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Gert & Christina Lubbe Familiebybel/Family Bible

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Hier verskyn foto's van die buiteblad, binneblad, bladsy met die name van die twee ouers, Gert Lubbe en Christina Lubbe, en bladsy met die name van sommige van hulle kinders. (Vermoedelik is die inskrywing van die geboortedatum van Cornelis Johannes Stefanus Coetzee in die Familiebybel foutief - kyk foto van sy grafsteen en ander bronne in sy profiel). Hulle was beide in hulle tweede huwelik en het net een kind uit die huwelik gehad, naamlik Chris Lubbe, wat toe die Bybel geërf het. Hy het die Bybel aan sy seun Gerrie Lubbe geskenk toe dié as sendeling in Lichtenburg ge-orden is op 15 Februarie 1969. Na Gerrie se afsterwe is die Bybel nou in besit van sy seun Chris Lubbe, wat die ingeslote foto's aan Jan Geertsema op 12 Maart 2023 per e-pos gestuur het. Volle name en geboortedatums van die ouers en sommige kinders verskyn op die ingeslote bladsye. // Here are pictures of the front cover, inside cover, page with the names of the two parents, Gert Lubbe and Christina Lubbe, and page with the names of some of their children. (Presumably the entry of the birth date of Cornelis Johannes Stefanus Coetzee in the Family Bible is incorrect - see photo of his tombstone and other sources in his profile). They were both in their second marriage and had only one child from the marriage, namely Chris Lubbe, who then inherited the Bible. He gave the Bible to his son Gerrie Lubbe when he was ordained as a missionary in Lichtenburg on 15 February 1969. After Gerrie's death, the Bible is now in the possession of his son Chris Lubbe, who emailed the attached photos to Jan Geertsema on March 12, 2023. Full names and dates of birth of the parents and some children appear on the enclosed pages.



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