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Gideon Moon Will 1790 Lunenburg County, Virginia

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Date: 14 Oct 1790 [unknown]
Location: Lunenburg County, Virginiamap
This page has been accessed 96 times.

Gideon Moon Will 1790 Lunenburg County, Virginia

Will Book 3- 372; Lunenburg County, Virginia : dtd. 9 Jun. 1790, recorded 14 Oct. 1790

IN THE NAME OF GOD the Creator all merciful I Gideon Moon, the Elder of Lunenburg County by Divine Mercy in perfect sense and memory, make and ordain this my last will and Testament.

First -I Will and desire that every just debt I owe at the time of my death may first be paid and discharged to the last Farthing in whatsoever Manner my executors may think most advantageous to my Estate.

Item -I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Mary Moon, the use and occupation of the Plantation whereon I now live as far down the creek as to a new line dividing it from the Plantation whereon my son William Moon tends and where I live, for and during his natural Life and after his decease I give the said Land to my son John Moon and his heirs forever, I do desire that he may have the Liberty of tending any part of the said land so as not interfere with that part my Wife may choose to tend, also, I give unto my said Wife two negroes by name Moses and Hannah, for and during her natural life and after her decease, to be equally divided among all my children then living, or the heirs of the bodies then living, lawfully begotten.

Item -I give and bequeath to my son John Moon, three Negroes by name Judah, Sarah and Jimmy and eight head of Cattle and one feather bed to him and his heirs forever.

Item - I give to my son William Moon the lower end of my tract of land whereon I now live, as far up the Creek as to a new line dividing it from the Plantation whereon I now live and one Negro by name Winne and one feather bed to him and his heirs forever.

Item - I give to my son Pleasant Moon, all the land on the Meherring River that I have leased to John Cureton at the expiration of the lease and three Ngroes by name Dick, Rose and Esther, one horse and saddle, eight head of cattle and one feather bed, to him and his heirs forever.

Item - I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Moon, one Negro by name Phill, one horse and saddle and one feather bed, twenty pounds Money of Virginia when she shall arrive to the years of eighteen to her and her heirs forever.

Item - I give and bequeath to my daughter, Lurine Moon, one Negro by name Nelius, one horse and saddle and one feather bed and one cow and calf and twenty pounds, current Money of Virginia, when she shall arrive to the years of eighteen to her and her heirs forever.

Item -I desire that the money, my son William Moon is owing me upon Land may be applied to disharge a debt due by me to Daniel Claiborne for Negroes bought of him.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Ingram's children, twenty Shillings.

Item -I give to my daughter Ann Linch, twenty Shillings

Item -I give and bequeath to my daughter Dicey Scott, twenty Shillings. Item -I give and beqeath to my daughter Sarah Cureton, twenty Shillings. Item -I give and bequeath and bequeath to my son Abner Moon, twenty Shillings. Item -I give and bequeath to my daughter, Rachel Glenn, twenty Shillings. Item -I give and bequeath all the remainder of my Estate, not before willed away, to my beloved wife, for and during her natural life and after her decease to be equally divided among all my children then living, or the heirs of their bodies, lawfully begotten.

Item -My son, Pleasant Moon Negroes is to work on the Plantation where I now live until he is eighteen years old.

Item -If either of my children die under age and without heirs of their bodies, lawfully begotten, that then, the portion I have given to him or her, shall be equally divided among all my children then living, or the heirs of their bodies, lawfully begotten.

Lastly - I nominate, constitute and appoint, my said wife Mary Moon Executrix together with my sons, Abner, John and William Moon and John Cureton Executors of this my last will and Testament, hereby revoking all other former wills by me made, declaring this alone to be my last will and Testament.

In Witness whereof sealed, published and declared the same, this ninth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and ninety. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us

Thomas Lad
Nathaniel Cureton
Noble Lad

Gideon (his X mark) Moon

At a Court held for Lunenburg County the fourteenth day of October, seven hundred and ninety, the last will and Testament of Gideon Moon, Deceased was exhibited in Court by Abner Moon, and John Cureton, Jr. two of the executors therin named and proved by the oaths of two of the witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of the said Executors (who made oath according to Law, certificate is granted them for obtaing a Probate of said will in due form, they having given Bond and securety, whereupon they, together with Archer Herrin, Thomas Ladd, William Moon, William Herrin and William Thackston, their securities, entered into and acknowledged Bond according to Law (reserving liberty to the other Executrix and Executors therein named to join in Probate therof when they shall think fitt.

Teste, William Taylor, Clerk of Lunenburg Court.

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