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Glapwell Colliery Accident

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 15 Nov 1928
Location: Glapwell, Derbyshire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Mining_Disasters England Derbyshire
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Glapwell Colliery, Glapwell,
Derbyshire, England -
Glapwell Colliery Accident

15 November 1928


History and Circumstances

Area History

Glapwell is a village in north East Derbyshire. It is between Chesterfield and Mansfield, the nearest small town is Bolsover to the North. In the 1911 census the population was 1,503. (1) The village is mentioned in the DOMESDAY BOOK.
There is no dominant industry in the area, most of the jobs are out of the village.

Mine History

Glapwell colliery closed down on 30th June 1974 after 90 years. It was referred to as No.1 and No.3 pits, it was actually in Ault Hucknal but named after the nearby village of Glapwell which consisted of 18 houses. Nearly 500 houses were built during the life of the mine.
Glapwell Colliery site is owned by a private company manufacturing industrial fencing and access solutions Eve Trakway.

Mine Disaster Circumstances

Henry Richards had examined the roof with a pick about 10 minutes before the accident and said he thought it was sufficiently timbered. After the fall a slip could be seen at each end and this was said to be the reason for the accident.

The Inquest

The inquest was conducted by Dr. A Green at the Glapwell Colliery offices. At the inquest Alfred's father, also a miner, gave evidence of identification, he said his son was a Stallman. A graphic account was given by Henry Richards a 14 year old Stallman who was working with Alfred in the north of No 3 pit said that about 6.45pm he was putting coal on a belt and there was a sudden crash and when he turned around, he could not see anyone, the roof, coal, and bind had fallen down and Alfred was completely buried. 8 full tubs fell on him. Alfred Ward, a deputy, stated he visited the place where the accident happened 20 minutes before and saw nothing unusual, he examined the roof and saw no slips. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death, and Mr. W. B. M. Jackson, the Managing Director expressed regret on behalf of the company.

Miner Victim

Alfred Mason

Alfred Mason aged 24. He lived at 37 Bulls Farm, Mansfield, and he had worked at the mine since he left school.

He had been married only 18 months, and he never got to meet his daughter who was born 5 months later.
Besides his widow and baby girl, he left behind his parents, 5 brothers, and 2 sisters.

  • Add photos if found and other items of interest.
  • Add newspaper articles if found.
  • Add number of children, etc., or other info about the families.

Miner Survivors

The other miner hurt in the accident was George Harold Willis, aged 54 of Vicars Lane, Chesterfield who suffered a fractured spine.
He had been pinned down by the shoulders. He was crushed by half a ton of falling roof.
His rescue had taken 1 hour and 20 minutes and he was then taken to Chesterfield Hospital.
'Henry Richards, aged 14, escaped unhurt.
An unnamed man was uninjured.

Rescue Effort & Rescuers

The rescue effort lasted 1 and a half hours by brave, currently unnamed, rescuers.

Museums & Memorials

  • Add links to museums or memorials regarding this disaster
  • Add photos of memorials

Memorial Stickers

The Memorials add the Occupation categories to the Miners' and Mining Rescuers' profiles.

The Miners' Support Ribbon is added to Miners' Family members and Supporters involved in this coal mining disaster.

General Notes regarding Stickers:

  • The text is a variable that can be changed to fit the individual.
  • Text is limited to 100 characters
  • The name line in a person's profile will fill in the name of the person in the Memorial Sticker.
  • wording may be changed in the Connection= to fit the individual's profile
  • A miner who is killed in the disaster along with a brother or father can have both a Miners' Memorial and "Miners' Family Sticker added to his profile. An example is included below.

For others involved, i.e., family members, others involved, miners who worked there but not in the mine that day, the suggestions can be copy&pasted and then edited.

Some Suggestions For Miners:

  • wasn't working that day, so escaped the
  • worked in the mine, but was not involved in the

Suggestions For Mining Rescuers:

  • helped with rescue and recovery in the
  • was a rescuer killed in the rescue efforts in the

Miners' Memorial Sticker

Copy & Paste the following to the profile either just below the Biography Heading or just before a paragraph that includes additional details.

{{Mining Disasters
|text= was killed in the [[Space:Glapwell_Colliery_Accident|Glapwell]] Colliery Accident
|category=English Coal Miners


Mining Emblem
... ... ... was killed in the Glapwell Colliery Accident on 15-Nov-1928

  • With the category= set on English Coal Miners, this automatically adds the profile to the appropriate Coal Miners category AND automatically added the Coal Miner Memorial image

Mining Rescuers Memorial Sticker

Copy & Paste the following to the profile either just below the Biography Heading or just before a paragraph that includes additional details.

:*The Image=, date=, category=, and flag= should remain the same.

See suggestions above for examples of other wording in the text= field between = and Space

{{Mining Disasters
|text= helped with rescue and recovery in the [[Space:Glapwell_Colliery_Accident|Glapwell]] Colliery Accident
|category=Mining Rescuers
| flag=UK_Flags-4.png


Mining Emblem
... ... ... helped with rescue and recovery in the Glapwell Colliery Accident on 15-Nov-1928

  • With the category= set on Mining Rescuers, this automatically adds the profile to the Mining Rescuers category AND adds the Mining Rescuer Memorial image.

Family Members & Supporters in the Aftermath

The Miners' Support Ribbon is added to family members of miners, and those who were Supporters in the Aftermath.


  • A miner who is killed in the disaster along with a brother or father can have both a Miners' Memorial and "Miners' Family Sticker added to his profile. An example is included below.
  • Delete the category= line for Supporters which will add the Ribbon and no category

'The following suggestions or other wording replaces the text= where shown text=XXXXXXX

Suggestions for the Family Members:

  • was a widow of a miner killed in the
  • lost his/her father in the
  • was a baby when father was killed in the
  • wasn't yet born when father died in the
  • lost his/her son in the
  • lost his/her brother in the
  • was killed along with his brother/father in the

Supporter in the Aftermath Suggestions:

  • was involved in the aftermath of the
  • testified at the Inquest of the

Family Member

{{Mining Disasters
|text=XXXXXXX [[Space:Glapwell_Colliery_Accident|Glapwell]] Colliery Accident

Results In:

Mining Emblem
... ... ... XXXXXXX Glapwell Colliery Accident on 15-Nov-1928

Other Ways to Use Memorials

These are enlarged images for the Coal Miner Memorial, the Mining Rescuer Memorial, and the Support Miners Ribbon used for family and supporters, and any miner or rescuer to be honored. The stickers contain very small images and this is how you can use the images outside the sticker.

Coal Miner Memorial

Mining Rescuers

Family & Supporters

LINKS These might be better as inline references Karen


1/ "Civil Parish population 2011". Neighbourhood Statistics. Office for National Statistics. Retrieved 18 March 2016.

Add other sources used in completing or researching the disaster.
Thank you for Visiting.
We Honor Those Who Were Lost, Those Who Helped & Those Left Behind
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