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Glencolumbkille Civil Parish, County Donegal

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Surnames/tags: Glencolumbkille Donegal Ulster
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Ireland Main Donegal Page Category for Glencolumbkille Parish Civil Parishes in County Donegal

?? Part of the Ireland Project

This information page for the Civil Parish contains a list of all the townlands in the parish and links to the category for the townland (if it has been created). There also may be notes about the individual townlands.
This page is maintained by the County Donegal team


Glencolumbkille Civil Parish

Irish or Alternate Names: Glencolmcille, Gleann Cholm Cille
Logainm Link: Glencolumbkille Parish on Logainm.ie
Barony: Banagh
Province: Ulster


Population Centres of Glencolumbkille Civil Parish

Note: Population centres for this Parish, where known, are shown here. For a full list see Towns of County Donegal


Irish or Alternate Name: An Charraig.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap


Irish or Alternate Name: Gleann Cholm Cille.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap

Malin Beg

Irish or Alternate Name: Málainn Bhig.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap

Malin More

Irish or Alternate Name: Málainn Mhóir.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap


Irish or Alternate Name: Mín na Croise.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap


Irish or Alternate Name: Mín an Aoire.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap


Irish or Alternate Name: Teileann.
Web page for Teelin
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap

The Townlands of Glencolumbkille Civil Parish

The townlands in Glencolumbkille Parish (Glencolmcille, Gleann Cholm Cille) are those taken from Glencolumbkille Parish on Logainm.ie and validated against townlands on Townlands.ie, PlacenamesNI.org where appropriate, Griffiths valuations data and the 1901 and 1911 censuses. A link is provided in the notes for the 1901 and 1911 census. Please note that these may not always work if the townland was not available on the census in question. The census site may also substitute a similar name so be prepared for unexpected results!
If the townland has a category it will be linked in the table below. If there is no link and you need the category please contact David to get the category created or put in a request for the category to be created. Alternatively, if you feel condifent to do so, see Townland Category Information Boxes below for how to create them yourself.
Townland Irish/Alternate name WikiTree Category Link Notes
AghraghAn tAtharach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
AltcloghAilt Chloch 1901 Census, 1911 Census
BallardAn Baile Ard 1901 Census, 1911 Census
BallymoreAn Baile Mór 1901 Census, 1911 Census
BangortBánghort 1901 Census, 1911 Census
BeefanBíofán 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Beefan and Garveross MountainSliabh Bhíofáin agus Gharbhrois 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Braade LowerAn Bhráid Íochtarach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Braade UpperAn Bhráid Uachtarach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
CappaghAn Cheapach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Carrick LowerAn Charraig Íochtarach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Carrick UpperAn Charraig Uachtarach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
CashelAn CaisealCategory:Cashel Townland, Glencolumbkille Parish, County Donegal1901 Census, 1911 Census
CloghanAn Clochán 1901 Census, 1911 Census
ContycroCointe Cró 1901 Census, 1911 Census
CreenveenAn Chríonmhín 1901 Census, 1911 Census
CroaghacullionCruach an Chuilinn 1901 Census, 1911 Census
CroaghlinCruachlann 1901 Census, 1911 Census
DooeyAn Dumhaigh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
DoonaltDún Allt 1901 Census, 1911 Census
DrumAn Droim 1901 Census, 1911 Census
DrumroeAn Droim Rua 1901 Census, 1911 Census
FarranmacbrideFearann Mhic Giolla BhrídeCategory:Farranmacbride Townland, Glencolumbkille Parish, County Donegal1901 Census, 1911 Census
FaugherAn Fhothair 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Faugher MountainSliabh na Foithreach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Gannew and CurreenAn Gaineamh agus An Curraoin 1901 Census, 1911 Census
GarverossGarbhros 1901 Census, 1911 Census
GlenloughGleann Lach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Gull Island (Kilgoly)  1901 Census, 1911 Census
Gull Island (Malinbeg)  1901 Census, 1911 Census
It is unclear where the Loaginm.ie reference given is the correct on.
KilanedCill Fhathnaid 1901 Census, 1911 Census
KilgolyCill Ghabhlaigh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
KiltyfannedCoillte Feannaid 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Kinkeel Island  1901 Census, 1911 Census
KinnakillewCionn na Coilleadh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
LaghilLeathchoill 1901 Census, 1911 Census
LergadaghtanLeirg an Dachtáin 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Lergadaghtan MountainSliabh Leirg an Dachtáin 1901 Census, 1911 Census
LougheraherkLoch Dhoire Thoirc 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Malin BegMálainn Bhig 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Malin MoreMálainn Mhóir 1901 Census, 1911 Census
MeenacharvyMín an Chearrbhaigh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
MeenacrossMín na Croise 1901 Census, 1911 Census
MeenadiffMín an Daimh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
MeenadreenMín an Draighin 1901 Census, 1911 Census
MeenanearyMín an Aoire 1901 Census, 1911 Census
MeenasillaghMín na Saileach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
MeenavaghranMín na bhFachrán 1901 Census, 1911 Census
MeenaveanMín na bhFiann 1901 Census, 1911 Census
PortAn Port 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Rathlin O'Birne IslandReachlainn Uí Bhirn 1901 Census, 1911 Census
RinnakillRann na CilleCategory:Rinnakill Townland, Glencolumbkille Parish, County Donegal1901 Census, 1911 Census
ShanballyAn Seanbhaile 1901 Census, 1911 Census
StraboyAn Srath Buí 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Straid or GlebeAn tSráid 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Straleel NorthSrath Laoill Thuaidh 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Straleel SouthSrath Laoill Theas 1901 Census, 1911 Census
StranagartanSrath na gCartán 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Toralaydan IslandAn Tor Mór 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Tormore IslandAn Tor Mór 1901 Census, 1911 Census
UmmerawirrinanIomaire Mhuireanáin 1901 Census, 1911 Census


External Resources

  • A list of external resources for this parish may be placed here. More general souces for Donegal should be added to the main Donegal page.
Whilst care is taken to ensure links are not made to disreputable, phishing or other sites of doubtful integrity it is your responsibility to ensure that you are not going to such a site by clicking on one of the links which may have been added after this page was created.

Townland Category Information Boxes

For the full 'How to' on creating Irish location categories please read 'Creating Location Categories for Ireland'
The pre-formatted line for each townland and the fully formatted CIB header can be seen below this page when in edit mode. Please ensure you have read the 'How to' before doing anything. Briefly, the pre-formatted line in the hidden text is used to replace the line above. The CIB text is pasted into the category which is created by clicking on the red category link.

Version Notes

Parish format version 3.2. Ireland In Song section if filled.


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