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German inventors and discoverers: A
| Given name
| Birth date
| Death date
| Role
| WikiTree?
| Connected?
| Ernst
| 23 Jan 1840
| 14 Jan 1905
| Physicist and optical scientist that invented first refractometer.
| Yes
| No
| Max
| 26 Mar 1875
| 16 Nov 1922
| Physicist who developed theories on the electron, assisted Max Planck for three years.
| No
| Franz Carl
| 28 Apr 1753
| 20 Apr 1821
| Chemist, geoscientist, physicist, and biologist who developed sugar extraction process from sugar beets and first factory for it (1802).
| No
| Robert
| 4 Dec 1913
| 15 Feb 2007
| Inventor with Zenith Electronics who improved wireless remote control technology for televisions.[1]
| Yes
| Yes
| Konrad
| 5 Jan 1876
| 19 Apr 1967
| First Chancellor of West Germany who also invented soya sausage (1916) and co-invented (with Jean and Josef Oebel) coarse wholemeal bread (1917).
| Yes
| Yes
| Georgius
| 24 Mar 1494
| 21 Nov 1555
| Born Georg Pawer or Georg Bauer, named "the father of mineralogy"
| Yes
| No
| Wilhelm August Julius
| 24 Jan 1787
| 4 Jul 1846
| Mining engineer who invented the wire rope (1834) and first recorded metal fatigue.
| No
| Kurt
| 10 Jul 1902
| 20 Jun 1958
| Discovery of the Diels–Alder reaction, Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1950).
| No
| Richard
| 12 Mar 1852
| 8 Dec 1900
| Pathologist and histologist who discovered the Mitochondrion and coined "nucleic acid".
| No
| Alois
| 14 Jun 1864
| 19 Dec 1915
| Psychiatrist and neuropathologist who discovered "presenile dementia", now identified as Alzheimer's disease.
| Yes
| Yes
| Momme
| 17 Oct 1857
| 12 Jan 1951
| Industrial research chemist who made inventions relating to photography such as Rodinal.
| Yes, needs update
| No
| Ottomar
| 16 May 1846
| 30 May 1907
| Inventor and photographer who patented a camera with an internal roller blind shutter mechanism, just in front of the photographic plate (1883), today's focal-plane shutter.
| Yes
| No
| Hermann Franz Joseph Hubertus Maria
| 3 Oct 1872
| 6 May 1931
| Inventor and art historian who invented the first usable gyrocompass (1907).
| Yes
| No
| Manfred
| 20 Jan 1907
| 26 May 1997
| Self-taught researcher, applied physicist and inventor with 600 patents in fields including television and radio, electron microscopy, medical technology, nuclear technology, and plasma physics.
| Yes
| Yes
| Friedrich Wilhelm August
| 22 Mar 1799
| 17 Feb 1875
| Astronomer who catalogued all stars brighter than approximately magnitude 9.5 and north of -2 degrees in the Bonner Durchmusterung, the first large-scale modern star catalogue.
| Yes
| No
| Leo
| 15 Feb 1860
| 10 Oct 1919
| Physicist and social democratic politician who invented the mercury-vapor lamp (Arons' tube) together with Peter Cooper Hewitt.
| No
| Leopold
| 27 Apr 1828
| 30 Sep 1897
| Anatomist and neuropathologist who discovered Plexus myentericus Auerbachi, or Auerbach's plexus.
| No
German inventors and discoverers: B
| Given name
| Birth date
| Death date
| Role
| WikiTree?
| Connected?
| Walter
| 24 Mar 1893
| 25 Jun 1960
| Astronomer who discovered the first of the Centaurs, defined "populations" of stars, differentiated Cepheid varables which helped him recalculate the size of the universe, and with Fritz Zwicky, identified supernovae as a new category of astronomical objects and proposed the existence of neutron stars.
| No
von Baer
| Karl Ernst
| 28 Feb [O.S. 17 Feb] 1792
| 28 Nov [O.S. 16 Nov] 1876[2]
| Karl Ernst Ritter von Baer Edler von Huthorn; naturalist, biologist, geologist, meteorologist, geographer, and founding father of embryology who discovered mammal ovum.
| Yes
| Yes
| Rudolph Heinrich (Ralph)
| 8 Mar 1922
| 6 Dec 2014
| Inventor of the first home video game console, the Magnavox Odyssey and co-developer of Simon (1978).
| Yes
| Yes
von Baeyer
| Adolf
| 31 Oct 1835
| 20 Aug 1917
| Chemist and Nobel laureate (1905) who synthesized indigo and developed a nomenclature for cyclic compounds, discovered the phthalein dyes, and investigated polyacetylenes, oxonium salts, nitroso compounds (1869) and uric acid derivatives (1860 and onwards) including the discovery of barbituric acid (1864).
| Yes
| Yes
| Otto
| 4 Nov 1902
| 1 Aug 1983
| Industrial chemist who headed the research group that discovered polyurethane (1937).
| No
| Albert
| 15 Aug 1857
| 9 Nov 1918
| General director of the Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfahrt-Actien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) or Hamburg-America Line, considered the father of modern cruise ship travel.
| No
| Heinrich
| 1821
| 1860
| Developed a musical instrument, the bandoneón (1846), still used in most tango orchestras.
| No
| Heinrich
| 2 Dec 1881
| 20 Feb 1956
| Physicist who discovered what is now called the Barkhausen effect (1919), the phenomenon caused by rapid changes of size of magnetic domains, and Barkhausen stability criterion.
| No
| Oskar
| 1 Nov 1879
| 16 Jan 1936
| Father of the first mass-marketed 35mm camera and of Leica.
| No
de Bary
| Heinrich Anton
| 26 Jan 1831
| 19 Jan 1888
| Surgeon, botanist, and microbiologist deemed the Father of Phytopathology, the science of plant diseases and modern Mycology. Coined the word symbiosis (1879).
| No
von Basedow
| Karl Adolph
| 28 Mar 1799
| 11 Apr 1854
| Physician who discovered and described Graves-Basedow disease (exophthalmic goiter). (Fifth great uncle of a Michael Mark.)
| No
| Andreas Friedrich
| 18 Aug 1783
| 27 Dec 1860
| Engineer who developed the first functional steam-powered printing press with his colleague Friedrich Koenig.
| No
| Wilhelm
| 23 Dec 1822
| 20 Jun 1875
| Inventor and engineer who built several hand-powered submarines.
| No
| Eugen
| 12 Dec 1846
| 3 Nov 1896
| Chemist who was one of the first people to create polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and, together with Carl Schotten, he discovered the Schotten-Baumann reaction.
| Yes
| No
| Carl
| 1809
| 1873
| Mechanic and inventor of the Lebenswecker ("life awakener") or "artificial leech" used in alternative medicine.
| No
| Hans
| 6 May 1929
| 30 Jan 2009
| Inventor of the toy Playmobil.
| No
| Georg
| 16 May 1950
| Living
| Physicist who discovered high-temperature superconductivity in ceramics and shared the 1987 Nobel Prize in Physics.
| No
| Martin
| 6 Oct 1459
| 29 Jul 1507
| Inventor of the oldest surviving globe of the world (Erdapfel) produced between 1490 and 1492.
| No
| Alexander
| 11 Nov 1880
| 22 Jan 1952
| Inventor of echo sounding (German patent No. 282009 granted 22 Jul 1913).
| No
von Behring
| Emil Adolf
| 15 Mar 1854
| 31 Mar 1917
| Physiologist who discovered the antitoxin for diphtheria, the world's first cure for a disease (1891). He was awarded history's first Nobel Prize in Physiology of Medicine in 1901.
| Yes
| Yes
von Bellingshausen
| Fabian Gottlieb
| 20 Sep [O.S. 9 Sep] 1778
| 25 Jan [O.S. 13 Jan] 1852
| Navigator and explorer who discovered the land mass of Antarctica on 28 Jan 1820.
| Yes
| No
| Amalie Auguste Melitta
| 31 Jan 1873)
| 29 Jun 1950
| Born Amalie Auguste Melitta Liebscher, Entrepreneur who invented the paper coffee filter brewing system (1908).
| Yes
| No
| Karl
| 25 Nov 1844
| 4 Apr 1929
| Born Karl Friedrich Michael Vaillant, Industrialist. Father and inventor of the gasoline-powered automobile (1885), and pioneering founder of automobile manufacturing.
| Yes
| Yes
| Albrecht
| 24 June 1770
| 28 January 1829
| Engineer, also known as the Tailor of Ulm. Inventor of the spring prosthesis and hang-glider (1811).
| Yes
| Yes
| Hans
| 21 May 1873
| 1 Jun 1941
| Neurologist and psychiatrist best known as the inventor of electroencephalography (EEG) (the recording of "brain waves") in 1924, coining the name, and the discoverer of the alpha wave rhythm known as "Berger's wave"
| Yes
| No
| Emil later Emile
| 20 May 1851
| 3 Aug 1929
| Inventor who developed the microphone and disc recording gramophone.
| Yes
| Yes Needs new German Biography, present one is copypaste from Wikipedia
| Friedrich Wilhelm
| 22 Jul 1784
| 17 Mar 1846
| Astronomer, mathematician, physicist and geodesist who is credited with being the first to use parallax in calculating the distance to a star.
| Yes
| Yes
| Hans Albrecht
| 2 Jul 1906
| 6 Mar 2005
| Nuclear physicist and Nobel laureate in Physics (1967). During World War II, he was head of the Theoretical Division at the secret Los Alamos laboratory which developed the first atomic bombs.
| Yes
| Yes
| Albert
| 25 Dec 1885
| 16 Apr 1968
| Physicist best known for Betz's law (1913) and a pioneer of wind turbine technology. He was also the great uncle of the author Alfred J. Betz from Philadelphia, and great nephew of Vladimir Alekseyevich Betz, an Ukrainian anatomist and the discoverer of the pyramidal neuron cell.
| No
| Heinz
| 7 Apr 1914
| 4 Jan 2017
| Physicist and computer scientist widely considered a pioneer in the construction of computer systems and computer data storage, who invented the magnetic drum memory and built a prototype laser interferometric gravitational wave detector.
| No
| Gerd
| 20 Jul 1947
| Living
| Physicist who designed the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) with Heinrich Rohrer, with both receiving the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986.
| No
| Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince of Bismarck, Duke of Lauenburg
| 1 Apr 1815
| 30 Jul 1898
| Born von Bismarck-Schönhausen, the First Chancellor of Imperial Germany. Under his reign, the German Empire (1871–1918) became the first modern welfare state in the world, when he e.g. innovatively implemented the following: health insurance (1883), accident insurance (1884), pension insurance (1889).
| Yes
| Yes
| Ludwig
| 1881
| 30 Oct 1935
| Also known as Louis Blattner. Producer, director and studio owner who developed the Blattnerphone, the first magnetic tape recorder (using steel tape) whilst working in Britain in the late 1920s.
| No
| Günter
| 21 May 1936
| 18 Feb 2018
| Biologist who discovered signal peptides and received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1999.
| No
| Walter
| 20 Jan 1895
| 25 Oct 1948
| Chemist who developed styrene-butadiene.
| No
| Max
| 2 Sep 1882
| 5 Jan 1949
| Chemist who developed Methadone together with Gustav Ehrhart in 1937 while working for IG Farben.
| No
| Johann Elert
| 19 Jan 1747
| 23 Nov 1826
| Astronomer who helped formulate the Titius-Bode Law and named Uranus, the seventh planet of the solar system.
| No
| Ludwig
| 30 Jun 1912
| 25 Jul 2003
| Aeronautical pioneer of Germany, instrumental in the development of the Me 262, and developed a new rotorhead concept for helicopters.
| No
| Karl-Friedrich
| 13 Jan 1899
| 15 May 1957
| Chemist, who, together with Paul Harteck, discovered the spin isomers of hydrogen, orthohydrogen and parahydrogen in 1929.
| Yes
| Yes
| Max
| 11 Dec 1882
| 5 Jan 1970
| Physicist and mathematician who performed groundbreaking work in quantum mechanics. Nobel laureate 1954 with Walther Bothe. His Ph.D. student Delbrück, and six of his assistants (Fermi, Heisenberg, Goeppert-Mayer, Herzberg, Pauli, Wigner) went on to win Nobel Prizes. His Ph.D. student J. Robert Oppenheimer led the project to develop the atomic bomb. Granddaugher is Olivia-Newton John.
| Yes
| Yes
| Manfred
| 16 Mar 1929
| 15 Jan 1996
| Physicist who developed the first working fiber-optical data transmission system (1965). Received a patent for an "electro-optical transmission system utilizing lasers".
| No
| Carl
| 27 Aug 1874
| 26 Apr 1940
| Chemist and Nobel Laureate who discovered the processes of industrial high pressure chemistry and the founder of IG Farben.
| No
| Robert
| 23 Sep 1861
| 12 Mar 1942
| Industrialist and engineer of various innovations for the motor vehicle and founder of Robert Bosch GmbH.
| No
| Walther Wilhelm Georg
| 8 Jan 1891
| 8 Feb 1957
| Nuclear physicist who developed and applied coincidence methods to the study of nuclear reactions, the Compton effect, cosmic rays, and the wave–particle duality of radiation, leading to sharing the Nobel Prize in Physics (1954) with Max Born.
| No
| Johann Friedrich
| 4 Feb 1682
| 13 Mar 1719
| Alchemist credited with developing the manufacture of porcelain in Europe.[3]
| Yes, needs update
| Yes, might be disconnected, the connection to the son seems questionable
| Theodor Heinrich
| 12 Oct 1862
| 15 Oct 1915
| Biologist who described and named the Centrosome, first hypothesized the cellular processes that cause cancer, and for describing chromatin diminution in nematodes. His work helped lead to the Boveri–Sutton chromosome theory. His daughter Margret Boveri was one of the best-known German journalists and writers of the post-World War II period. (WikiTree)
| Yes, needs update
| Yes
| Karlheinz
| 20 Jun 1954
| Living
| Inventor and audio engineer; father of audio compression format MPEG Audio Layer 3, more commonly known as MP3.
| No
| Heinrich Wilhelm
| 27 Jul 1777
| 17 May 1834
| Astronomer, meteorologist and physicist who founded synoptic meteorology, noted for demonstrating that meteors occur in the upper atmosphere and thus not really a meteorological phenomenon.
| No
| Karl Ferdinand
| 6 Jun 1850
| 20 Apr 1918
| Electrical engineer and physicist who invented the cathode ray tube and CRT oscilloscope (1897) and contributed significantly to the development of radio and television technology; he shared with Guglielmo Marconi the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics.
| Yes
| Yes
von Braun
| Wernher Magnus Maximilian
| 23 Mar 1912
| 16 Jun 1977
| The preeminent rocket engineer of the 20th century. Developed the V-2 rocket for Germany, and built the Saturn V rocket in the United States which put humans on the moon.
| Yes
| Yes
| Adolf Ferdinand Wenceslaus
| 20 Feb 1798
| 14 Feb 1870
| Mathematician and engineer who developed the unit for specific gravity of liquids, degree Brix (°Bx).
| No
| Korbinian
| 17 Nov 1868
| 22 Aug 1918
| Neurologist who mapped the human brain's cerebral cortex and defining 52 distinct regions, known as Brodmann areas; the data itself was unpublished.
| No
| Walter
| 2 Mar 1908
| 5 May 1990
| :Electrical engineer who invented Closed Circuit Television and PAL, colour encoding system for analogue television.
| No
| Friedrich Wilhelm Gustav
| 11 Nov 1853
| 1927
| Inventor of the modern taximeter. His daughter Adele Bruhn married architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.
| Yes
| No
| Ernst
| 18 Mar 1850
| 25 Apr 1924
| Industrial chemist who invented what would be known as the Büchner flask and Büchner funnel.
| Yes
| Yes
| Robert
| 30 Mar 1811[4]
| 16 Aug 1899
| Chemist who developed the Bunsen burner, and with Gustav Kirchhoff (1824–1887), invented the spectrometer (1859) and discovered caesium (1860) and rubidium (1861).
| Yes
| Yes
| Heinrich Christian Wilhelm
| 15 Apr 1832
| 9 Jan 1908
| Humorist, caricaturist, painter and poet considered the father of comics.
| Yes
| No
| Christian Friedrich Ludwig
| 17 Jun 1805
| 1 Oct 1864
| Musical instrument maker who was the pioneer and promoter of the harmonica and harmonica-like instruments.
| No
| Adolf
| 20 Apr 1901
| 3 Nov 1986
| Aerospace engineer who discovered the effect of swept wing for modern aircraft (1935).
| No
| Adolf
| 24 Mar 1903
| 18 Jan 1995
| Biochemist who discovered primary female sex hormones. Shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Leopold Ruzicka in 1939.
| No
German inventors and discoverers: E
| Given name
| Birth date
| Death date
| Role
| WikiTree?
| Connected?
| Paul
| 14 Mar 1854
| 20 Aug 1915
| Scientist in the fields of hematology, immunology, and chemotherapy, and Nobel laureate. Developed an effective treatment against syphilis.
| Yes
| Yes
| Caroline
| 1808 or 1809
| 6 Sep 1843
| Inventor of the first practical modern hand prosthesis and first woman in Prussia to receive a patent (for her leg prosthesis).
| No
| Albert
| 14 Mar 1879
| 18 Apr 1955
| Theoretical physicist, key 20th century scientist and cultural icon best known to the general public for his mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2, which has been dubbed "the world's most famous equation".
| Yes
| Yes
| Ludwig
| Developed new concepts for Diesel engines which drastically enhanced efficiency.
| No
| Douglas
| German-American inventor of the computer mouse.
| No
| Evaristo Conrado
| Inventor of a machine used to remove the husks from rice and coffee, the Engelberg huller (1885).
| No
| Friedrich
| 28 Nov 1820
| Aug 1895
| Invented together with Karl Marx the economic and sociopolitical worldview Marxism.
| Yes
| Yes
| Hugo Wilhelm Traugott
| 8 May 1862
| 25 Jun 1910
| Chemist who discovered, together with his doctoral advisor Jacob Volhard, the Volhard-Erdmann cyclization. In 1898 he was the first who coined the term noble gas (the original noun is Edelgas in German).
| No
| Hugo
| Ingrain wallpaper
| No
| Gerhard
| German physicist who laid the foundation of modern surface chemistry, which has helped explain how fuel cells produce energy without pollution, how catalytic converters clean up car exhausts and even why iron rusts, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said. Nobel laureate as of 2007.
| No
| Leonhard
| Swiss mathematician and physicist. One of the most influential mathematicians of the 18th century.
| Yes
| Yes
Richard August Carl Emil
| German chemist known for contributing to the early development of the theory of structure, formulating the Erlenmeyer rule, and designing the Erlenmeyer flask or the conical flask, a type of chemical flask, which is named after him.
| Yes
| No
| Michaël
| Austrian nobleman, diplomat, historian, and publicist, who wrote and published several works, including a renowned volume that states the principles of a genealogical numbering system, called an Ahnentafel. Also depicted the first usage of Leo Belgicus in a map representation of the Low Countries.
| No
German inventors and discoverers: F
| Given name
| Birth date
| Death date
| Role
| WikiTree?
| Connected?
| Daniel Gabriel
| 24 May 1686
| 16 Sep 1736
| Physicist, the temperature unit was named after him
| Yes
| No
| Gerd
| 28 Jul 1954
| Mathematician, was awarded the Fields-Medal
| No
| Otto
| 4 Jul 1890
| 17 Oct 1959
| Invented the electrically-driven hand drill in 1895.
| No
| Wilhelm Emil
| 16 Jan 1842
| 6 Oct 1898
| Invented the electrically-driven hand drill in 1895.
| No
| Adolf Gaston Eugen
| 22 Feb 1852
| 11 Feb 1937
| Ophthalmologist who invented glass contact lenses. Son of Franz Ludwig Fick.
| Yes
| Yes
| Franz Ludwig
| 18 May 1813
| 31 Dec 1858
| Professor of anatomy who invented the cerebral phantom, a paper model for understanding the structure of the brain.
| Yes
| Yes
| Richard
| after 1918
| Invented the modern flamethrower in 1901.
| No
| Artur
| 31 Dec 1919
| 27 Jan 2016
| Inventor holding over 1100 patents (currently the record for most patents for any single human, even more than Thomas Alva Edison at 1093 patents) and 5867 trade rights.
| Yes
| No
| Hermann Emil
| 9 Oct 1852
| 15 Jul 1919
| German chemist and 1902 recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He discovered the Fischer esterification. He developed the Fischer projection, a symbolic way of drawing asymmetric carbon atoms. He is known for study of sugars & purines.
| Yes
| Yes
| Franz Joseph Emil
| 19 Mar 1877
| 1 Dec 1947
| Invented with Hans Tropsch a process in 1925 to turn coal into synthesis gas, and still further into liquid hydrocarbons. The process is a key component in modern gas to liquids processes.
| Yes
| No
| Wilhelm Rudolph
| 6 Dec 1835
| 19 Nov 1910
| He discovered the pinacol coupling reaction, mesitylene, diacetyl and biphenyl.
| No
| Irmgard
| 16 Jul 1903
| 22 May 1974
| She worked on what she called "discontinuous automatic control", which laid the foundation for automatic on-off aircraft control systems in jets.
| No
| Werner
| 29 Aug 1904
| 1 Jun 1979
| Performed the first human cardiac catheterisation. Shared the Nobel Prize for Medicine 1956
| No
| Joachim
| 12 Sep 1940
| co-invented cryo-electron microscopy. Shared the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2017
| No
von Fraunhofer
| Joseph
| 6 Mar 1787
| 7 Jun 1826
| Discovery of the dark absorption lines known as Fraunhofer lines in the Sun's spectrum, which laid foundation for modern astronomy and astrophysics, and for making excellent optical glass and achromatic telescope lenses.
| Yes
| No
| Gottlob
| 8 Nov 1848
| 26 Jul 1925
| He is generally considered to be the father of analytic philosophy. Had influence on Carnap, Russell, and Wittgenstein
| Yes
| Yes
| Otto
| 12 Nov 1909
| 1 Nov 1996
| Aeronautical pioneer, developed the area rule in 1943, a design technique for airfoils used to reduce an aircraft's drag at transonic and supersonic speeds. Later it was independently developed again by Richard T. Whitcomb in 1952.
| No
| Sigmund
| 6 May 1856
| 23 Sep 1939
| Neurologist who became known as the founding father of psychoanalysis.
| Yes
| Yes
| Nicolaus
| 31 Jul 1825
| 6 Jul 1882
| Discovery of Friedreich-Auerbach disease (together with Leopold Auerbach)
| No
| Friedrich
| 21 Apr 1782
| 21 Jun 1852
| Pedagogue, who laid the foundation for modern education. He created the concept of the kindergarten.
| No
| Klaus
| 29 Dec 1911
| 28 Jan 1988
| Theoretical physicist involved with the Manhattan Project; at the same time Soviet spy.
| No
| Johann Carl
| 31 Dec 1803
| 17 Oct 1877
| Had the insight to recognize the Neanderthal bones for what they were: the remains of a previously unknown type of humans. He (together with Schaafhausen) is considered to be the father of paleoanthropology.
| No
German inventors and discoverers: G
| Given name
| Birth date
| Death date
| Role
| WikiTree?
| Connected?
| Johann Gottfried
| 9 Jun 1812
| 10 Jul 1910
| astronomer, discovery of planet Neptune
| Yes
| No
| Hermann
| 12 Jun 1856
| 25 Oct 1934
| Inventor and spaceflight scientist, whose inventions (such as the dirigible, the helicopter, and the internal combustion engine) are thought to have been ahead of his time.
| No
| Carl Friedrich
| 30 Apr 1777
| 23 Feb 1855
| German mathematician and physical scientist who contributed significantly to many fields, including number theory, statistics, analysis, differential geometry, geodesy, geophysics, electrostatics, astronomy and optics. Sometimes referred to as "the Prince of Mathematicians".
| Yes
| Yes
| Johannes Wilhelm (Hans)
| 30 Sep 1882
| 24 Sep 1954
| Inventor of the Geiger–Müller counter in 1928. It detects the emission of nuclear radiation through the ionization produced in a low-pressure gas in a Geiger–Müller tube. Further improved by Walther Müller. Also discovered the atomic nucleus in the Geiger-Marsden experiment. Brother of Rudolf Geiger (see below).
| Yes
| No
| Heinrich
| 26 May 1814
| 24 Jan 1879
| Inventor of the Geissler tube.
| No
| Reinhard
| 24 Mar 1952
| Astrophysicist, he and his group were the first to track the motions of stars at the centre of the Milky Way and show that they were orbiting a very massive object, probably a supermassive black hole.
| Maybe
| Walther
| 1 Aug 1889
| 10 Aug 1979
| Physicist who co-discovered spin quantization in a magnetic field, the Stern–Gerlach effect.
| No
| Edmund
| 24 Aug 1901
| 10 Aug 1987
| Inventor of the neon lamp (Neonlampe).
| No
| Max
| 1879
| 1935
| Inventor of the first concrete pump in 1928..
| No
| Heinrich
| 20 Apr 1818
| 4 Dec 1893
| Inventor of Hemmer for Sewing Machines, 1865, Vacuum Pump (Improvement of the Geissler-System of vacuum pumps, 1881 and Electric Incandescent Lamp (sockets to connect the filament of carbon and the conducting wires), 1882
| Yes
| No
| Kurt Friedrich
| 28 Apr 1906
| 24 Jan 1978
| Important discoveries in math and logic, such as the incompleteness theorems.
| Yes
| No
| Maria Gertrude
| 28 Jun 1906
| 20 Feb 1972
| Physicist. Nobel laureate in Physics 1963 for proposing the nuclear shell model of the atomic nucleus together with J. Hans D. Jensen. The unit for the two-photon absorption cross section is named the Goeppert-Mayer (GM) unit.
| Yes
| Yes
| Konrad
| 7 Jun 1907
| 12 Jul 1972
| Coal-machine (Kohlenhobel)
| No
| Konrad
| 31 May 1880
| 17 Apr 1974
| German-Swiss physicist. He is regarded as an original experimenter and is the developer of the magnetron and the Greinacher multiplier; Cockcroft-Walton-Generator in 1914.
| No
| Jacob
| 4 Jan 1785
| 20 Sep 1863
| Brothers Grimm: Academic pioneers of philology, linguistics, and storytelling. Worked together on the most comprehensive dictionary of the German language Deutsches Wörterbuch. Jacob Grimm: Philologist and linguist. Described first what is now known as Grimm's law, the first scientific research into sound change in 1822.
| Yes
| Yes
| Wilhelm
| 24 Oct 1786
| 16 Dec 1859
| Brothers Grimm: Academic pioneers of philology, linguistics, and storytelling. Worked together on the most comprehensive dictionary of the German language Deutsches Wörterbuch. Jacob Grimm: Philologist and linguist. Described first what is now known as Grimm's law, the first scientific research into sound change in 1822.
| Yes
| Yes
| Walter
| 18 May 1883
| 5 Jul 1969
| Pioneer of modern architecture. Founder of the Bauhaus. First modern industrial building designed in 1910.
| Yes
| Yes
| Georg Friedrich
| 9 Jun 1775
| 15 Dec 1853
| Deciphering of cuneiform
| No
| Alexander
| 28 Mar 1928
| 13 Nov 2014
| Mathematician and the central figure behind the creation of the modern theory of algebraic geometry; Fields Medalist (1966).
| Yes
| No
| Helmut
| 12 Feb 1916
| 4 Jul 1981
| smart card (together with Jürgen Dethloff)
| No
| Heinz
| 17 Jun 1888
| 14 May 1954
| The father of modern mechanized warfare, inventor of the Blitzkrieg strategy.
| Yes
| Yes
von Guericke[5]
| Otto
| 20 Nov 1602
| 11 May 1686
| Scientist and Mayor of Magdeburg who performed groundbreaking research into vacuums, air pressure, and electrostatic repulsion. He invented the vacuum pump in 1650 and demonstrated his theories with the Magdeburg hemispheres which once emptied of air were unable to be pulled apart thirty horses.
| Yes
| Yes
| Beno
| 4 Jun 1889
| 25 Jan 1960
| Together with American Charles Francis Richter he invented Richter magnitude scale.
| No
| Johannes
| 1400
| 3 Feb 1468
| Inventor of the technology of printing with movable type in 1439. The first book so printed was the Gutenberg Bible.
| Yes
| No
von Grosse
| Aristid
| 4 Jan 1905
| 25 Jan 1960
| He was able to isolate protactinium oxide and was later able to produce metallic protactinium by decomposition of protactinium iodide.
| No
| Johann Rudolph
| 10 Mar 1604
| 16 Mar 1670
| German-Dutch alchemist who was one of the first chemical engineers. His discovery of sodium sulfate in 1625 led to the compound being named after him: "Glauber's salt".
| No
German inventors and discoverers: H
| Given name
| Birth date
| Death date
| Role
| WikiTree?
| Connected?
| Fritz
| 9 Dec 1868
| 29 Jan 1934
| German chemist and Nobel laureate who pioneered synthetic ammonia and chemical warfare.
| Yes
| No
| Otto
| 8 Mar 1879
| 28 Jul 1968
| The first man to split the atomic nucleus
| Yes
| No
| Theodor Wolfgang
| 30 Oct 1941
| Physicist, developed laser-based precision spectroscopy further to determine optical frequency extremely accurately. Nobel laureate in 2005.
| No
| Samuel
| 10 Apr 1755
| 2 Jul 1843
| Physician, best known for creating a system of alternative medicine called homeopathy.
| Yes
| Yes
| Felix
| 8 Nov 1868
| 26 Jan 1942
| German mathematician who is considered to be one of the founders of modern topology and who contributed significantly to set theory, descriptive set theory, measure theory, and functional analysis.
| Yes
| No
zur Hausen
| Harald
| 11 Mar 1936
| discovered the role of papilloma viruses in the development of cervical cancer. His research made the development of a vaccine against papilloma possible, which will drastically reduce cervical cancer in future. Nobel laureate as of 2008.
| No
| Werner
| 5 Dec 1901
| 1 Feb 1976
| Theoretical physicist who made fundamental contributions to quantum mechanics. Discovered a particle's position and velocity cannot be known at the same time. Discovered atomic nuclei are made of protons and neutrons.
| Yes
| Yes
| Wolfgang
| 25 Mar 1932
| Co-inventor of Twisted nematic field effect.
| No
| Rudolf
| 19 Dec 1901
| 11 Mar 2002
| Inventor of the first fax machine (Hellschreiber).
| Yes
| No
| Richard
| 22 Jun 1876
| 3 Feb 1971
| Hellmann's (Blue Ribbon) Mayonnaise, 1905.
| No
von Helmholtz[7]
| Hermann
| 31 Aug 1821
| 8 Sep 1894
| Discovered the principle of conservation of energy.
| Yes
| Yes
| Peter
| abt 1485
| Aug 1542
| Inventor of the portable watch.
| No
| Friedrich Wilhelm
| 15 Nov 1738
| 1822
| Discovered the planet Uranus and infrared radiation among other things.
| Yes
| Yes
| Heinrich
| 22 Feb 1857
| 1 Jan 1894
| Physicist, Discoverer of electromagnetic/radio waves.
| Yes
| Yes
| Otto
| 24 Jun 1883
| 27 Aug 1964
| First use of the Carabiner in mountain climbing which substantially enhanced security for mountaineers.
| No
| Viktor Franz
| 5 Oct 1888
| 17 Dec 1964
| Discovered Cosmic rays. Also won the Nobel Prize.
| No
| David
| 23 Jan 1862
| 14 Feb 1943
| Influential mathematician who discovered and developed a broad range of fundamental ideas in math.
| Yes
| No
| Felix
| 21 Jan 1868
| 8 Feb 1946
| Isolated acetylsalicylic acid, a painkiller marketed under the name Aspirin (Bayer), 1897. In some English speaking countries marketed under the name disprin.
| Yes
| No
| Albert
| 11 Jan 1906
| 29 Apr 2008
| German-Swiss; Discovered the chemical properties of chitin and lysergic acid diethylamide.
| Yes
| No
| Karl Andreas
| 2 Apr 1870
| 15 Oct 1940
| German inorganic chemist who is best known for his discovery of a family of clathrates which consist of a 2-D metal cyanide sheet, with every second metal also bound axially to two other ligands. These materials have been named 'Hofmann clathrates' in his honour.
| No
| Wilhelm
| 18 May 1824
| 12 Jan 1877
| Discovery of the Alternation of generations
| No
| Herman
| 29 Feb 1860
| 17 Nov 1929
| a German American statistician who developed a mechanical tabulator based on punched cards
| Yes
| Yes
| Gottlob
| 26 Aug 1876
| 17 Mar 1923
| Inventor of the spark plug and the modern internal combustion engine, as well as headlights.
| No
| Reimar
| 12 Mar 1915
| 14 Mar 1994
| Designed some of the most advanced aircraft of the 1930s and '40s, including the world's first jet-powered flying wing, the Horten Ho 229.
| No
| Walter
| 13 Nov 1913
| 9 Dec 1998
| Designed some of the most advanced aircraft of the 1930s and '40s, including the world's first jet-powered flying wing, the Horten Ho 229.
| No
| Christian
| 25 Dec 1881
| 31 Jan 1957
| German inventor of the Telemobilskop, a radio-based detector of remote objects; a 1904 precursor of radar.
| Yes
| No
von Humboldt[8]
| Alexander
| 14 Sep 1769
| 6 May 1859
| Naturalist and explorer. His quantitative work on botanical geography was foundational to the field of biogeography.
| Yes
| Yes
von Humboldt[9]
| Wilhelm
| 22 Jun 1767
| 8 Apr 1835
| Originator of the linguistic relativity hypothesis.
| Yes
| Yes
| Erich Gustav Wilhelm Louis
| 27 Oct 1888
| 12 Sep 1964
| Huzenlaub Process for parboiling
| Yes
| No
German inventors and discoverers: K
| Given name
| Birth date
| Death date
| Role
| WikiTree?
| Connected?
| Ferdinand Adolf Kehrer
| 16 Feb 1837
| 16 Jun 1914
| Introduction of the transverse incision technique to minimize bleeding by modern Caesarean section
| No
Kekulé von Stradonitz[10]
| Friedrich August
| 7 Sep 1829
| 13 Jul 1896
| He was a German organic chemist, and one of the most prominent chemists in Europe, especially in theoretical chemistry. He was the principal founder of the theory of chemical structure and in particular the Kekulé structure of benzene. Father of Stephan Kekulé von Stradonitz.
| No
Kekulé von Stradonitz[11]
| Stephan
| 1 May 1863
| 5 May 1933
| He was a lawyer, heraldist and genealogist who popularized a genealogical numbering system of ancestors, the Ahnentafel.
| No
| Donald
| 1940
| Astrophysicist, known for developing the Kessler syndrome.
| Maybe
| Hermann
| 5 Apr 1892
| 13 Jul 1977
| Invented the magnetic levitation train. Patent granted in 1934.
| No
| Johannes
| 27 Dec 1571
| 15 Nov 1630
| Discovered the laws of planetary motion.
| Yes
| Yes
| Wolfgang
| 21 Oct 1957
| German-American physicist who developed an "atom laser", amongst other breakthroughs. Nobel laureate 2001.
| No
| Erhard
| 22 Aug 1909
| 6 Apr 1982
| Pioneer discoverer of video technology.
| Yes
| No
| Gustav
| 12 Mar 1824
| 17 Oct 1887
| Discovery of the principles upon which spectroscopy is founded. He contributed to the fundamental understanding of electrical circuits, spectroscopy, and the emission of black-body radiation by heated objects. He coined the term "black body" radiation in 1862, and two different sets of concepts (one in circuit theory, and one in spectroscopy) are named "Kirchhoff's laws" after him; there is also a Kirchhoff's Law in thermochemistry. The Bunsen–Kirchhoff Award for spectroscopy is named after him and his colleague, Robert Bunsen, who both invented the spectrometer in 1859.
| Yes
| Yes
| Martin Heinrich
| 1 Dec 1743
| 1 Jan 1817
| Discovered the element Uranium.
| Yes
| Yes
| Friedrich Heinrich August
| 28 Mar 1880
| 11 Feb 1934
| Chemist and the discoverer of polyvinyl acetate, with German patent (GP 281687 1912) for its preparation from acetylene gas.
| Yes
| No
von Klitzing
| Klaus
| 28 Jun 1943
| Physicist, known for discovery of the integer quantum Hall effect, 1985 Nobel Prize in Physics.
| No
| Christian Felix
| 25 Apr 1849
| 22 Jun 1925
| Felix Klein: Invented the Erlangen Program, classifying geometries by their underlying symmetry groups, was a highly influential synthesis of much of the mathematics of the day. Also invented the Klein bottle, Beltrami-Klein model and wrote Klein's encyclopedia.
| Yes
| Yes
| Ludwig
| 2 Dec 1859
| 4 Jun 1921
| Ludwig Knorr: Chemist, who together with Carl Paal, discovered the Paal-Knorr synthesis, and the Knorr quinoline synthesis and Knorr pyrrole synthesis.
| No
| Robert Heinrich Hermann
| 11 Dec 1843
| 27 May 1910
| Physician, discoverer, inventor and Nobel Prize winner. He became famous for isolating Bacillus anthracis (1877), the Tuberculosis bacillus (1882) and the Vibrio cholera (1883) and for his development of Koch's postulates.
| Yes
| Yes
| Friedrich
| 17 Apr 1774
| 27 May 1910
| first functional steam-powered printing press with his colleague Andreas Friedrich Bauer)
| No
| Alfred
| 5 Sep 1866
| 6 Sep 1946
| discovered Gordium, 1900
| No
| Alfred
| 8 Feb 1852
| 15 Aug 1917
| discovered Gordium, 1900
| No
| Franz
| abt. 1860
| Plasticine
| No
| Arthur
| 20 May 1870
| 22 Dec 1945
| Inventor involved in development of the fax machine, specifically the transmission of photographs or telephotography, known as the Bildtelegraph.
| No
| Albrecht
| 16 Sep 1853
| 5 Jul 1927
| determining the chemical composition of nucleic acids
| No
| Max
| 8 Sep 1903
| Jun 1986
| Aircraft engineer. Developed the first operational guided bomb in 1942/43. This first smart bomb was radio controlled and joy-stick operated.
| No
| Hans Adolf
| 25 Aug 1900
| 22 Nov 1981
| discovered two important chemical reactions in the body, namely the urea cycle and the citric acid cycle.
| No
| Wilhelm Bernhard Ludwig
| 14 Jul 1859
| 1909
| Galalith
| No
| Julius Hermann
| 1820
| 9 Sep 1867
| Inventor and engineer, who built the first functioning submarine in the world.
| No
| Herbert
| 25 Aug 1928
| Physicist, shared the Nobel Prize in Physics 2000 for developing semiconductor heterostructures used in high-speed- and opto-electronics.
| No
| Werner
| 23 Nov 1910
| 21 Oct 2003
| Developed the Krueger flap, a lift enhancement device in modern aircraft wings in 1943.
| No
| Alfred Felix Alwyn
| 26 Apr 1812
| 14 Jul 1887
| Pioneer in metal casting and metal working process and procedures.
| Yes
| Yes
von Krusenstern
| Adam Johann
| 8 Nov 1770
| 12 Aug 1846
| Navigator and explorer, led the first Russian expedition to circumnavigate the earth.
| No
| Dietrich
| 11 Sep 1911
| 23 Feb 1976
| Aeronautical pioneer, developed wings for supersonic speed, such as delta wings as used in the Concorde.
| No
| Heinz
| 25 Mar 1927
| 6 Apr 2012
| Defogger for automobiles.
| No
German inventors and discoverers: L
| Given name
| Birth date
| Death date
| Role
| WikiTree?
| Connected?
| Albert
| 2 Jul 1842
| 15 Aug 1911
| isolated hyoscine
| No
| Eugen
| 9 Oct 1833
| 2 Oct 1895
| Entrepreneur, engineer and inventor, involved in the development of the petrol engine and the Wuppertal monorail.
| No
| Paul
| 25 Jul 1847
| 20 Jul 1888
| Islets of Langerhans, Langerhans cells
| Yes
| Yes
von Laue
| Max Theodor Felix
| 9 Oct 1879
| 24 Apr 1960
| Discoveries regarding the diffraction of X-rays in crystals. Nobel Laureate
| Yes
| Yes
| Ernst
| 1 Jun 1856
| 19 Jul 1926
| He is remembered for developing an apparatus— "Lecher lines"—to measure the wavelength and frequency of electromagnetic waves.
| No
| Gottfried Wilhelm
| 1 Jul 1646
| 14 Nov 1716
| Philosopher known for discovering the mathematical field of calculus and coherently laying down its basic operations in 1684. The modern binary number system, the basis for binary code, was invented by Gottfried Leibniz in 1679 and appears in his article Explication de l'Arithmétique Binaire.
| Yes
| Yes
| Emil
| 1 Jan 1886
| 1 Jan 1966
| inventor of transportable gasoline chainsaw, 1927
| No
| Georg Christoph
| 1 Jul 1742
| 24 Feb 1799
| Scientist credited with the development of the electrophorus, the discovery of the strange tree-like electrical discharge patterns now called Lichtenberg figures, and being the first professor of experimental physics. He is remembered for his posthumously published notebooks, which he himself called Sudelbücher, a description modeled on the English bookkeeping term "scrapbooks".
| No
von Liebig][12]
| Justus
| 12 May 1803
| 18 Apr 1873
| German chemist who made contributions to agricultural and biological chemistry.
| Yes
| Yes
| Karl Wilhelm Otto
| 23 May 1843
| 10 Aug 1896
| Father of Aviation and first successful aviator. Main discovery was the properties and shape of the wing.
| Yes
| Yes
von Linde[13]
| Carl Paul Gottfried
| 11 Jun 1842
| 16 Nov 1934
| Engineer who, among other things, developed refrigeration and gas separation technologies.
| No
| Alexander
| 2 Nov 1894
| 11 Feb 1976
| Pioneer of aerodynamics, his most famous design is the Messerschmitt Me 163.
| No
| Johann Benedict
| 25 Jul 1808
| 24 Dec 1882
| German mathematician who was a doctoral student under Carl Friedrich Gauss, he first introduced the term "topology", in a famous article published in 1847, although he had used the term in correspondence some years earlier. He (independently) discovered the properties of the half-twisted strip at the same time (1858) as August Ferdinand Möbius, and went further in exploring the properties of strips with higher-order twists (paradromic rings). He discovered topological invariants which came to be called Listing numbers. He also framed the Listing's law.
| No
| Ernst Amandus Theodor
| 11 Feb 1816
| 27 Dec 1874
| free-standing cylindrical advertising column.
| No
| Friedrich August Johannes
| 24 Jun 1852
| 9 Apr 1915
| discovered the organism causing diphtheria (Corynebacterium diphtheriae) and the cause of foot-and-mouth disease (Aphthovirus). His description of the diphtheria bacillus, published in 1884.
| No
| Hans
| abt. 1875
| German organist, musicologist and inventor who developed “Oskalyd” extended organs and keyboards with hexagonal keys arranged like honeycombs.
| No
German inventors and discoverers: M
| Given name
| Birth date
| Death date
| Role
| WikiTree?
| Connected?
Goeppert Mayer
| Maria
| 28 Jun 1906
| 20 Feb 1972
| German-born American theoretical physicist, and Nobel laureate in Physics for proposing the nuclear shell model of the atomic nucleus. She was the second woman to win a Nobel Prize in physics, after Marie Curie. She also joined the Manhattan Project during World War II.
| Yes
| Yes
| Erwin
| 18 May 1881
| 1 Aug 1972
| Physicist who developed the Madelung constant, which characterizes the net electrostatic effects of all ions in a crystal lattice, and is used to determine the energy of one ion, the Madelung equations, and the Madelung rule.
| No
| Georg Hans
| 31 Jul 1889
| 17 Aug 1972
| Academic and aeronautical engineer; a participant in the development of the Junkers F.13. Son of surgeon and medical researcher Otto Wilhelm Madelung, and brother to physicist Erwin Madelung.
| No
| Karl Heinrich
| 5 May 1818
| 14 Mar 1883
| Political economist and philosopher, who defined the political/economical background of capitalism and discovered the mechanics of Marxism.
| Yes
| Yes
| J. Heinrich
| 4 May 1929
| Biochemist who, together with Marshall Nirenberg, showed that a sequence of nucleotide can encode particular amino acid, laying the foundations for deciphering the genetic code (May 1961, see Nirenberg and Matthaei experiment). Somehow Matthaei was not shared the 1968 Nobel Prize even as the work with Nirenberg in 1961 led to the genetic code race.
| No
| Wilhelm
| 9 Feb 1846
| 29 Dec 1929
| Engine designer and industrialist who, together with Gottlieb Daimler, invented the first gasoline-powered motorcycle named the Reitwagen (1885), power-engine boat named the Neckar (1887) and later the Mercedes car model (1902). Then considered the "King of Designers" in 1890s France.
| Yes
| Yes
von Mayenburg
| Ottomar
| 5 Dec 1865
| 24 Jul 1932
| Pharmacist who invented "Chlorodont", the first commercial brand of toothpaste.
| No
| Georg
| 19 Nov 1829
| 30 Mar 1905
| Discovered Meissner's plexus.
| No
| Walther
| 16 Dec 1882
| 16 Nov 1974
| Established the world's third largest helium-liquifier, and discovered the Meissner effect (1933), damping of the magnetic field in superconductors.
| No
| Lise
| 7 Nov 1878
| 27 Oct 1968
| Nuclear physicist, who, together with Otto Frisch, provided a theoretical account of nuclear fission. Atomic element 109 is named meitnerium after her.
| Yes
| No
| Gregor
| 20 Jul 1822
| 6 Jan 1884
| Discoveries in genetics. Mendel demonstrated that the inheritance of certain traits in pea plants follows particular patterns, now referred to as the laws of Mendelian inheritance. First published in 1865.
| Yes
| Yes
| Ottmar
| 11 May 1854
| 28 Oct 1988
| Inventor who has been called a second Gutenberg because of his invention of the Linotype machine.
| Yes
| Yes
| Julius Lothar
| 19 Aug 1830
| 11 Apr 1895
| Chemist who, with Dmitri Mendeleev, developed the periodic classification of the elements in order of their atomic weight.
| No
von Meyer
| Christian Erich Hermann
| 3 Sep 1801
| 2 Apr 1869
| Paleontologist who discovered the Triassic predator Teratosaurus, the "Single Feather" of the earliest bird Archaeopteryx lithographica (1861), the pterosaur Rhamphorhynchus, and the prosauropod dinosaur Plateosaurus.
| No
| August Ferdinand
| 17 Nov 1790
| 26 Sep 1868
| Mathematician and theoretical astronomer, best known for his discovery of the Möbius strip, independently discovered by Johann Benedict Listing around the same time. Other mathematical concepts named for him include the Möbius configuration, the Möbius plane, the Möbius transformations, and the Möbius transform of number theory. His interest in number theory led to the important Möbius function μ(n) and the Möbius inversion formula. In Euclidean geometry, he systematically developed the use of signed angles and line segments as a way of simplifying and unifying results. Möbius was the first to introduce homogeneous coordinates into projective geometry.
| Yes
| Yes
| Carl Friedrich Christian
| 29 Jan 1773
| 29 Sep 1839
| Geologist and mineralogist who created the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. Mohs also introduced a classification of the crystal forms in crystal systems independently of Christian Samuel Weiss.
| No
| Karl
| 3 Feb 1774
| 10 Mar 1825
| Mathematician and astronomer. In trigonometry, he discovered the formula known as Mollweide's formula. He invented a map projection called the Mollweide projection.
| No
| Rudolf
| 31 Jan 1929
| 14 Sep 2011
| Physicist who discovered Mössbauer effect (1958, recoilless nuclear resonance fluorescence) as part of his PhD and shared Nobel Prize in Physics (1961). Namesake of Mössbauer spectroscopy which has been utilized to identify the composition of iron-rich rocks on Mars (MIMOS II developed by Dr. Göstar Klingelhöfer at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz).
| Yes
| No
| Johannes Peter
| 14 Jul 1801
| 28 Apr 1858
| Discoveries in physiology.
| No
German inventors and discoverers: R
| Given name
| Birth date
| Death date
| Role
| WikiTree?
| Connected?
| Adolf
| 5 Oct 1900
| 14 May 1996
| Inventor of modern tea bag
| No
| Fritz
| 4 July 1883
| 14 Jan 1969
| Was a student of Max Planck and a colleague of Albert Einstein, who was active in, and made important contributions to the early development of quantum mechanics including co-authoring the Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn sum rule.
| No
| Hans
| 10 May 1949
| 22 Nov 2011
| Musical instrument inventor. Inventor of the daxophone and various overtone guitars.
| No
von Reichenbach[14]
| Karl Ludwig
| 12 Feb 1788
| 19 Jan 1869
| Notable chemist, geologist, metallurgist, naturalist, industrialist and philosopher, and a member of the prestigious Prussian Academy of Sciences. He is best known for his discoveries of several chemical products of economic importance, extracted from tar, such as eupione, waxy paraffin, pittacal (the first synthetic dye) and phenol (an antiseptic). He also dedicated himself in his last years to research an unproved field of energy combining electricity, magnetism and heat, emanating from all living things, which he called the Odic force.
| Yes
| Yes
| Johann Philipp
| 7 Jan 1834
| 14 Jan 1874
| Inventor of the first phone transmitter in 1861, he also invented the term Telephone.
| No
| Ralf
| 18 Nov 1958
| living
| Moss bioreactor (1998).
| No
von Reuter[15]
| Paul Julius
| 21 Jul 1816
| 25 Feb 1899
| Communications pioneer.
| Yes
| Yes
| Johann
| 3 Apr 1893
| 31 Mar 1945
| Confectioner who invented the gummy bear and founded Haribo (short for Hans Riegel Bonn).
| Yes
| No
| Bernhard Georg Friedrich
| 17 Sep 1826
| 20 Jul 1866
| Mathematician, who made lasting contributions to analysis, number theory, and differential geometry.
| Yes
| No
| Johann Wilhelm
| 16 Dec 1776
| 23 Jan 1810
| Physicist and discoverer of Ultraviolet.
| Yes
| No
| Josef
| 11 Apr 1846
| 18 Feb 1932
| Founder of Rodenstock, manufacturer of optical systems, ophthalmic lenses and spectacles frames.
| No
| Wilhelm Conrad
| 27 Mar 1845
| 10 Feb 1923
| Physicist and discoverer of x-rays/Röntgen rays (8 November 1895), this earned him the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.
| Yes
| Yes
| Karl Wilhelm
| 15 Dec 1884
| 8 Feb 1965
| He discovered the Rosenmund reduction, which is the reduction of acyl chlorides to aldehydes over palladium-on-carbon catalyst. The Rosenmund-von Braun reaction, the conversion of an aryl bromide to an arylnitrile is also named after him.
| No
| Arthur
| 9 Nov 1906
| 1 Jan 1996
| Rocket engineer who, together with Wernher von Braun, played a key role in the development of the V-2 rocket.
| No
| Heinrich Daniel
| 15 Jan 1803
| 19 Dec 1877
| German instrument maker who commercialized the induction coil (often referred to as the Rühmkorff coil).
| No
| Ernst August Friedrich
| 25 Dec 1906
| 27 May 1988
| Physicist, developed the first electron microscope in 1933. Nobel laureate 1986.
| Yes
| Yes
German inventors and discoverers: S
| Given name
| Birth date
| Death date
| Role
| WikiTree?
| Connected?
| Carl Wilhelm
| 19 Dec 1742
| 21 May 1786
| Oxygen (although Joseph Priestley published his findings first), identification of molybdenum, tungsten, barium, hydrogen and chlorine
| No
| Arthur
| 30 Oct 1878
| 13 May 1929
| Developed the mechanical cipher machine Enigma. Patent granted in 1918.
| No
| Wilhelm
| 22 Apr 1592
| 23 Oct 1635
| mechanical calculator in 1623.
| Yes
| Yes
| Paul
| 22 Dec 1897
| 19 Aug 1987
| Invented Nylon 6.
| No
| Friedrich Albert Moritz
| 14 Apr 1882
| 22 Jun 1936
| Was a German philosopher, physicist and the founding father of logical positivism and the Vienna Circle.
| Yes
| Yes
| Johann Ludwig Heinrich Julius
| 6 Jan 1822
| 26 Dec 1890
| One of the fathers of modern archaeology, among other things he discovered Homeric Troy.
| Yes
| Yes
| Hugo
| 24 Sep 1884
| 12 Sep 1953
| Developed the first modern assault rifle StG 44 in 1942.
| No
| Bernhard Woldemar
| 30 Mar 1879
| 1 Dec 1935
| Developed a photographic telescope with minimal optical errors: the Schmidt camera. His designs would later be modified leading to the Schmidt-Newtonian and Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes.
| Yes
| No
| Paul
| 26 Mar 1898
| 18 Oct 1976
| Developed since 1928 his idea of a new drive, the "pulsating incineration", also used in the V-1 flying bomb (engine was called "Argus-Schmidtrohr"); pulsejet was a development by Schmidt.
| No
| Christian Friedrich
| 18 Oct 1799
| 29 Aug 1868
| Schönbein is credited with four scientific advances: Ozone, Gun cotton, Collodion and Fuel cell
| No
| Johann Lukas
| 30 Nov 1793
| 23 Jan 1864
| Professor of medicine, he discovered among other things the parasitic cause of ringworm or favus (Achorion Schönleinii).
| No
| Otto
| 12 Jul 1850
| 23 Dec 1912
| Named the Homo heidelbergensis.
| No
| Friedrich Otto
| 17 Dec 1851
| 27 Aug 1935
| Inventor of borosilicate glass. Donated his shares in the company Carl Zeiss to form Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung, still in existence today.
| Yes
| No
| Walter Hans
| 23 Jul 1886
| 4 Mar 1976
| Played a major early role in developing the theory of electron and ion emission phenomena, invented the screen-grid vacuum tube and the pentode.
| No
| Johannes Heinrich
| 20 Jun 1884
| 19 Sep 1970
| Developed the desensitization-relaxation technique called Autogenic training.
| No
| Marx
| about 1520[16]
| Silversmith, invented coining with the screw press around 1550.
| No
| Theodor Ambrose Hubert
| 7 Dec 1810
| 11 Jan 1882
| Discovery of properties of cells in animals.
| No
| Karl Siegmund
| 9 Oct 1873
| 11 May 1916
| Astronomer, Schwarzschild metric, Deriving the Schwarzschild solution, Schwarzschild radius
| Yes
| Yes
| Alois
| 6 Nov 1771
| 26 Feb 1834
| He invented the printing technique of lithography in 1796.
| No
| Friedrich Wilhelm Adam
| 19 Jun 1783
| 20 Feb 1841
| First to isolate morphine from the opium poppy in 1803/1804, discovering morphine.
| No
von Siebold[17]
| Philipp Franz Balthasar
| 17 Feb 1796
| 18 Oct 1866
| Physician and naturalist, detailed description and collection of the Japanese flora and fauna. Introduced Western medicine to Japan and opened a medical school.
| Yes
| Yes
von Siemens[18]
| Ernst Werner
| 13 Dec 1816
| 6 Dec 1892
| Dynamo, pointer telegraph that used a needle to point to the right letter, first electric elevator, trolleybus.
| Yes
| Yes
| Max
| 30 Apr 1863
| 30 Nov 1939
| Bioscop, German inventor and early filmmaker.
| No
| Friedrich
| 20 Sep 1848
| 2 Jul 1919
| Entrepreneur and office supplier who invented the hole punch and ring binder.
| Yes
| No
| Arnold Johannes Wilhelm
| 5 Dec 1868
| 26 Apr 1951
| Theoretical physicist who pioneered developments in atomic and quantum physics.
| Yes
| No
| Johannes Nikolaus
| 15 Apr 1874
| 21 Jun 1957
| Discovery of the Doppler effect in canal rays and the splitting of spectral lines in electric fields" (the latter is known as the Stark effect).
| Yes
| No
| Hans Jakob
| 25 May 1921
| 12 Dec 2020
| German-American-Swiss physicist, co-discovered the muon neutrino, shared 1988 Nobel Prize in Physics.
| No
| Georg Wilhelm
| 10 Mar 1709
| 14 Nov 1746
| Chief naturalist on Vitus Bering's expedition during which Alaska was discovered (1741) and pioneer of Alaskan Natural History. Steller's sea cow (now extinct) was named after him.
| Yes
| Yes
| Otto M.
| 17 Feb 1888
| 17 Aug 1969
| Nobel laureate; contributed to the discovery of spin quantization in the Stern–Gerlach experiment with Walther Gerlach in 1922.
| No
| Heinrich
| 7 Sep 1777
| 16 Feb 1844
| Developed the valve for brass instruments which is used today in 1818. Friedrich Blühmel had made a similar development independently at the same time.
| No
| Horst Ludwig
| 6 Apr 1949
| living
| German-American physicist. Shared the Nobel Prize in 1998 for the discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations.
| No
| Levi
| 26 Feb 1829
| 26 Sep 1902
| The German American father of blue jeans.
| Yes
| Yes
Stromer von Reichenbach[20]
| Karl Ernst Heinrich
| 12 Jun 1871
| 18 Dec 1952
| Discovery and Describing of Aegyptosaurus, Bahariasaurus, Carcharodontosaurus, and the largest known theropod, Spinosaurus aegyptiacus. Stromer also described the giant crocodilian Stomatosuchus.
| No
| Friedrich Wilhelm "Fritz"
| 22 Feb 1902
| 22 Apr 1980
| German chemist who, with Otto Hahn in early 1939, identified barium in the residue after bombarding uranium with neutrons, results which, when confirmed, demonstrated the previously unknown phenomenon of nuclear fission.
| No
| Hubertus
| 15 Jun 1898
| 25 Sep 1986
| German-born physiologist and prominent medical researcher. For his role in pioneering the study of the physical and psychological effects of manned spaceflight he became known as "The Father of Space Medicine".
| No
| Thomas Christian
| 22 Dec 1955
| living
| biochemist, discovered how molecule signals instruct vesicles to release their cargo in cell. Shared the Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine 2013.
| No
Thomas C. Südhof:
German inventors and discoverers: W
| Given name
| Birth date
| Death date
| Role
| WikiTree?
| Connected?
| Martin
| c. 1470
| 16 Mar 1520
| Sometimes known as his Latin name Hylacomylus. Cartographer who first used the name "America" on a map, drawn on his Universalis Cosmographia (1507) at Saint-Dié-des-Vosges in honour of the Florentine explorer Amerigo Vespucci.
| No
| Otto
| 27 Mar 1847
| 26 Feb 1931
| Chemist who researched, amongst others, alicyclic compounds such as terpene and pinene. Received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1910). Known for Wallach's rule, Wallach degradation, the Leuckart-Wallach reaction (which he developed along with Rudolf Leuckart) and the Wallach rearrangement.
| No
| Hellmuth
| 26 Aug 1900
| 16 Dec 1980
| Engineer who pioneered research into rocket engines and gas turbines, and known for the Walter engine.
| No
von Wassermann
| August
| 21 Feb 1866
| 16 Mar 1925
| Bacteriologist and hygienist who developed a complement fixation test for the diagnosis of syphilis. (1906).
| No
| Felix
| 13 Aug 1902
| 9 Oct 1988
| Mechanical engineer who invented the rotary motor, now called the Wankel motor.
| No
| Maximilian "Max" Karl Emil:
| 21 Apr 1864
| 14 Jun 1920
| Sociologist, philosopher, jurist, and political economist who discovered the mass effects of capitalism and modernity, and regarded today as one of the most important theorists on the development of modern Western society.
| Yes
| Yes
| Wilhelm Eduard
| 24 Oct 1804
| 23 Jun 1891
| Physicist who, alongside Carl Friedrich Gauss, invented the first electromagnetic telegraph.
| No
| Alfred Lothar
| 1 Nov 1880
| Nov 1930
| Polar researcher, geophysicist and meteorologist who proposed continental drift (1912).
| Yes
| Wilhelm
| 25 Dec 1862
| 27 Nov 1937
| Obstetrician-gynecologist who first postulated and expressed the Hardy–Weinberg principle of genetic equilibrium, and the first to explain the effect of ascertainment bias on observations in genetics.
| No
| Gustav Albin
| 1 Jan 1874
| 10 Oct 1927
| Also Weisskopf, later Gustav Whitehead. German-American aviation pioneer, designer and builder of early aircraft and engines reported to be the first flying a powered aircraft in 1901.
| No
| Rainer "Rai"
| 29 Sep 1932
| Living
| Born in Berlin, American physicist who invented laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors. Shared the Nobel Prize for Physics 2017.
| No
| Johan Carl
| 6 Sep 1732
| 18 Apr 1796
| Swedish physicist born in Wismar who invented the electrophorus.
| No
| Alfred:
| 25 Jun 1869
| 6 Aug 1937
| Metallurgist who invented the alloy duralumin.
| No
| Hugo
| 4 Jul 1863
| 19 Apr 1913
| Archaeologist and historian who discovered Hattusa (Hittite Empire).
| No
| Clemens Alexander:
| 26 Dec 1838
| 8 Oct 1904
| Chemist who discovered the element germanium (1886), further solidifying Dmitri Mendeleev's theory of periodicity.
| No
| Robert
| 26 Sep 1866
| 16 Mar 1932
| Farmer who invented and built the first ski lift worldwide, on 14 February 1908, covering 280 meters length over a height difference of 32 meters
| Yes
| Yes
| August:
| 22 Jun 1819
| 21 Mar 1914
| Railway engineer who systematically investigated fatigue phenomena in the behavior of materials, particularly metals. His research led to the S-N Curve, or Wöhler Curve.
| No
| Friedrich
| 31 Jul 1800
| 23 Sep 1882
| Inorganic and organic chemist who was the first to synthesize urea and to isolate the chemical elements beryllium and yttrium in pure metallic form. Wöhler is regarded as a pioneer in organic chemistry.
| No
| Heinrich
| 9 Apr 1913
| 23 Dec 1991
| Optometrist who first developed plastic contact lenses out of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA, 1940).
| No
| Theodor:
| 28 Jul 1868
| 19 Jun 1946
| Physicist and Jesuit priest who was the first to observe an increase in atmospheric radiation (later described as cosmic rays) by using an electrometer at the bottom and the top of the Eiffel Tower. His paper would not be widely accepted but only three years later Austrian Victor Hess recorded the same observations using three of a variation on Wulf's electrometer in a balloon ascent during a near total solar eclipse and won the Nobel Prize in physics that year.
| No
Thanks! Traci