
Glossary Portugal

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Glossary of Portuguese genealogical terms
I took as example the German Glossary and also incorporated the glossary the Portugal Project had already on their project page
To get some more clues on linguistical complications of Portuguese, also keep an eye on the messages on the profile. In case you think there are still some terms missing, please drop me a note.

a quem dei o nome = who I named
anno (arch.) ano = year
a bordo do/de = on board of (ship name)
apelido = surname (pt.), nickname (br.)
árvore genealógica = family tree
baptisado(a) (arch.), batisado(a) = christened; baptized; baptised
baptismo (arch.), batismo = baptism
capelão = chaplain
casamento = marriage
casado(a) = married
celebrante = officiating
cidade = city
confirmação = Confirmation
com = with (the bride's name will be after this word)
concelho = municipality (second smallest administrative division)
conjuge(s) (arch.), cônjuge(s) = spouse(s)
consangüinidade (br.), consanguinidade (pt.) = consanguinity, kinship - there must be a dispensation from the church if they are closer than a fourth degree of consanguinity
contrahentes (arch.), contraentes = contracting parties
creança (arch.), criança = child
dia = day
d'idade (arch.), de idade = of the age
diocese = diocese (only a religious division)
divorciado(a/os) = divorced /div./
divorciar (v.) = to divorce (ex.: Eles são divorciados = They are divorced)
divórcio = divorce
enterramento, enterro, sepultura = burial
enterrei, enterrado(a), sepultado(a) = buried (I buried, dead person was buried)
enviuvado(a) = widowed
Espanha = Spain
esposa = wife
esposo = husband
exposto = abandoned/orphan child (a lot of these, from what I know, were children that were born in poor health, and the parents didn't know if they would make it. It was an acceptable practice to leave them with the church, who would assign godparents and baptize them)
falleceu (arch.) faleceu = he/she died
falecido(a), defunto(a) = dead (the dead person)
falecimento = death
filho(a) = son/daughter (abb. "f.")
filho(a) familia = lit. son/daughter-family, designates a minor, still subject to parental oversight (Priberam)
filho legitimo = legitimate son
filha legitima = legitimate daughter
filho(a) natural = natural child of (parents not married, but they can if they want)
filho(a) ilegitimo(a) = illegitimate child of (one parent is already married and can't be named)
freguesia = parish (smaller Portuguese administrative division, also the smallest religious one)
Hispania (arch.) = Spain
igreja - church
Igreja Católica = Catholic Church
já defuncto(a) (arch.) = already deceased
já defunctos (arch.) = both deceased
logar (arch.), lugar = place/locality smaller than a parish
madrinha = godmother
madrinha (de casamento) = bridesmaid
mãe = mother
marido = husband
materna = maternal grandchild of
matrimônio (br.), matrimónio (pt.) = marriage
mês = month
moradores em = residents of
morte = death
mulher = wife
não mencionado(a) (abb.: n. menc.) = not mentioned
nascido(a) = born
nascimento = birth
natural de = native of
nepto(a) (arch.), neto(a) = grandson/granddaughter nome próprio = first name
nubentes = the betrothed
primeiras/segundas nupciais = first/second marriage
óbito = death
ofício de registro civil (br.), ofício de registo civil (pt.) = registry office
padrinho = godfather
padrinho (de casamento) = best man
padrinhos = godparents (can mean both sexes, but at least one man is included)
pai = father
pai incognito = father unknown/unnamed
pais = parents
parocho (arch.), pároco = parson
paróquia = parish
parochianos (arch.), paroquianos = parishioners
paterno = paternal grandchild of
perante = in front of
petição de divórcio = petition of divorce
presbytero (arch.), presbítero = priest
primeiro do nome = first of their name
primo(a) = cousin (male/female)
profissão = profession/occupacion
recebidos em = married in
recebimento = marriage
registo (pt.) registro (br.) paroquial (pl. paroquiais) = church record
residentes = residing
sem impedimento algum = without any impediment
sepultado = buried
(sexo) masculino/feminino = male/female
sobrenome = family name
solteiro = single
testemunha(s) = witness(es)
testemunho(s) = testimony(ies)
tia = aunt
tio = uncle
vigário = vicar
viuvo(a) = widow(er)

In the words with "o(a)" at the end, the male word ends with o and the female one with a.
At words that have different spelling in Portugal and Brazil I expressed the difference. In the other countries with Portuguese as official language usually the European Portuguese version is the one used.

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Hi, a small correction on a previous message, I've wrote.

Padrinho (f. madrinha) does indeed mean godfather (f. godmother), but it might also mean best man (f. bridesmaid) when referring to marriages. It usually appears as padrinho (madrinha) de casamento (casamento meaning marriage), but in case it appears without the qualifier, one should be mindful of the context.

Finally, to complicate even more, the plural "padrinhos" although it technically could mean godfathers, it is usually used to refer to both the the godfather and godmother, taking the meaning of godparents. That's a common phenomena in Portuguese, where the plural of the male word is used to refer to both genders of the word and it also happens with pai (father), mãe (mother), mães (mothers), yet pais might mean both fathers and parents, depending on the context.

posted by Filipe Barroso
freguesia - parish (smaller Portuguese administrative division, also the smallest religious one)

lugar (old: logar) - place/locality (an inhabited place smaller than a parish)

concelho - municipality (second smallest)

diocese - diocese (just a religious division)

testemunhas - witnesses

natural de (to not be confused with natural birth) - native of

cidade - city

cônjuge(s) (f/m) (old: conjuge(s)) - spouse(s)

a quem dei o nome - which I named

profissão - profession/occupation Again, some old scripts

faleceu (old: falleceu) - died

ano (old: anno) - year

Espanha (old: Hispania) - Spain

I think this covers what usually appears in Portuguese baptismal, marriage and death records.

posted by Filipe Barroso
Another forms that might appear

(some are differences between Brazilian-European Portuguese)

Consangüinidade (br) / Consanguinidade (pt)

contrahentes (recent Portuguese: contraentes)

d'idade/de idade (old: d'edade/de edade)

igreja (old: egreja)

matrimônio (br) /matrimónio (pt) Another useful words/expressions (not sure if all of them should be included, but they often appear)

recebidos em - married in

paroquianos (old: parochianos) em - parishioners in

moradores em - residents in

neto(a) (old: nepto(a)) de - grandson (granddaughter) of [paterno and paterno only mean paternal and maternal.]

primeiras/segundas núpcias - first/second nuptials

padrinho/madrinha - godfather/godmother

(sexo) masculino/feminino - male/female (gender)

Presbítero (old Presbytero) - Priest

Pároco (old Parocho) - Parson

Vigário - Vicar

posted by Filipe Barroso