Location: Germanna, Virginia, United States
Surname/tag: Germanna
Use the following template:
The goal of this project is to create genealogies and biographies for those families that settled the tract of land that became known as Germanna.
Project Leader: Laurie Kelley.
Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help.
- To merge all duplicates into the final lowest profile ID number.
- Final ID locked, marked as project protected (must be done by one of the Leaders), if the profile meets those requirements.
- Germanna template included on the page.
- All relevant categories are added.
- Parents are correct and documented.
- Biography is cleaned up, free of any GEDCOM junk, Ancestry trees, etc., and ideally has an actual written biography.
- Children are linked if able.
- Link Profile to Global Family Reunion
- Create a Cemetery Category, if known
- Create City freepages and link profiles to city and region categories
- Provide gravestone picture if possible
Germanna Families
There were two waves of settlers into Germanna, 1714 and 1717. Below are the names of the families:
1714 Colony from Siegerland:
- Johann Jost Albrecht
- Melchior Brombach and wife Maria Elisabetha Fischbach
- Jost Cuntze/Koontz and wife Anna Gertrud Reinschmidt
- Philip Fischbach/Fishback and wife Elizabeth Heimbach
- the Rev. Johann Heinrich Hager and wife Ann Catharina Friesenhagen
- Peter/Dieter Heide/Hitt and wife Elisabeth Otterbach
- Johannes Hoffman
- Hans Jacob Holtzklau/Holtzclaw and wife Anna Margaretha Otterbach
- Johannes Kemper/Camper
- Johann Jost Merdten/Martin and wife Maria Cathrina Otterbach
- Hermann Otterbach/Utterback and wife Elisabeth Heimbach
- Johann Jacob Richter/Rector and wife Anna Elisabeth Fischbach
- Johannes Spielmann
- Johann Heinrich Weber/Weaver and wife Anna Margarethe Huttman
1717 Colony from the Kraichgau and the Palatinate:
- Conrad Amburger/Amburgey
- Andreas Ballenger
- Christopher Barlur/Parlur/Barlow and wife Barbara
- Matthias Beller
- Balthazar Blankenbaker/Blankenbuhler and wife Ann Margaretha
- Matthias Blankenbaker/Blankenbuhler and wife Anna Maria Merklin
- Nicholas Blankenbaker/Blankenbuhler and wife Appollonia Kafer
- Johannes/John Breuel/Briles/Broyles and wife Ursula Ruop
- Cyriacus Fleischmann/Fleshman and wife Anna Barbara Schone
- Hans/John Herrensparger/Harnsberger and wife Anna Barbara
- Hans Michael Holdt/Holt
- Wolff Michael Kafer/Kaifer and wife Anna Maria
- Andreas Kerker and wife Margaretha
- Hans Michael Klarr/Clore and wife Anna Barbara
- Johann Michael Koch/Cook and wife Maria Barbara Reiner
- Jacob Crigler and wife Susanna Klaar
- Johannes/John Motz and wife Maria Appollonia Maubars
- Hans Georg/George Majer/Moyer and wife Anna Barbara
- Hans Michael Mihlekher and wife [[Unknown-459277|Sophia Catherina
- Johann Philip Paulitz/Paulitsch and wife Rosina Margaretha Schneider
- Heinrich/Henry Schlucter
- Johann Georg Sheible/Sheibley and wife Maria Eleanora Ockert
- Matthaus/Matthew Schmidt/Smith and wife Regina Catherine Schlozer
- Hans Michael Schmidt/Smith and wife Anna Margaretha Sauter
- Hans Heinrich/Henry Schneider/Snyder and wife Anna Dorothea Schilling
- Johannes/John Thoma/Thomas and wife Anna Maria Blanckenbuhler
- Johann George Utz and wife Anna Barbara Majer
- Phillip Joseph Weber/Weaver and wife Susannah Klaar
- Nicholas Jager/Yager/Yeager and wife Anna Maria Sieber
- Christopher Zimmerman and wife Anna Elisabetha Albrecht
Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!
- Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Laurie Wentz and One Place Studies Project WikiTree. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)
On the list for the 1717 Germanna Colony, Johannes (Thoma) Thomas is Thoma-161 and his wife Anna Maria Blankenbuhler is Blankenbuhler-2
Would you please make the corrections so they will show as having a WT profile?
Thanks, Ginny Fields
Let me know your thoughts. If just Germanna, Virginia, I can go ahead and create that category for you. If both or Germanna, Virginia Colony, I can check with my Southern Colony/Virginia contact (one of the US Southern Colonies project leaders - Paula J) & set that up too.
I've added your project to a better category so people can find you. Sounds like it would fit well in our One Place Studies Project. Thanks for starting it!