Location: Virginia

Surnames/tags: Germanna_Virginia Germany
This page is part of the Germanna Colonies Project
Germanna First Colony
Germanna was a German settlement in the Colony of Virginia, settled in four waves, first in 1714 the Germanna First Colony, second beginning in 1717 Germanna Second Colony, third came the 1725 Germanna Settlers, and finally, the Little Fork Colony.
Virginia Lieutenant Governor Alexander Spotswood encouraged the immigration by advertising in Germany for miners to move to Virginia and establish a mining industry in the colony.[1] In 1714, fourteen individuals with families totaling forty-two persons from the town of Siegen (Siegerland, Germany) and Muesen in the principality of Nassau-Siegen, Germany were persuaded to come to Virginia. They arrived in Virginia at Tappahannock in the spring of 1714, and then came up the Rappahannock River where they settled 20 miles west of Fredericksburg at a location that would be called Fort Germanna.
The families were:
- Johann Justus Albrecht from Switzerland
- Melchior Brumbach (1) from Müsen
- Philip Fischbach, wife Elisabeth Heimbach, and children Johannes, Harman, Mary Elisabeth (b. 1687) and Mary Elizabeth (b. 1696) (6) from Trupbach
- Jost Cuntze, wife Anna Gertrud Reinschmidt, and children from Niederndorf
- Reverand Henrich Häger, wife Anna Catherina Friesenhagen, and children Agnes Catharina and Anna Katharina (4) from Oberfischbach
- Johannes Hofmann (1) from Elsern
- Peter Heide/Heite, wife Maria Elisabeth Freudenberg (2) from Rehbach and Kaan0Marienborn
- Hans Jacob Holtzklau, wife Anna Margaretha Otterbach, and children John and Henry (4) from Oberfischbach
- Johannes Kemper (1) from Müsen
- Johannes, Anna Elisabeth and Catharine (5) of
- Johann Jost Merten (1) from Müsen
- Hans Jacob Richter, wife Anna Elisabeth Fishbach, and child Johannes (3) from Trupbach
- Johannes Spielmann (1) from Oberschelden
- Hermann Otterbach, wife Elizabeth Heimbach, and children Johann Phillipp, Johannes, Ellsbeth, Elisabeth Cathrina, Maria Cathrina, and Anna Cathrina (8) from Trupbach
- Johann Henrich Weber, wife Anna Margaret Huttman, and children Johannes, Catherine, and Tillman (5) from Elsern
- ↑ Wikipedia: Germanna (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanna
See also:
- Germanna Colonies for a history of Germanna, Colony of Virginia.
- Germanna Second Colony
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