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Ireland; Chief Governors in the English Administration 12th-17th C.

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Appointments following the 12th-century Norman invasion of Ireland

1169 - Richard de Clare (Strongbow) leads an invasion force
1171 - King Henry II leads a large invasion force to take control of the Normans in Ireland and establish his authority over the Irish

1172 Synod of Cashel assembled as a Parliament at Lismore by Henry II

1172 - Hugh de Lacy, Robert FitzStephen, Maurice fitz Gerald & Philip Braose (note : not Robert de Bruce) commissioned Governors of Ireland by King Henry II [1]
1173 - Richard de Clare (Strongbow) and Raymond le Gross are made Lord Wardens

1175 - The Treaty of Windsor King Henry II of England becomes Lord of Ireland

1175 - Raymond le Gross is Lord Protector; William fitz Andelm (Fitz Aldelm), John de Courcy, Robert FitzStephen and Milo de Cogan are his councillors
1179 - William fitz Andelm (Fitz Aldelm) and John de Courcy are Governors - Hugh de Lacy is Lord Procurator General & Robert de la Poer Lord Justiciar
1180 - John de Lacy Baron of Halton Castle, Constable of Chester and Richard de Peche (Peck) Bishop of Coventry are Governors
1181 - Hugh de Lacy and Hugh de Walter (Hubert Walter) Bishop of Salisbury are Governors
1184 - Philip de Braose (Philip of Worcester) (Philip de Brees)
1184 - John Earl of Moreton, son of King Henry II is made Lord of Ireland; Prince John is accompanied by his tutor Gerald of Wales (Giraldus Cambrensis)
1185- John de Courcy, Earl of Ulster was made Governor

In 1185 Earl John planted English laws and officers in Ireland and also enlarged the Royal Style to include Lord of Ireland, a title the Kings of England continued to use until the 23rd year of King Henry Vlll's reign.

1190 - Hugh de Lacy the younger and John de Courcy are made Governors
1191 - William Marshal and William Pettet (Guillaume le Petit) are made Lords Justiciar
1192 - Theobald Fitz Walter appointed Butler of Ireland by King John
1194 - Pierre Pipard was made Governor
1194 - 1195 - Walter de Lacy & John de Courcy are Governors
1197 - Hamo de Valis (Hamon Valoignes) is Jord Justiciar

In 1199, John becames king of England and control of Ireland is held directly by the English Crown as a fief of the Holy See under the lordship of the King of England. [2]

1199 - Myler fitz Henry (Meiller Fitz-Henri) is made Governor
1200 - Hugh de Lacy is Lord Justiciar
1201-1203 - William Burgh Seneschal of Munster earlier was Governor of Limerick
1208 - John Gray Bishop of Norwich is made Lord Justiciar

1210 - King John, at the head of a military force, arrives in Ireland.

1210 - King John is Governor - John Gray Bishop of Norwich is Lord Justiciar
1211 - William Pettet is Viceroy while King John is away
1213 - Henry de Loundres (Launders), Archbishop of Dublin is Lord Justiciar
1215 - Geoffrey Marsh (Geoffrey de Marisco) with Sir Edmund Butler are Lords Justiciar

1216 - King Henry III. sends over to Ireland the Great Charter granted by King John. (Magna Carta)

1219 - Henry de Loundres & Maurice Fitzgerald is Deputy Lord Justiciar
1224 - William Marshall is Lord Justiciar
1225 - Geoffrey Marsh (Geoffrey de Marisco) is Lord Justiciar
1227 - Richard Bourke (Richard Mor de Burgh) is Lord Justiciar (was Seneschal of Munster; Keeper of Limerick Castle; Lord of Connacht & Justciar of Ireland 1228-32
1232 - Hubert de Burgh Earl of Kent was appointed but never arrived in Ireland
1232 - Maurice Fitzgerald is again Lord Justiciar
1245 - John FitzGeoffrey is Lord Justiciar
1247 - Theobald Butler; Lord of Carrick & John Cogan are Lords Justiciar

1254 - Ireland granted, under certain conditions, by Henry III. to his son Prince Edward. [3]

1256 - Sir Richard de Roche
1257 - Geoffrey Alan de la Zouch is Lord Justiciar
1258 - Stephen Longespée (Longford or Longsword) is Lord Justiciar
1260 - William Dean is Lord Justiciar (died 1261)
1261 - Sir Richard de Roche (de Repulla, Rupella, de Rupe, Roches, de la Roch & Rochelle) is Lord Justiciar
1267 - Sir David de Barry is Lord Justiciar
1268 - Sir Robert Peyton de Ufford is Lord Justiciar
1269 - Richard de Exeter (Richard de Exonia) is Lord Justiciar
1270 - James Audley Constable of Ulster is Lord Justiciar
1272 - Maurice FitzMaurice Fitzgerald is Lord Justiciar
1272 - Sir Robert Peyton de Ufford in Lord Justiciar
1273 - Geoffrey Lord Genevil (de Joinville) is Lord Justice
1276 - Sir Robert Peyton de Ufford is Lord Justiciar

1277 - Some of the Irish adjoining the Anglo-Norman counties petition Edward I. for an extension of English laws and usages to them. [4]

1279 - Brother Stephen Fulbourn; Bishop of Waterford is Treasurer of Ireland 1274–77 & Justiciar of Ireland 1281-88. - he is Knight Hospitaller
1280 - Sir Robert Peyton de Ufford is Lord Justiciar
1282 - Stephen Fulbourn Archbishop of Tuam is Lord Justiciar
1288 - John de Sanford Archbishop of Dublin is Lord Justiciar (nephew of Philip Basset)
1291 - William de Vesci (Vesey) is Lord Justiciar (fled to France in 1294 : Annals of Ireland)
1293 - William de la Hay Chief Justice of the King's Bench (Lord Deputy) & William de Oddingseles (William Doddingsale or de Odinseles or Doddinsale or Odingsells) are Lords Justiciar
1295- Thomas Fitz Maurice Fitzgerald and John Wogan (William Wogan) are Lord Justiciar

1295 & 1309 - A Parliament held at Kilkenny by Sir John Wogan, Lord Justice.

1299 - Richard de Burgh Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
1308 - Sir William Bourke is Lord Warden; Piers Gaveston (Pierce Gravelin) is Lord Justiciar
1310 - John Wogan is Lord Justiciar; Brother William de Ros Prior Hospitaller fills in while Wogan is on campaign in Scotland
1312 - Sir Edmund Butler is Deputy Lord Justiciar
1314 - Tebaud Verdun Theobald de Verdo (de Verdon) & Sir Edmund Butler Earl of Carrick are Lords Justiciar
1317 - Roger de Mortimer is Lord Justiciar, but the Lord Birmingham is General
1318 - William Fitz John Archbishop of Cashel is Lord Chancellor of Ireland & Alexander Bicknor (de Bigbor) Archbishop of Dublin is Lord Justiciar
1318 - Alexander Bicknor (Alexander Bignor) Archbishop of Dublin is Lord Justiciar
1319 - Roger de Mortimer again Lord Justiciar
1320 - Thomas Fitz John Fitzgerald Earl of Kildare is Lord Justiciar
1321 - John Bermingham Lord Athenree & Ralph de Gorges are Lords Justiciar
1323 - John Darcy is Lord Justiciar
1326 - Thomas Fitz John Fitzgerald Earl of Kildare in Lord Justiciar also Roger Outlaw, Prior of Kilmainham
1326 - Sir John Darcy is Lord Justiciar and Roger Outlaw/Utlagh his deputy
1331 - William Burgh (William Bourke) Earl of Ulster is Lord Justiciar
1331 - Sir Anthony Lucy is Lord Justiciar
1332 -Sir Roger de Mortimer is Lord Justiciar
1334 - John Darcy is Lord Justiciar and Thomas Bourk his deputy
1337 - Sir John de Charlton (John Carleton) is Lord Justiciar
1338 - Thomas de Charlton (Thomas Carleton) Bishop of Hereford is Lord Chancellor
1340 - Brother Roger Utlagh (Roger Outlaw) Prior of Kilmainham is Lord Justiciar / prior of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in Ireland
1341 - Sir John Morris is Lord Justiciar A History of Ireland page: 95 by Edmund Curtis
1344 - Sir John Ufford is Lord Justiciar
1346 - Roger Lord Darcy is Lord Justiciar
1346 - Sir John Morris is Lord Justiciar
1348 - Sir Walter Bermingham is Lord Justiciar
1348 - John Archer Prior of Kilmainham is Lord Justiciar Celt : Annales Hiberniae p:143 (Friar John L'Archer, Prior of Kilmainham is Deputy)
1349 - Sir Walter Bermingham is Lord Justiciar
1349 - John Lord Carew (Baron Carey) is Lord Justiciar
1349 - Sir Thomas Rooksby is Lord Justiciar
1350 - Maurice FitzGerald Earl of Desmond is Lord Justiciar
1356 - Sir Thomas Rooksby is Lord Justiciar
1357 - Almaric St Amand is Lord Justiciar
1359 - James Butler Earl of Ormond is Lord Justiciar
1360 - Maurice Fitz Thomas Fitzgerald Earl of Kildare is Lord Justiciar
1361 - Lionel Earl of Ulster (3rd son to Edward lll) is Lord Justiciar (afterward Duke of Clarence) he stayed until 1365
1364 - James Butler
1365 - Sir Thomas Dale is Lord Justiciar

1367 Statute of Kilkenny prescribes laws of Demarcation between those who live in the Pale and those in the rest of Ireland

1367 - Gerald FitzGerald Earl of Desmond is Lord Justiciar
1369 - William de Windsor is Lord Justiciar
1372 - Robert de Ashton is Lord Justiciar
1374 - Maurice Fitz Thomas Fitzgerald Earl of Kildare is Lord Justiciar
1376 - James Butler Earl of Ormond is Lord Justiciar
1378 - Alexander de Balscot and John de Bromwich (Bromwick) is Lord Justiciar
1379 - Edmund Mortimer Earl of March is Lord Justiciar
1380 - Roger Mortimer Earl of March & Ulster is Lord Justiciar
1382 - Philip de Courtenay the King's cousin is Lord Justiciar - the Lord Bermingham is Lord General
1384 - James Butler Deputy L. J.
1384 - Robert de Vere Earl of Oxford is Lord Justiciar (was Duke of Ireland)
1385 - Sir John Stanley is Lord Justiciar
1386 - Alexander Petit de Balscot (Alexander de Balscot) Bishop of Meath is Lord Justiciar
1389 - Sir John Stanley is Lord Justiciar
1392 - James Butler Earl of Ormond is Lord Justiciar
1392-1393 - Thomas of Woodstock is Lord Lieutenant
1394 - Richard Scrope (Richard Scroop) is Lord Justiciar
1395 - King Richard ll in person is Lord Justiciar
1395 - Roger Mortimer
1398 - Roger Grey is Lord Justiciar
1399 - Thomas Holland Duke of Surrey
1399 - King Richard ll again is Lord Justiciar
1401 - James Butler L.J.
1402 - Alexander Petit de Balscot (Alexander de Balscot) Bishop of Meath deputy to King Richard ll is Lord Justiciar
1403 - Thomas Fitz Maurice Fitzgerald was Sheriff of Limerick
1404 - James Butler keeper of the peace and governor of counties Kilkenny & Tipperary.
1405 - Gerald Fitzgerald Earl of Kildare is Lord Justiciar
1408 - Thomas Butler (Thomas le Boteller Bacach) Prior of Kilmainham is Deputy Lord Justiciar
1410 - 1411 - Thomas Butler is Lord Justiciar
1412 - Sir John Talbot Lord Furnival is Lord Justiciar
1416 - Thomas Earl of Lancaster is Lord Justiciar & Stephen Scrope (Stephen Scroop) is Deputy
1419 - John Lord Talbot Archbishop of Dublin is Lord Justiciar
1420 - John Duke of Bedford Lord Lieutenant & James Butler Earl of Ormond is Deputy
1423 - Edward Earl of March & Ulster is Lord Lieutenant
1425 - John Lord Talbot is Deputy
1426 - James Butler Earl of Ormond is Deputy
1427 - Sir John Gray is Lord Justiciar
1428 - Edward Dantsey Bishop of Meath is Deputy & same year Sir John Sutton Lord Dudley is Lord Lieutenant
1429 - Sir Thomas Strange is Lord Deputy
1432 - Sir Thomas Stanley is Lord Lieutenant & Sir Christopher Plunkett is Deputy
1435 - Sir Thomas Stanley returns
1436 - Richard Talbot Archbishop of Dublin is Deputy
1438 - Lionel de Welles (Lionel Lord Wells) is Lord Lieutenant
1440 - Richard Talbot Archbishop of Dublin is Deputy - the same year James Butler Earl of Ormond is Deputy & Lionel de Welles (Lionel Lord Wells) returns
1441 - James Butler Earl of Ormond is Deputy
1442 - William Wells is Deputy to Lionel de Welles
1443 - James Butler Earl of Ormond is Lord Lieutenant
1446 - John Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury is Lord Lieutenant
1447 - Richard Talbot Archbishop of Dublin is Lord Chancellor Deputy
1449 - Richard York Duke of York is Lord Lieutenant
1450 - James Earl of Ormond & Wiltshire Lord Treasurer of England is Lord Deputy to the Duke of York
1452 - Richard Nugent 1st Baron of Delvin is Deputy
1456 - Thomas Fitz Maurice Fitzgerald Earl of Kildare is Deputy
1459 - Richard Duke of York is Lord Lieutenant in Ireland in person - Thomas Fitz Maurice Fitzgerald Earl of Kildare is Deputy
1460 - Sir Roland Fitz Eustace (Baron Portleste) Deputy
1460 - George Duke of Clarence is Lord Lieutenant for life
1463 - Thomas Fitzgerald Earl of Desmond is Deputy
1467 - John Tiptoft Earl of Kildare is Lord Deputy
1475 - William Sherwood Bishop of Meath / John Tiptoft Earl of Kildare / Roland Fitz Eustace / are Deputy Lords Lieutenant
1477 - Gerald Fitzgerald Lord Deputy of Ireland 1477 - 1494
1478-1783 - Richard of Shrewsbury (a young child later Duke of York) is Governor with Gerald Fitzgerald (Gerald Fitz William ?) 8th Earl Kildare Lord Deputy
1478 - Henry Lord Grey is Lord Deputy & Gerald Fitzgerald Earl of Kildare is Lord Justiciar
1479 - Richard Duke of York is Lord Lieutenant & Gerald Fitzgerald Earl of Kildare is Deputy
1483 - Prince Edward son of Richard lll is Lord Lieutenant & Gerald Fitzgerald Earl of Kildare is Deputy
1484 - John de la Pole Earl of Lincoln is Lord Lieutenant
1485 - Gerald Fitzgerald 8th Earl of Kildare is Lord Deputy to John de la Pole Earl of Lincoln, Lord Lieutenant
1485-1494 - Jasper Tudor 1st Duke of Bedford is Lord Lieutenant
1489 - Piers Butler Sheriff of Kilkenny
1490 - Gerald Fitzgerald 8th Earl of Kildare is Lord Deputy
1492 - Walter Fitz Simon (Fitz Simmons) Archbishop of Dublin is Lord Deputy; Alexander Plunkett is Chief Justice is appointed Lord Chancellor & Treasurer is Sir James Ormond [5]
1494 - Sir Edward Poynings is Lord Deputy
1495 - Henry Deane Chancellor of Ireland, is Lord Deputy
1496 - Gerald Fitzgerald Earl of Kildare is Lord Lieutenant
1501 - Henry Duke of York (an child; later Henry Vlll) is Lord Lieutenant & Sir Edward Poynings & Gerald Fitzgerald 8th Earl of Kildare & later Gerald FitzGerald 9th Earl of Kildare) are Lords Deputy
1505 - Piers Butler Senechal of the Liberty of Tipperary
1513 - Gerald FitzGerald followed his father as Lord Deputy of Ireland
1519-1523 - Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk
1529 - Henry Fitzroy Duke of Richmond and Somerset
1536-1540 - Leonard Grey Viscount Grane
1540-1546 - Anthony St Leger
1550 - Anthony St Leger
1551 - Sir James Croft Lord Deputy in Ireland
1553-1556 - Anthony St Leger
1559 - Thomas Radcliffe 3rd Earl of Sussex appointed Lord Deputy 1559; appointed Lord Lieutenant 1560
1565 - Sir Henry Sidney appointed Lord Justice (in 1569, ordered the Acts of the Irish parliament to be printed for the first time).
1571-1575- William FitzWilliam Lord Justiciar, later Lord Deputy
1571-1573 - Lord John Perrot Lord Deputy
1576 - Walter Devereux appointed Earl Marshall of Ireland
1576 - William Drury appointed Lord President of Munster
1579 - William Pelham Lord Justice of Ireland ad interim (remembered for "Pelham's Pardon", refusal for "rebel" the right of surrender unless that rebel had killed another suspected rebel of higher rank)
1580 - Arthur Grey The Lord Grey de Wilton
1584 - Richard Bingham Governor of Connaught
1584 - John Norreys Governor of Munster
1590 - Henry Bagenal appointed Knight Marshall of Ireland
1592 - George Carew Lieutenant General of the English Ordnance in Ireland
1599 - Charles Blount appointed Lord Deputy of Ireland - 1603 Master of Ordnance
1600 - George Carew President of Munster
1605-1616 - Arthur Chichester Lord Deputy in Ireland
1611 - George Carew Commissioner for the Plantation of Ulster.
1627 - William St Leger Lord President of Munster and a privy councillor
1632-40 - Thomas Wentworth Lord Deputy of Ireland
1640 - Christopher Wandesforde Lord Deputy of Ireland

Viceroys of Ireland

1772-1776 - Simon Harcourt Earl Harcourt


  1. The Antient and Present State of the County and City of Cork ..... book 1 page 46 - by Charles Smith pub: A. Reilly, 1701
  2. A Papal Bull of 1155 from Pope Adrian IV was said to have been offered as pretext for Henry ll's invasion of 1171, granting Henry the right to invade and govern Ireland, and to enforce the Gregorian Reforms on the Christian Church in Ireland. Wikipedia : Laudabiliter
  3. Wikipedia Edward 1 of England In 1254, fearing a Castilian invasion of Gascony (then in English hands) a marriage was hastily arranged between Prince Edward & Eleanor of Castile. The marriage agreement included land grants including most of Ireland & land in Wales and England including the earldom of Chester.
  4. in JSTOR Journal Article : The Request of the Irish for English Law, 1277-80 by Jocelyn Otway-Ruthven, Brian A. Kennedy and Sharman Crawford in Irish Historical Studies Vol. 6, No. 24 (Sep., 1949), pp. 261-273
  5. J.J.McGregor p:37
see - Wikitree : Norman Invasion of Ireland
see - Wikipedia : Chief Governors of Ireland
see - Celt : A Chronology of Ireland by Thomas Osborne Davis
See - Category: Ireland, Governors.

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