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Surnames/tags: glossary translation
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This is a German-English glossary for genealogical terms developed by Dieter Lewerenz. It is a work-in-progress and will be expanded. It primarily serves English-speaking users of WikiTree to better understand German terms in old German documents such as church records, wills, civil registers etc.
Suggestions for improvements and additions of specific terms are welcome: please post a comment below and they will be added.
Click this link for information on and tips and tricks for deciphering old scripts: Germany Project Resources: Writing, Language and Translation Resources
Deutscher Begriff (auch Kirchenlatein aus Kirchenbüchern) | English term (including Latin terms which are used in parish records) |
Abbauer | farmer on a section split off from the original farm, perhaps a later-born son |
Abdecker | knacker, knackermann |
Abend | evening |
Abendmahlsgast | communicant |
abends | in the evening |
Abenteurer | adventurer, jewel trader |
Abnahmemann | retired farmer living on a life estate |
Abschiedsmann | retired farmer living on a life estate |
Abt | abbot |
Äbtissin | abbess |
Abzehrung | emaciation, wasting |
Achtelbauer | farmer who owns / leases 1/8 of a standard-sized farm |
Achtelhufner, Achtelhüfner, 1/8-Hufner | farmer who owns / leases 1/8 of a standard-sized farm |
Achtermann | farmer on a farm which is placed on the land of another farm |
Ackerbauer | farmer |
Ackerbürger | farmer |
Ackerer | farmer |
Ackerknecht | farmhand |
Ackersmann | farmer |
Ackerwirt | farmer |
Adel | aristocracy, nobility |
adoptiert | adopted |
Adulescens | adolescent (mostly younger then 18/20 years old, but not married before) |
Ahnen | ancestors |
Ahneneltern | great(*11)grandparents |
Ahnengroßeltern | great(*12)grandparents |
Ahnenurgroßeltern | great(*13)grandparents |
Altbauer | old, established farmer, possibly retired |
Alteltern | great-great-grandparents |
Altenteiler | retired farmer |
Altenteilerin | retired farmer's wife |
Altgroßeltern | great-great-great-grandparents |
Althufner, Althüfner | retired farmer |
Altsitzer | retired farmer |
Alturgroßeltern | great(*4)grandparents |
Amme | wet nurse |
Amita | sister of the father |
Amman, Amtmann | bailiff, magistrate |
Amt | office, bureau |
Amt | collective municipality (administrative unit between the municipalities and the rural districts) |
Amtsbezirk | rural district, county |
amtsfreie Gemeinde | independent municipality |
Amtshauptmannschaft | rural district, county |
Amtsmeier | farmer with a large estate and special rights |
Anbauer | farmer of a very small farm |
angeheiratet | related by marriage (stepson, stepdaughter), in-law |
Angestellter | white-collar worker |
Anmerkungen | remarks |
Anspänner | farmer of a standard-sized farm who has to do soccage for the landlord |
April | april |
Aprilis | april |
Arbeiter | labourer, worker |
Archiv | archive |
Aröder | new settler on a farmland belonging to an estate |
Artmann | farmer |
Artmeier | farmer |
Arzt | physician, doctor |
Aschenbrenner | ash burner |
Auenhäusler | cottager, free villager with a small house, garden, and some livestock |
Aufenthaltserlaubnis | residence permit |
Aufenthaltsort | residence |
Augfgebot | marriage banns |
August | August |
Augustus, Augusti | August |
Ausdinger | retired farmer |
Ausrufer | bellman, town crier |
Ausscheller | bellman, town crier |
Auswanderung | emigration |
Auszehrung | consumption or emaciation (especially from TB) |
Auszügler | retired farmer |
Auxiliarbischof | auxiliary bishop |
Avunculus | brother of mother |
Bäcker | baker |
Bad | spa |
Bader | barber surgeon |
Band | volume |
Bandbereiter | trimming-maker |
Bandnäher | trimming-maker |
Bankert | Bastard, illigitmate child |
Baptist | baptist |
Barber | shaver, barber, barber surgeon |
Baron | baron |
Base | cousin (female) |
Bastard | bastard, illigitmate child |
Bauer | peasant, farmer |
Bäuerle, Bauerli | peasant, farmer |
Bauernknecht | farmhand |
Bauknecht | farmhand |
Baumann | farmer, can also be a builder |
Beamter | civil servant |
beerdigt, bestattet, begraben | buried |
Beerdigung | burial, funeral |
Begräbnis | burial |
Behandinge | feudal tenure |
Beibauer | farmer on a new farm, officially recognized, but with few privileges |
Beichte | confession |
Beisasse | landless renter without citizen rights in the community |
Beiwohner | rental inhabitant without citizenship |
Bekehrung | conversion |
Bemerkung | remark |
Bergmann | miner |
Bergäscher | ore dresser |
Beruf | occupation, profession |
Besatzmacher | trimming-maker |
Beständer | farmer on a small farm |
Bestanderlasser | landlord let out a small farm |
Bestandwirt | farmer leasing farm land |
Bestattung | burial |
Bettler | beggar |
Bevölkerungsregister | population register |
Bezirk, Regierungsbezirk | governmental district (administrative district between state and rural/urban district) |
Bezirk, Stadtbezirk | borough |
Bezirksamt | office or bureau of an administrative district or a borough |
Bezirksamt | rural district, county |
Bierbrauer | brewer |
Biografie | biography |
Bischof | bishop |
Bistum | diocese |
Blattern | smallpox |
Blühmond, Bleuet | May |
Bödener | cottager with a small house and a garden of his own, perhaps some livestock |
Bolsmann, Bohlsmann | farmer with a standard-sized farm |
Bootsführer | boatman |
Bootsmann | bargeman, bosun |
Bortenwirker | trimming-maker |
Böttcher | cooper, barrel maker |
Brachmond, Brachmonat | June |
Brämelmacher | trimming-maker |
Brauer | brewer |
Bräune | diphtheria |
Braut | bride |
Bräutigam | groom |
Breiser (Breisler) | trimming-maker |
Brinker | cottager, his property situated on a grassy hill (Brink) on the outskirts |
Brinkkötter | cottager, his property situated on a grassy hill (Brink) on the outskirts |
Brinklieger | cottager, his property situated on a grassy hill (Brink) on the outskirts |
Brinkmann | cottager, his property situated on a grassy hill (Brink) on the outskirts |
Brinksitzer | cottager, his property situated on a grassy hill (Brink) on the outskirts |
Bruder | brother |
Bruder, Ordensbruder | brother, friar |
Bub | boy |
Buch | book |
Büdner | cottager with a small house and a garden of his own, perhaps some livestock |
Buhmann, Bumann | farmer |
Bundesland | state |
Burg | castle, fortress |
Bürger | burgher, citizen, citizens |
Bürgerbuch | citizen register |
Bürgermeister | mayor |
Buschpächter | tenant farmer who clears the land prior cultivating it |
Chalupner | small-scale farmer |
Chirurg | surgeon |
Christmond, Christmonat | December |
Commis | clerk, assistant or commercial employee |
Copulation | marriage |
copuliert | married |
Cousin/Cousine | cousin (male/female) |
Cribrarius | sieve maker |
Dachdecker | roofer |
daselbst | residing in this place, there, the previously mentioned place |
Datum | date |
December (10ber, 10br., Xber, Xbr.) | December |
Decembris (10bris, 10br., Xbris, Xbr.) | December |
Deern | girl |
Dekanat | deanery, decante |
Departement | department |
derselbe | the same |
Dezember | December |
Diakon | deacon |
Diener | servant |
Dienst | service, employment |
Dienstag | Tuesday |
Dienstmagd | maid, handmaid, serving maid, female servant |
Distrikt | district |
Domäne | domain |
Donnerstag | Thursday |
Doppelhufner, Doppelhüfner | farmer who farmer who owns / leases two standard-sized farms |
Dorf | village |
Dotale, Dotalbauer | farmer who leases church-income property |
Dote, Dote {m.}, Dotin, Dota {f.} | godparent, godfather {m}, godmother {f.} |
Drilling, Drillinge | triplet, triplets |
Dritter Herbstmond | November |
Duplikat | duplicate record |
Durchfall | diarrhea |
Dustermond | December |
ebenda | at the same place |
Ehe | marriage |
Ehebrecher | adulterer |
Ehebruch | adultery |
Ehefrau | wife |
Ehegatte | spouse |
Ehegaumer | person who has to watch about religion, morals and order |
Ehehindernis | hinderance to marriage |
eheleiblich | legitimate |
Eheleute | married couple |
ehelich (ehel.) | legitimate |
eheliches Kind (Sohn / Tochter) | legitimate child (son / daughter) |
ehemals | formerly |
Ehemann | husband |
Ehepaar | married couple |
Ehepartner | spouse |
Ehescheidung / Ehescheidungsklage | divorce / petition for divorce |
Eheschließung | marriage |
Ehestand | marital status, wedlock |
Eheverkündigungen | marriage banns, proclamation |
Eheversprechen, Eheverspruch | betrothal, engagement, promise of marriage |
Eidam | son-in-law |
Eigengärtner | cottager with a small house and a garden of his own, perhaps some livestock |
Eigenkäthner | cottager with a small house and a garden of his own, perhaps some livestock |
Eigenkötter | cottager with a small house and a garden of his own, perhaps some livestock |
Eigentümer | proprietor, property owner |
Einbürgerung | naturalization |
Einheitsgemeinde | independent municipality |
Einlieger | landless farm laborer |
Einmacherin | woman who washed and dressed deceased; she also informed the relevant authorities about the death of the person |
Einsender | informant, declarant |
Einspänner | farmer with one horse |
Einwanderer | immigrant |
Einwanderung | immigration |
Einwilligung | permission |
Einwohner | inhabitant |
einzige | only |
Eisenbahn | railroad |
Eismond | January |
Eiterbeule | abscess |
ejusdem (ejd) | at the same date |
Eltern | parents |
Enkel | grandson |
Enkelin | granddaughter |
Enkelkind | grandchild |
eodem (eod.) (die, mense, anno) | at the same day, month, year |
Epilepsie | epilepsy |
Erbbauer | farmer on a standard-sized farm with inherited lease rights |
Erben, Erbe {m.}, Erbin {f.} | heirs |
Erbpächter | farmer with a hereditary land lease |
Erbschaft, Erbe | inheritance |
erhalten | received, receive |
Erlassung | dispensation, permission |
Ermächtigung | authorization |
Erntemond, Erntemonat, Ernting | August |
erschien | appeared |
Erster Herbstmond, Herbstmonat | September |
erstgeboren | firstborn |
ertrank, ertrunken | drowned |
Erzahnen-Großeltern | great(*21)grandparents |
Erzahnen-Urgroßeltern | great(*22)grandparents |
Erzahneneltern | great(*20)grandparents |
Erzbischof | archbishop |
Erzdiakon | archdeacon |
Erzeltern | great(*17)grandparents |
erzeugen | beget |
Erzgroßeltern | great(*18)grandparents |
Erzpriester | archpriest |
Erzurgroßeltern | great(*19)grandparents |
evangelisch | Protestant, Lutheran |
Exner | poor framer who used oxen |
Fabrikant | manufacturer |
Fallkind | illegitimate child |
Familie | family |
Familienbuch | family register |
Familienforschung | genealogical research |
Familienname | family name, last name, surname |
Familienregister | family register |
Färber | dyer |
Faßbinder | cooper, barrel maker |
Fäule | cancer |
Fayencenhändler | porcelain merchant |
Februar | February |
Februarius, Februarii (auch:-ij, -y, -ÿ) | February |
Fehlgeburt | miscarriage |
Feldscher | army surgeon, barber surgeon |
Festtag | feast day, festival day, holy day |
Festung | fortress |
Feuerstättler | cottager (whose dwelling has a fireplace) |
Fieber | fever |
Findling | foundling |
Firmung | religous confirmation |
Fischer | fisher |
Flecken | hamlet, also measles or spots or as part of the place name also larger village with marketplace (marketrights) |
Fleckfieber | spotted fever, typhus |
Fleischer | butcher |
Fleischhauer | butcher |
Flüchtling | refugee, deserter |
Fluß | river |
Forst | forest |
Förster | forester |
Fourier | quartermaster |
Fraisen | convulsions, epilepsy, seizures, spasms |
Frau | Mrs., wife, woman |
Fräulein | Miss, unmarried woman |
Freibauer | free farmer with only small rent payments |
Freigärtner | free farmer |
Freiherr | baron |
Freistaat | free state (today name of some "Bundesländer", in former times state within Germany without monarch |
Freitag | Friday |
fremd | foreign, strange |
Freund | friend |
Friedhof | cemetery |
Fröhner | subject performing unpaid labor (soccage) for the lord of the land (as part of the taxation system) |
Fruchtmonat | September |
früh | early (a.m.) |
Frühlingsmond, Frühlingsmonat | March |
Fürst | prince, count |
Fürstbischof | prince bishop |
Fürstentum | principality |
Ganzlechner, Ganzlehner | farmer who leases a standard-sized farm |
Gärtner | farmer |
Gärtner | gardener |
Gastwirt | innkeeper |
Gatte | husband |
Gattin | wife |
Gebiet | region, area, zone |
geboren (geb.) | born |
Gebühren | fees |
Geburt | birth |
Geburtsort | place of birth |
Geburtsschein | birth certificate |
Geburtsurkunde | birth certificate |
Geistlicher | clergyman, cleric |
Gelbgießer | brass founder |
Gelbsucht | jaundice |
Geld | money |
Gemahl | spouse |
Gemahl {m.}, Gemahlin {f.} | husband, wife |
Gemeinde | municipality, town, community, |
Gemeinde, Kirchengemeinde | parish |
Gemeindemann | village official, village resident |
Gemeindeverwaltungsverband | municipal association |
Gemeindsmann | citizen with full rights |
gemelli | twins |
genannt | named, alias, called |
Genealogie | genealogy |
Gerber | tanner |
Gericht | court |
Gerichtsmann | juryman |
Gerichtsschreiber | court clerk |
Gerichtsverwandter | member of the judicial court |
Geschichte | history |
geschieden (gesch.) | divorced /div. |
Geschlecht | gender, sex, lineage |
Geschlechterbücher | lineage books |
Geschlechtsname | surname |
Geschwister | siblings |
Geschwulst | swelling, tumor |
Geselle | journeyman, fellow of the guild, fellow guild member |
Gesellschaft | society, group |
Gesetz | law |
gesetzlich | legal |
Gesinde | male or female servants (in husbandry), (farm)hands |
gestern | yesterday |
gestorben (gest.) | died |
getauft (get.) | christened, baptized, baptised |
getraut (getr.) | married |
Gevatter, Gevatter {m.}, Gevatterin {f.} | godparent, godfather, godmother |
Gewerbe | trade, occupation |
Gicht | gout, arthritis |
Gilbhart | October |
Gilde | guild |
Glaube | belief, faith |
Glauben | religious affiliation |
Goldschmied | goldsmith, jeweller |
Gorler | trimming-maker |
Gorlnäher | trimming-maker |
Gote, Gote {m.}, Gotin, Gota {f.} | godparent, godfather {m}, godmother {f.} |
Grafschaft | county |
Grasmond | April |
Greis | old man, geriatric |
Greisin | aged woman, old woman |
Grenze | border |
Grenzaufseher | border guard |
Grenzkontolleur | border inspector |
Großeltern | grandparents |
Großerzbischof | major archbishop |
Großmutter | grandmother |
Großvater | grandfather |
Grundbuch | land register |
Gürtelwirker | trimming-maker |
Gürtler | maker of straps and belts |
Gut | property, estate |
Gutsbezirk | estate district |
Gutsdistrikt, Güterdistrikt | district of several estates |
Häker | small farmer who must perform unpaid labor for the landlord as part of his obligations |
Halbbauer | farmer who owns / leases half of a standard-sized farm |
Halbhufner, Halbhüfner | farmer who owns / leases half of a standard-sized farm |
Halbkätner | cottager with half a cottage and a garden of his own, perhaps some livestock |
Halblechner, Halblehner | farmer who leases half of a standard-sized farm |
Halbmeier | farmer who owns / leases half of a standard-sized farm |
Händler | trader, merchant, peddler |
Hartmonat, Hartung | January |
Hausfrau | wife |
Häusler | cottager with a small house and a garden of his own, perhaps some livestock |
Hausmädchen | housemaid |
Hauswirt | house owner |
Hebamme | midwife |
Heiligenmonat | December |
Heilquelle | spa, healing spring |
Heimat | home, native place, homeland |
Heimatort | home town, home village, place of origin |
Heimatschein | domicile or residency certificate |
Heimbürgin | woman who washed and dressed deceased; she also informed the relevant authorities about the death of the person |
Heirat | wedding |
Heiratsantrag | marriage proposal |
Heiratskontrakt | prenup |
Heiratsprotokolle | marriage records |
Heiratsschein | marriage certificate |
Hektar | hectare (10,000 square meters or 2.47 U.S. acres) |
Helfer | a helper, but in East Prussia a worker in a malt brewery |
Heraldik | heraldry |
Herkunftsort | place of origin |
Herr | Mister, Lord, lord |
Herrschaft | dominion |
Herzog | duke |
Herzogtum | duchy |
Heuerling | day laborer, dayworker, hireling |
Heumond, Heumonat, Heuet | July |
heute | today |
hiesiger Ort | this place |
Hinterbliebene | surviving dependants |
hinterlassen | two meanings: is "being survived by" and "to bequeath" |
Hintersasse, Hintersättler, Hintersiedler | cottager with a small house and a garden of his own, perhaps some livestock; in the Middle Ages also used for peasants dependent on the landlord |
Hirte | herdsman |
Hitzemonat | August |
hitziges Fieber | burning fever, high fever |
Hochzeit | wedding |
Hof | courtyard, farm, yard, estate |
Hofer | farmer |
Hofgänger | farmhand |
Hofmann | farmer |
Hofprediger | court chaplain |
Hofstädtler | farmer |
Hofwirth | farmer |
Höker | merchant, shopkeeper |
Holländer | Dutchman, dairykeeper |
Holzmond, Holzmonat, Holzing | September |
Hoppenplöcker | farmer who is obligated to do “hand service” |
Hornung | February |
Hortulanus | farmer |
Huber | farmer |
Hübler | farmer, expression comes from “Hube” |
Hufner, Hüfner | farmer who owns / leases a farm from which he and his family can live (standard-sized farm ) |
Hufschmied | blacksmith |
Hügel | hill |
Hurkind | Bastard, illigitmate child |
Hüttenmann | Worker or employee in a metallurgical plant |
Hüttler, Hitler | cottager |
Inlieger | farmhand with a room in the farmer‘s house without own property |
Innung | guild |
Inste, Instmann | farmhand with a room in the farmer‘s house without own property |
Interimswirt | becomes farmer by marrying the widow of a farmer or the heiress of a farm |
Jäger | hunter, rifleman in the military |
Jahr | year |
Jahrestag | anniversary |
Jahreszeit | season |
Jahrhundert | century |
jährlich | annual, yearly |
Jahrzehnt | decade |
Jänner, Jenner | January |
Januar | January |
Januarius/ Ianuarius, Januarii/ Iannuarii (auch:-ij, -y, -ÿ) | January |
Johannismond | June |
Jude, jüdisch | Jewish |
Juli | July |
Julius/ Iulius, Julii/ Iulii (auch: -ij, -y, -ÿ) | July |
Julmond | December |
Junge | boy |
Jungfrau, Jungfer | virgin (not married before), maiden |
Junggeselle | bachelor, celibate (not married before) |
Juni | June |
Junius/ Iunius, Junii/ Iunii (auch: -ij, -y, -ÿ) | June |
Juvenis | bachelor, celibate (mostly between 18 and 45 years old, but not married before) |
Kammerfrau | lady-in-waiting |
Kampheuerling | tenant of a farm belonging to the nobility |
Kanton | canton |
Kantor | cantor, reader |
Kaplan | chaplain |
Kardinal | cardinal |
Karpe | carpenter |
Karrer | carter |
Karte | map |
Kartei | card index |
Katholik, katholisch | Catholic |
Kätner, Käthner, Köthner | cottager with a small house and a garden of his own, perhaps some livestock |
Kaufmann | merchant, shopkeeper |
Keller | cellar, basement |
Kellerer | (wine) steward, cellarer |
Kellner | waiter, receiver of revenues, steward |
Kessler | kettlemaker |
Keuchhusten | whooping cough |
Kiefer | cooper, barrel maker |
Kind, Kinder | child, children |
Kindbetterin | woman in or shortly after childbirth |
Kindbettfieber | childbed fever |
Kindermutter | midwife |
Kirchdotale | farmer who leases church-income property |
Kirche | church |
Kirchenältester | churchwarden, church elder, vestryman |
Kirchenbuch | church record |
Kirchengemeinde, Kirchspiel, Pfarrei, Kirchsprengel | parish |
Kirchenkreis | pchurch district |
Kirchenpfleger | churchwarden |
Kirchenrat | member of a church council |
Kirchenrodel | parish register |
Kirchenvorsteher | churchwarden |
Kitzmann | rents from a farmer |
Knabe | boy |
Knecht | farm hand, farm labourer, servant |
Knöpfelmacher | trimming-maker |
Kölmer | farmer who is "half free" |
Kolon | farmer on a farm with hereditary tithe |
Kolonist | new settler in the area; most, but not all were farmers; colonist |
Kolupner | small-scale farmer |
Kommis | clerk, assistant or commercial employee |
Kommunikant | communicant |
Kommunion | communion |
Konditor | confectioner |
Konfirmation | religous confirmation |
König | king |
königlich | royal |
Königreich | kingdom |
Kossate, Kossäth | cottager with a small house and a garden of his own, perhaps some livestock |
Köter, Kötter | cottager with a small house and a garden of his own, perhaps some livestock |
Kotsass, Kotasse | cottager with a small house and a garden of his own, perhaps some livestock |
Krämer | grocer, small retailer |
Krämpfe | cramps, convulsions |
Krankheit | disease, sickness |
Krebs | cancer |
Kreis, Landkreis | rural district, county |
kreisfreie Gemeinde | district-free municipality |
kreisfreie Stadt | district-free town, urban district |
Krieg | war |
Kröger, Krogmann | innkeeper |
Küfer | cooper, barrel maker |
Kuhhirte | cowherd |
Kupferschmied | coppersmith |
Kurort | spa (town), health resort |
Kusin {m.} / Kusine {f.} | cousin (male/female) |
Kutscher | coachman |
Land | land, country |
Landarbeiter | farmhand |
Landdrostei | governmental district |
Landgemeinde | municipality, rural municipality (as a distinction from an urban municipality) |
Landkarte | map |
Landkreis | rural district, county |
Landmann | farmer |
Landratsbezirk | comparabale with a collective municipality (administrative unit between the municipalities and the rural districts) |
Landsknecht | lansquenet, mercenary |
Landschaftsverband | area association |
Landwirt | farmer |
Launing | April |
ledig | single, unmarried |
legitimiert | made legitimate, legitimized |
Lehner | farmer who leases a farm |
Lehrer | teacher |
Lehrling | apprentice |
Leiche | corpse, body |
Leichenfrau | woman who washed and dressed deceased; she also informed the relevant authorities about the death of the person |
Leichenpredigt | funeral sermon |
Leichenwäscherin | woman who washed and dressed deceased; she also informed the relevant authorities about the death of the person |
Leinenweber | linen weaver |
Leichenweib | woman who washed and dressed deceased; she also informed the relevant authorities about the death of the person |
Lenzmond, Lenzmonat, Lenzing | March |
letzte Ölung | last rites, extreme unction |
letzte Salbung | last rites, extreme unction |
letzter Wille | last will |
letzter Wintermonat | February |
Lichtfrau | woman who washed and dressed deceased; she also informed the relevant authorities about the death of the person |
Lichtjungfer | woman who washed and dressed deceased; she also informed the relevant authorities about the death of the person |
Lichtmutter | woman who washed and dressed deceased; she also informed the relevant authorities about the death of the person |
Limbolarius | trimming-maker |
Lungenentzündung | pneumonia |
Lungenschwindsucht | consumption, tuberculosis |
Lutheraner, lutherisch | Lutheran |
Mädchen | girl, maiden |
Mädel | girl |
Magd | female helper on a farm, maiden, maid, servant girl |
Mägdlein | young maid, young girl |
Mai | May |
Majus/ Maius, Maji/ Maii (auch: -ij, -y, -ÿ) | May |
Maler | painter |
Mama | mother |
Markt | market |
Markt, Marktflecken | larger village with market place (market rights) |
Martius, Martii (auch: -ij, -y, -ÿ) | March |
März | March |
Masern | measles |
Mater | mother |
Matertera | sister of the mother |
Matrikel | register |
Maurer | mason, bricklayer |
Meier | farmer, farm overseer, manager |
Meister, -meister | master |
Mennoniten | Mennonites |
Metropolit | metropolitan bishop |
Metzger | butcher |
Militär | military |
Mittag | noon |
mittags | at noon |
Mitternacht | midnight |
mitternachts | at midnight |
Mittwoch | Wednesday |
Mönch | monk |
Monat | month |
Montag | Monday |
morgen | tomorrow |
Morgen | morning |
morgens | in the morning |
Mühle | mill |
Muhme, Möhne | sister of the mother |
Mullnäher | cheesecloth (gauze) stitcher (sewer) |
Mutter | mother |
mütterlicherseits | maternal |
N.N. / NN = nomen nescio | name not known |
Nachbar | neighbor |
Nachbarschaft | neighborhood |
nachgeboren (posthum) | posthumous |
nachgelassen | surviving |
Nachlass | estate, inheritance |
nachmittags | in the afternoon |
Nachname | last name, surname |
Nacht | night |
nachts | at night |
Näherin | seamstress |
Name | name |
natürliches Kind | Bastard, illigitmate child |
natus, nata (nat.) | born |
Nebelung | November |
Nebenfrau | concubine |
Nervenfieber | nervous fever |
noch lebend(e) | still living |
Nonne | nun |
Notizen | note, memorandum |
Nottaufe | emergency baptism |
November | November |
November (9ber, 9br., IXber, IXbr.) | November |
Novembris (9bris, 9br., IXbris, IXbr.) | November |
Nummer | number |
Oberamt | rural district, county |
Obereltern | great(*5)grandparents |
Obergroßeltern | great(*6)grandparents |
Oberin | matron |
Oberurgroßeltern | great(*7)grandparents |
Ochsner | poor farmer who used oxen |
October (8ber, 8br., VIIIber, VIIIbr.), | October |
October (8bris, 8br., VIIIbris, VIIIbr.) | October |
Oheim | brother of the mother |
Ökonom | farmer |
Oktober | October |
Oma | grandmother |
Onkel | uncle, brother of the father |
Opa | grandfather |
Ordensbruder | brother, friar |
Ordensschwester, Ordensfrau | nun |
Ort, Ortschaft | location, place, village |
Ortsamt | local office in a town/city |
Ortsbezirk | local district (part of a municipality) |
Ortsgemeinde | municipality |
Ortsteil | local district, part/district of a municipality, part of a town/city district, suburb, township |
Ostermond, Ostermonat | April |
Pachtbauer | farmer who leases his land (often an inheritable lease) |
Pächter | leaseholder |
Päger | farmer who ploughs with horses |
Papa | father |
Papst | pope |
Parentes | parents |
Pastor | pastor, reverend |
Pate, Pate {m.}, Patin {f.} | godparent, godfather {m}, godmother {f.} |
Pater | father, pater |
Patriarch | patriarch |
Patruus | brother of father |
Pest | plague |
Pfarramt | parish office |
Pfarrbuch | parish register |
Pfarrdotale | farmer who leases church-income property |
Pfarrei | parish |
Pfarrer | pastor, reverend |
Pfingsten | Pentecost |
Pflasterer | paver, paviour |
Pflegekind | foster child |
Pflegesohn | foster son |
Pflegetochter | foster daughter |
Pocharbeiter | halvaner; a halvaner is a miner who dresses or washes halvan-ore |
Pochsteiger | foreman in a stamp mill or stamp battery |
Pocken | pox, smallpox |
Posamentierer (Posamenter) | trimming-maker |
Pottaschbrenner | potash burner |
Prediger | preacher |
Priester | priest, reverend, prebyter |
Primas | primate |
Prinz | prince |
Prinzessin | princess |
Prior | prior |
Priorin | prioress |
Privatbeamter | white-collar worker |
Probst | provost |
Probstei | church district |
Proclamation | marriage banns, proclamation |
Protestant, protestantisch | Protestant |
Provinz | province |
Puella | daughter, girl |
Quastenmacher | trimming-maker |
Rabbiner | rabbi |
Räbbe | rabies |
Räcke | stiffness of the limbs |
Racker | renderer |
Rademacher, Radmacher | wheelwright |
Radhauer | wheelwright |
Rathaus | city hall |
Ratsherr | alderman |
Ratsmann | councilman, town councilor |
Rebmonat | February |
Rechnung | account, bill |
Rechtsanwalt | lawyer |
reformiert, Reformierter | Reformed, Calvinist |
Regierungsbezirk | governmental district (administrative district between state and rural/urban district) |
Region | region |
Regionalverband | district association |
Register | index, register (a book or list) |
Reich | empire, kingdom |
Reifer | ropemaker, rope merchant |
Reiter | rider, cavalryman |
relictus, relicta (rel., Rx) | widower, widow |
renatus, renata (ren.) | baptized, christened |
Rentner | retired person |
Rheuma | rheumatism |
Richter | judge |
Robotgärtner | unfree farmer / farm laborer |
Rodel | register |
Röseler | whitewasher |
Rössler | horseman, tanner |
Rössner | farmer who ploughed with horses |
Röt | measles, bloody diarrhea |
Rotgerber | red tanner |
Rufname | first name, given name |
Ruhestand | retirement |
Ruhr | dysentery |
Rusticus | farmer |
Sackhuhn | sailmaker |
Säger | sawyer |
Salbung | anointing |
Salzmesser | a salt weigher |
Salzvogt | salt works overseer |
Samstag | Saturday |
Samtgemeinde | collective municipality (administrative unit between the municipalities and the rural districts) |
Sarkhauer | stonemason |
Satertag | Saturday |
Sattler | saddler, leather worker |
Schacherer | peddler |
Schäfer | shepherd |
Schaffer | worker, laborer, administrator |
Schaffmann | worker |
Schaffner | conductor |
Schäfler | cooper |
Schalck, Schall | servant |
Scharknecht | farmhand |
Scharlach, Scharlachfieber | scarlet fever |
Scharnemann | merchant in a market |
Scharrmacher | wagon builder |
Scharwerker | day laborer on a farm |
Schatter, Schattmann | tax assessor |
Schatzmann | moneychanger, treasurer |
Schatzmeister | treasurer |
Scheibenreisser | glazier |
Scheibler | salt carrier |
scheiden, sich scheiden lassen | to divorce, to get divorced |
Scheidler | knife-blade maker |
Schein | certificate |
Schenkungen | donations |
Schenkwirth | innkeeper |
Scherer | barber, beardcutter, cloth cutter |
Schichtmeister | mine paymaster |
Schiffbauer | shipbuilder |
Schiffer | shipper, seaman |
Schiffmann | sailor |
Schiffsmakler | shipbroker, shipping agent |
Schilderer | sign painter |
Schindeldecker | roofer of shingle roofs |
Schindelmacher | shingle maker |
Schinner | renderer, skinner |
Schirmmacher | umbrella maker |
Schirrmacher | wagon maker |
Schirrmeister | master wagon maker |
Schlachter, Schlächter | butcher |
Schlachtmann | butcher |
Schlachtmond | November |
Schlachtwanter | clothing wholesaler |
Schlafbaas | innkeeper |
Schlaganfall | stroke, seizure |
Schlagfluss | stroke |
Schleiermacher | trimming-maker |
Schlieper | knifemaker, cutler |
Schlieter | merchant |
Schloss | castle |
Schlosser | locksmith |
Schlotfeger | chimney sweep |
Schlotthauer | locksmith |
Schmied | smith, blacksmith |
Schneider | tailor |
Schnitzer, Schnitzler | woodcarver |
Schnur | daughter-in-law |
Schnürmacher | trimming-maker |
Schopper | ship's carpenter |
Schornsteinfeger | chimney sweep |
Schösser | tax collector |
Schosserheber | tax collector |
Schotte | peddler |
Schottilier | turner, carpenter |
Schottler | turner, key maker |
Schreiber | scribe, clerk |
Schreiner | cabinetmaker, joiner, carpenter |
Schriftsetzer | typesetter |
Schroder, Schröder | tailor |
Schröer | tailor |
Schröter | tailor, carter, driver, cooper |
Schubarth, Schuberth, Schubring | shoemaker |
Schuchard, Schucherd, Schuchmann, Schuckert | shoemaker |
Schuhmacher | shoemaker, cobbler |
Schule | school |
Schullehrer, Schulmeister | school teacher |
Schultheiß, Schulze | village mayor, head of town council |
Schüssler | bowl maker |
Schuster | shoemaker, cobbler |
Schuwarte | shoemaker |
Schwäche | weakness |
Schwager | brother-in-law |
Schwägerin | sister-in-law |
Schwaiger | shepherd |
schwanger | pregnant |
schwarzer Tod | black death, plague |
Schwarzgiesser | iron smelter |
Schweinehirt | pigherd |
Schweißer | welder |
Schweizer | dairyman. milker |
Schwendimann | settler on recently burned woodland |
Schwerdtfeger | armorer |
Schwester | sister |
Schwiegermutter | mother-in-law |
Schwiegersohn | son-in-law |
Schwiegertochter | daughter-in-law |
Schwiegervater | father-in-law |
Schwindsucht | consumption |
Schwippschwager | husband of sister-in-law |
Schwippschwägerin | wife of brother-in-law |
Seelenregister | church membership list |
Seelnonne | woman who washed and dressed deceased; she also informed the relevant authorities about the death of the person |
Seelschwester | woman who washed and dressed deceased; she also informed the relevant authorities about the death of the person |
Seelsorger | minister, chaplain |
Seelweib | woman who washed and dressed deceased; she also informed the relevant authorities about the death of the person |
Seemann | sailor |
Segner | fisherman |
Seifensieder | soap maker |
Seigner | fisherman |
Seiler | rope maker |
selig | deceased |
September | September |
September (7ber, 7br., VIIber, VIIbr.) | September |
Septembris (7bris, 7br., VIIbris, VIIbr.) | September |
Setzhufner | temporarily house/property/farm owner |
Setzwirt | temporarily house/property/farm owner |
Sibber | sieve maker |
Sibmacher | sieve maker |
Sieder | soap maker |
Siedler | settler |
Sigrist | sexton |
Silberschmied | silversmith |
Socer | father-in-law |
Socrus | mother-in-law |
Sohn | son |
Söhnlein | young son |
Söhnlein, Söhnchen | young son |
Soldat | soldier |
Söldner | mercenary, day laborer |
Söldner | small farmer, cottager |
Sonnabend | Saturday |
Sonntag | Sunday |
spät | late (p.m.) |
Spengler | plumber, tinsmith |
Sponsa | bride |
Sponsus | groom |
Spuria, spurius (spur.) | illigitmate daughter, son |
Staat | state |
Staatsangehörigkeit | citizenship, nationality |
Staatsarchiv | national archive |
Stadt | city, town |
Stadtbezirk | borough |
Stadtgemeinde | urban municipality |
Stadtkreis | urban district |
Stadtstaat | city-state as a German "Bundesland" |
Stadtteil | city/town district as area of a town, city district as area of a city borough |
Stammbaum | family tree, pedigree |
Stammeltern | great(*8)grandparents |
Stammgroßeltern | great(*9)grandparents |
Stammurgroßeltern | great(*10)grandparents |
Standesamt | civil registry office |
Steinhauer | stonecutter |
Steinleger | paver, paviour |
Steinmetz | stonemason |
Steinsetzer | paver, paviour |
Stellmacher | wheelwright |
Steuer | tax |
Stickfluß | asthma |
Stiefbruder | half brother, stepbrother |
Stiefkind | stepchild |
Stiefmutter | stepmother |
Stiefschwester | half sister, stepsister |
Stiefvater | stepfather |
Straßenkötter | cottager living next to a road |
Stunde | hour |
Sucht | sickness, mania, rage |
Suffraganbischof | suffragan bishop |
Superindend | provost |
Superindendentur | church district |
Tabelle | index, table |
Tag | day |
Tagelöhner, Taglöhner | day laborer |
Tagner | day laborer |
Tante | aunt, sister of the father |
Tapezierer | (wall)paper hanger |
Taufe | baptism, christening |
Taufpate, Taufpate {m.}, Taufpatin {f.} | godparent, godfather {m}, godmother {f.} |
Taufschein | baptismal certificate |
Taufzeuge, Taufzeuge {m.}, Taufzeugin {f.} | godparent, godfather {m.}, godmother {f.} |
Taumond | February |
Tauner | day laborer |
Testament | last will |
Testes | witnesses (godparents) |
Tischler | cabinetmaker, furniture maker |
Tochter | daugther |
Töchterchen, Töchterlein | young daughter |
Tochtermann | son-in-law |
Tod | death |
Töpfer | potter |
Totenfrau | woman who washed and dressed deceased; she also informed the relevant authorities about the death of the person |
Totengräber | grave digger |
Totenweib, Totenweibchen | woman who washed and dressed deceased; she also informed the relevant authorities about the death of the person |
totgeboren | stillborn |
Totgeburt | stillbirth |
Trauhandlung | wedding ceremony |
Trauung | wedding |
Trennung | separation, divorce |
Tressenwirker | trimming-maker |
Tuberkulose | tuberculosis |
Tuchmacher | cloth maker, draper |
Tumor | tumor |
Uhr | o’clock, clock, watch |
Uhrmacher | watchmaker, clockmaker |
unehelich | illegitimate |
ungefähr | about, circa, approximately |
Unterleibsentzündung | abdominal inflammation, peritonitis |
Unterleibstyphus | typhoid fever |
Unterleibsverhärtung | abdomenal hardening |
Unterrichter | judge |
unverheiratet | unmarried |
Urahnen-Eltern | great(*14)grandparents |
Urahnen-Großeltern | great(*15)grandparents |
Urahnen-Urgroßeltern | great(*16)grandparents |
Urgroßeltern | great-grandparents |
Urkunde | record, document |
Uxor (ux.) | wife |
Vater | father |
väterlicherseits | paternal |
Verbandsgemeinde | collective municipality (administrative unit between the municipalities and the rural districts) |
verehelicht/verheiratet | married |
Verkäufer | seller, vendor |
Verkündung | marriage banns |
verlobt | engaged |
Verlobte | fiancée |
Verlobter | fiancé |
Verlobung | engagement, betrothal |
Vermieter | landlord, lessor |
Verpächter | landlord, lessor |
verrichten | perform |
verstorben | deceased |
Verwaltung | administration |
Verwaltungsdistrikt | administrative district |
Verwandte | relatives |
Verwandtschaft | relatives, kin |
verwitwet | widowed |
Verzeichnis | register, list, index |
Vetter | cousin (male) |
Vidua, viduus (vid.) | widow, widower |
Viertelbauer | farmer who owns / leases ¼ of a standard-sized farm |
Viertelhufner, Viertelhüfner, 1/4-Hufner | farmer who owns / leases ¼ of a standard-sized farm |
Viertellehner | farmer who leases ¼ of a standard-sized farm |
Vikar | vicar |
Virgo | virgin (not married before) |
Vogelfänger | bird catcher, fowler |
Volkszählung | census |
Vollbauer | farmer of a standard-sized farm |
Vollhufner | farmer of a standard-sized farm |
Volllehner | farmer who leases a standard-sized farm |
Vollmaier | farmer of a standard-sized farm |
Vollspänner | farmer of a standard-sized farm |
vorgestern | the day before yesterday |
Vormittag | morning |
vormittags | in the morning |
Vormund | guardian |
Vorname | first name |
Wagner | cartwright |
Waise | orphan |
Wald | forest, woods |
Wappen | coat of arms |
Wase | sister of the father |
Wasenmeister | knacker, knackermann |
Wassersucht | dropsy, edema |
Weber | weaver |
Weduwe | widow |
Wehmutter | midwife |
Weib (Eheweib) | wife |
Weidemonat | May |
Weihbischof | auxiliary bishop |
weiland | deceased |
Weiler | hamlet |
Weingartknecht | farm hand in a vineyard |
Weingärtner | wine grower, vin dresser, vintner |
Weinmod, Weinmonat, Weinlesemonat | October |
Weinzettel | farm hand in a vineyard |
Weißgerber | tanner |
Weltpriester | a secular priest |
Widumer | farmer settled on church property |
Windmond, Windmonat | November |
Windpocken | chicken pox |
Wintermonat | November |
Winzer | wine grower, vine dresser, vintner |
Wirt | farmer |
Witwe(r) | widow(er) |
Wochenbett | childbed |
Wohnplatz | dwelling place |
Wonnemond, Wonnemonat | May |
Wundarzt | surgeon, barber surgeon |
Zahnkrämpfe | teething |
Zahnung | teething |
zehrendes Fieber | consumptive fever |
Zehrung | consumption |
Zettelmann | farm hand |
Zeuge | witness |
Ziegler | brick maker |
Ziehmutter, -sohn, -tochter | foster mother, son, daughter |
Zimmermann | carpenter |
Zivilstandsamt | civil registry office |
Zöllner | publican, tax collector |
Zuname | surname, last name |
Zweispänner | farmer who owns two draft animals |
Zweiter Herbstmond | October |
Zwilling, Zwillinge | twin, twins |
- German-english Glossary Dec 21, 2020.
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- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Dieter Lewerenz and Catharina Lewerenz. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
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Maybe Chirug is a writing error?
May I suggest:
I will check again with family to see where the church is but many lived in PA. Others Connecticut and New York. Any suggestions?
Ehegammer is new for me, but Feldscher we have in Germany as well. I will add them.
Here is an example: "Mr. Henry Thomas hinterlässt eine Frau und zwei Kinder." "Mr. Henry Thomas is survived by his wife and two children." cf. https://www.linguee.de/deutsch-englisch/uebersetzung/hinterlie%C3%9F+frau+und+kinder.html
edited by Gudula (Retz-Schmidt) Suskin