Location: Cook County, Chicago, IL Rockdale, IL

Surname/tag: Gladkowski
This page has been accessed 82 times.
Trying to find more about Paternal (Gladkowski) side of family. Came from Poland and cannot find anything past my Grandparents.
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Barbara (Gladkowski) Price
Only remember Paternal Grandmother. Martha Gladkowski (Pawlak). She died when I was about 9 1/2 years old. My Dad's Father Alex died when he was only 15 so never even knew him. A lot of the family lived in the same area. Grandma was upstairs in a three floor apartment. One of her daughters also lived in one of the apartments. Two of my Uncles, her sons also lived in the 2 houses next to us. It was a big family affair and fun being around the family. It's funny because my Grandma spoke Polish and I remember having conversations with her as a child although I do not speak any now.
posted 17 Oct 2020 by Barbara (Gladkowski) Price
[thank Barbara]
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Looking for anyone who may have Alex Gladkowski or Martha Pawlak in family or know of them. Both were born in the 1880's. Came to U.S. from Poland. Most would be from the Chicago area. I know my Grandmother possibly had a sister Mary and a brother Joseph. They may have even been half-siblings. Their was also a relative who was a Priest, Edwin Pawlak. Born 1926 or 1927 in Chicago and died in Florida. His father was Frank Pawlak. I believe this may have been a possible brother to Martha. There was a book written based on Ed before he became a Priest and his life in Chicago and the Polka scene at that time. The book is "Dancing with the Lord " by Judie Poremba. Have found information on Alex and when he came over but nothing as far as any possible siblings. Would love to find any further information!