by Robert Habersham (see: Slaves of Robert Habersham)
  14. Edwards Plantation in Oglethorpe County owned by Mordecai Edwards
  15. Ellison Plantation in Burke County owned by Robert Franklin Ellison
  16. Heardmont Farm in Wilkes; owner: Stephen Heard includes Slaves of Elizabeth Darden Heard
  17. Hermitage Plantation, Chatham County, Georgia, Owner Henry McAlpin
  18. Lower Turkey Creek Plantation Laurens County, owned by George Michael McIntosh Troup
  19. McWhorter Plantation, Greene in Greene County owned by Robert McWhorter
  20. McWhorter Plantation, Oglethorpe in Oglethorpe owned by James Hamilton McWhorter
  21. Silk Hope Plantation, in Bryan County, Georgia, owned by Thomas Savage III then wife Mary Elliott (Butler) Savage
  22. The Point Plantation in Chatham County owned by Thomas Savage IV
  23. Singleton Plantation and Mines in Lumpkin County owned by Joseph J Singleton
  24. Rock Mill Plantation in Warren, Georgia, owned by Jonas Shivers, then son William Shivers
  25. Slaves of John G. Wilhite, in Madison County, Georgia, owned by John G Wilhite
  26. The Strozier Plantations in Meriwether Co, GA, owned by Reuben Strozier
  27. Thomas Crossroads Plantation, Laurens County, Georgia
  28. Valdosta Plantation, Laurens County, Georgia

Needs Profiles (854 profiles need to be created - 3/5/2023) When a plantation is complete, please remove the count. Slaves of pages are listed but don't count in the plantation totals.

  1. Mullberry Hill Plantation Bryan county, GA Owner: Richard James Arnold, Sr. (+/- 65 profiles need to be created)
  2. White Hall Plantation, Bryan County, Georgia Owner: Richard James Arnold Sr (89+/- profiles need to be created)
  3. Enslaved of Catlett Campbell of Meriwether Co, GA (3 profiles needed - or less. some without names)
  4. Elizafield Plantation in Glynn Co, GA owned by Hugh Fraser Grant (+/- 435 profiles need to be created)
  5. Dungeness Plantation, Camden County, Georgia owned by Catharine Miller, Louisa Catharine Shaw, Phineas M Nightingale (about 136 profiles needed)
  6. Slaves of Joseph Habersham of Chatham Co, GA (44 profiles needed)
  7. Granite Hill Plantation in Hancock County owned by Andrew Jackson Lane (27 profiles need creation)
  8. The Village Plantation, Glynn County, Georgia owned by Alexander Campbell Wylly and Margaret (Armstrong) Wylly (43 profiles need to be created)
  9. Woodlawn Plantation, Troup County, Georgia (+/- 68 profiles needed)

Under Construction

  1. Plantations of John Floyd, Georgia (do not count for totals)
  2. Francis John Chapman Plantation, Liberty County, Georgia

Needs Category

Total (39)



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Please update "Georgia Plantations" Georgia Genealogy Trails to
posted by Dot (Davis) Tribble
The website link has been updated.Thank you, Dot!
posted by Gina (Pocock) Jarvi