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Gilbert Dehart Probate

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Amity, Berks, Pennsylvaniamap
Surnames/tags: Dehart Pennsylvania
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Death & Legacy

Last Will & Testament

Gilbert Dehart's Will
Name: Gilbert Dehart, deceased
Will Written: Not dated
Death Date: Bef 23 Nov 1754[1]
Will Proved:
Executor(s): wife Elizabeth Dehart and William Winters
Will Witnesses: William Boone, John Warren
  1. To my eldest and beloved son Samuel all that tenements and tracts of land situated on the North side of the Tulpahocan Wagon Road plus 25 acres of the South side
  2. To my two beloved sons Samuel and William all my stock, movable after first allowing my beloved wife Elizabeth her choice of one or two milk cows and a riding horse, to be divided equally between them when the eldest is twenty-one years old
  3. To my four daughters Cathereen [sic], Sarah, Elizabeth and Mary the sum of £50 and each of them to receive the same from my two sons as they are of age. If one of my daughters dies in childhood then her amount shall be divided between the living daughters.
  4. To my beloved wife Elizabeth as much of my household goods as she thinks sufficient and the sum of £12 yearly to be paid to her by my two sons after they reach twenty-one during her widowhood. If she marries then £6 be paid to her yearly during her natural life.
  5. To my sister Charity a reasonable maintenance with my two sons, equally split between them, to be paid for her natural life
  6. To my father-in-law Adam Reed the use of the house he now lives in and firewood during his life
  7. To my beloved wife Elizabeth the use of my lands and buildings and improvements stock and movables to hold until my sons come of age, then my sons get their property and my wife can use the rest of my lands if she doesn't abuse them or devalue them
  8. My beloved wife Elizabeth Dehart and William Winters joint Executors of my will, collect money due to me and pay my debts, and use my lands properly, as needed, to raise my children not moderately or impoverishing them.
Signed by the testator in the presence of William Boone, John Warren
Gilbert Dehart
Gilbert Dehart signature


Name: Gilbert Dehart, deceased
Date: 23 Nov 1754[1]
Location: Amity, Berks, Pennsylvania
Witnesses: Benjamin Boone, m?? Ellis
Items: (£)
  1. Purce and Apperall 6.00.0
  2. Books 1.00.0
  3. Rideing horse saddle and bridle 15.00.0
  4. Bills Bonds Book Debts 37.15.0
  5. Clock and Case 6.00.0
  6. A Gun 0.10.0
  7. Some Carpenter's Tools 1.00.0
  8. Pitch forks, Dung fork 0.03.0
  9. Mall Rings & Wedges 0.03.0
  10. A Grubing howe and stone sledge 0.08.0
  11. Two pair of Iron hopples and a Timberr Chair 0.12.0
  12. Three old Sithes and one cradle 0.70.0
  13. Some Smiths Tools 2.10.0
  14. Two hundred foot of Walnut board 1.04.0
  15. One hundred and a half of Bar Iron 1.17.6
  16. Two harrows and plows with the irons 3.00.0
  17. One old wagon and 4 pair of old gairs 6.00.0
  18. Wheat for sale 80 lbs at 4s 16.00.0
  19. 25 acres of winter grain at 15s 18.15.0
  20. Seven milk cows 17.00.0
  21. Six two year old Lion and 3 yearlings £3 13.15.0
  22. Four Spring calves 2.00.0
  23. Twenty six sheep 5s 6 each 7.03.0
  24. Two horses, one £6 the other 2s 7.00.0
  25. One young mare £12 and one gray horse £3.10 15.10.0
  26. One black horse and one black mare £5 12.00.0
  27. A Negro man 40.00.0
  28. Five hundred acres of land 800.00.0
Total: £1042.12.6

Petition of William Winter

Petition of William Winter ES: of Gilbert Dehart
Feb 28th 1763[2]
see March 21st sentence
  • To the Worshipful Justices of the Orphans Court aka Court Holdin at Reading in the County of Berks
  • The Petition of William Winters one of the Executors of Gilbert Dehart late of the said County Humbly showith
  • That the widow of the said Gilbert Dehart who together with the petitioner an Executor of the Last Will & Testament of the said Gilbert Dehart is since Intermarried with a certain Christopher Metts.
  • That the said Christopher is like to prove Insolvent and that the portions & Estates of the minor children of the said Testator are not appt (aptly) secured. Petitioner therefore prays said Worships to oblige the said Christopher give security to the Orphans or minors (inserted:) or their guardians apd (appointed) with such sureties as the Said Court shall think reasonable.
Petitioner will pray
William Winter
Reading 28 Feb 1763

Guardianship William

28 Feb 1763:[3]
  • To the Justices of the Orphan's Court at Court Holden at Reading the 28 February 1763 in & for the said County of Berks
  • The petition of William Dehart one of the children of Gilbert Dehart late of the said county does humbly sheweth (show)
  • That said petitioner is a minor above the age of fourteen years and prays your worships to admit him to make choice of a Guardian
And said petitioner will ever pray
William Dehart
  • 1763 February 28 The petition allowed and the Petitioner above William Boone, Esquire, to be his Guardian for his Person and Estate; and the Court do approve of the said choice and appoint the said William Boone the Guardian of the Person & Estate of the said William Dehart.

Guardianship Elizabeth & Mary

1 Mar 1763: [4]
  • To the Justices of the Orphan's Court at a Court held at Reading in & for the County of Berks
  • The Petition of William Winters one of the Executors of Gilbert Dehart deceased
  • Humbly sheweth,
  • That the said Testator left six children, two of whom, to wit, Elizabeth & Mary, are minors under the age of fourteen years.
  • Your Petitioner prays Your Worships to appoint Guardians over the Persons & Estates of the said minor children
And your Petitioner will ever pray
William Winter
Reading 1 March 1763

Order of the Court

1 Mar 1763: [5]
  • March 1st 1763. The Justices the same as yesterday
  • It is ordered that
  • Christopher Metz, who intermarried with the widow of Gilbert Dehart, give Bonds, with two sufficient Sureties, (which Sureties are to be approved of by the Deputy Register) in the sum of Two Hundred Pounds (inserted: each bond) to the Guardians of the Children of the said Children conditioned for the Performance of their Trust reposed in his wife by the Will of the said Gilbert Dehart, and for the true Payment or Delivery to and for the wife and Behoof of such orphans as they are concerned for / or such as legally represent them of the Legacies, Portions, Shares and Dividends of Estate, real and personal, belonging to the Orphan Children of the Said Testator, so far as they have assets?, also for their maintenance and Education, which Bonds and toles given to the Guardians of the Said Minors respectively, on or before the Twenty fifth Day of March.


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994," images, FamilySearch (www.FamilySearch.org : accessed 8 April 2019), Berks > Estates 1752-1799 Brady, Samuel-Dehart, William > image 2083 of 2158; county courthouses, Pennsylvania. 18 images total contained within the file.
  2. Pennsylvania Probate Records, probate file of Gilbert Dehart, image 12
  3. Pennsylvania Probate Records, probate file of Gilbert Dehart, image 14
  4. Pennsylvania Probate Records, probate file of Gilbert Dehart, image 16
  5. Pennsylvania Probate Records, probate file of Gilbert Dehart, image 18

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