
Gonzalez United Methodist Church

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Date: 1876 [unknown]
Location: 2026 PAULINE STREET, CANTONMENT, FL, 32533map
Profile manager: Erica Inglett private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 64 times.

In Service To The Community Since 1876--- The area from Cottage Hill to 10 Mile Road was known as Manuel Gonzalez Tract, a Spanish land grant. This land was measured in arpents (not acreage). This predated any development of communities such as Cottage Hill, Cantonment, Roberts & Gonzalez. Residents live in small settlements along the stagecoach road known at one time as Pensacola Highway. In the 1840’s, and 1850 ’s and 1860’s residents of the area began to garden and raise cattle. The area began to develop lumber businesses and brick production. Then came the railroads in the 1860’s and 1870’s. Of course, the Civil War was going on during this time. The need for places to worship began during this time also. In 1856 and 1857 camp meetings were being sponsored by the Methodist Conferences in districts. The one in this area was at Brady’s Pond. From these camp meetings grew several rural churches. Gonzalez United Methodist Church, which came into being as a group of people of faith began to worship in the homes and then in a log church that was located near where the Jordan Cemetery is located today. The Jordan’s donated the property for this cemetery. The second church, known as Shepard’s Church, was located south of the Gonzalez Depot. It was of log construction and was later used as a post office. A third church, of frame construction, was given the name Powellton Church. It was built in 1877, then torn down and moved to a location north of the circuit parsonage under the trees beside the Tom Bradley home (presently the home of Margaret B. Smith). The fourth church was constructed in 1897 and 1898. This is the current church building and several additions have been added in the last 100 plus years. The latest addition to Gonzalez United Methodist Church is the Community Life Center which opened in August of 2004. Gonzalez United Methodist Church, a historical church, bridging the gap of time continues to celebrate its cultural and spiritual heritage while impacting the lives of many through transcendent expressions of faith and worship. With its roots firmly planted in the 19th century, Gonzalez United Methodist Church has attributed to countless generations of emerging witnesses to Christ's Grace and Truth.

Now, stronger than ever, Gonzalez United Methodist Church has embraced a new era of ministry for both present and future generations.

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