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Gorges Settlement at Wessagussett (1623-1624)

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Date: 1623 to 1624
Location: Weymouth, Massachusettsmap
Profile manager: JT Strong private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 75 times.


This page is devoted to the New England Settlement(s) led by Capt. Robert Gorges, the son of Sir Ferdinando Gorges.

The first settlement of the area, promoted by Thomas Weston, established in September 1622 had been abandoned shortly thereafter in March 1623 after a difficult winter.[1]

Capt. Gorges arranged for the second attempt of a settlement at the same location. The Gorges settlement failed and was also abandoned but was resettled a few years later as Weymouth. Capt. Gorges returned to England when the settlement was abandoned.

Various historians count the number of settlers in the Gorges expedition at "approximately" 120, but no definitive list of settlers has been produced. The list below is an amalgamation from various sources with an intention to create a complete, or as near complete as possible, list of the members of the Gorges party.

List of Possible/Probable Settlers

Citations to be added.


  1. See generally, "Wessagussett Colony," Wikipedia.

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Good idea for this free space profile...

Excellent way to keep trace of who settled where.