
Gould and Curry Gold Mine 1897

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 24 Jun 1897 [unknown]
Location: Ely, White Pine County, Nevada,map
Surnames/tags: Mining_Disasters Nevada Disasters
This page has been accessed 332 times.

Disasters | Mining Disasters | United States Mining Disasters | Gould and Curry Mine Disaster

Contact: United States Mining Disasters


History and Circumstances

  • Date: 24 Jun 1897
  • Location: Ely, Nevada
  • Victims: 11 dead
  • Cause: Fire

Name Sourced Bio Connected Category

Rescue Efforts

Results and Findings

To Create the Category

To create the category for this Disaster, please add [[Category:Gould and Curry Mine, Ely, Nevada, 1897]] at the top of this page. When the category link shows up red at the bottom of the profile, click it to add the parent categories [[Category:State, Mining Disasters]] and [[Category:City, State]]. Please remove these category instructions after the category has been added.

Note: The mine name is in the following form: XXXX Mine. Use the name of the mine, not the name of the mining company or the mine shaft (unless they are the same). If there are numerous mines with this name, use XXXX MineType Mine. Example: [[Category:Pennsylvania Copper Mine, Butte, Montana, 1916]].




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