Location: Germany
Surnames/tags: Germany German Roots Connectors
This team is part of the Germany Project
Return to the Germany Profile Improvement Team
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What We Do: Connect Profiles to Our Shared Tree
WikiTree's mission is to connect the human family on one tree that we all share. The Germany Project would love to see all German profiles connected to the larger tree. This team focuses on linking to our main Global Family Tree all the loose German branches and profiles around WikiTree.
For more information on making connections on WikiTree, see Help:Unconnected, which has step-by-step instructions on how to connect the unconnected.
This team works off lists (links below) which include unconnected profiles of people who were born or died in Germany.
How to Join
To join, or post a comment below or send an email to Jelena Eckstädt and we'll get you signed up.
How to Participate
- Click on a link to one of the unconnected profile lists below (the main list, by century, or by region). Those links will take you to a WikiTree+ search page.
- The pages are set up to be sorted by birth date; however, you can edit the search parameters to sort by name (first or last), birth or death location, or date of death.
- Click on "Get Profiles" in the blue box in the left column and you'll get a list of unconnected profiles.
- Choose a profile and try to connect it to our global tree.
- Click this link: MAIN UNCONNECTED PROFILES LIST, then click the blue "Get Profiles" box in the left column to get a list of unconnected profiles. NOTE: There are over 90,000 total unconnected German profiles, so you'll probably want to break the list down by century or region, below.
- The list above, broken apart by century, is as follows:
- Unconnected profiles can also be seen on our main Regions Team page, where they are separated by region in the table.
- If you're familiar with using WikiTree+, you can narrow the search to a specific last name, place of interest, etc. See the WikiTree+ Help page for tips on how to search WikiTree+.
- Automated list: HERE.
2022 Germany Connectors Challenges
The Team
- Steve Cornell
- Jelena Eckstädt (Project Coordinator)
- Isabelle Huth
- T.L. Koehnline
- Karen Lowe
- Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz
- Florian Straub (Team Leader)
- Manuela Thiele
- Traci Thiessen
Created: Thiessen-117 12 Feb 2021
Last updated by Traci Thiessen: 9 Mar 2022
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Florian Straub, Jelena Eckstädt, and Germany Project WikiTree. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
There's also the Germany Project Notice Board, where we will post needed team efforts etc.
Check out our Means of communication in the Germany Project, to learn more about the above.
Also feel free to add yourself to the team list above.
welcome to the team! Did you see our latest Connector's Challenge? https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1514999/germanys-connector-challenge-january-2023-inventors