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An extract of the will of Maria Elizabeth Graham of Woodhall, Hemingbrough, Yorkshire 30th Oct 1801, under £2000.[1]
- Charles Reeves The brother of Legatee John Reeves.
- John Reeves of Woodhall
Maria Elizth Graham of Woodhall in the East Riding of the County of York spin[ster]
John Reeves of Woodhall afo[resai]d Esq. Sole Ex[ecut]or
Willed that whatever legacies left to her heirs at law sho[ul]d be void in case such heir
or heirs sho[ul]d commence any law suit or other legal process against
her executor, for the recovery of all or any part of her property
Except only their legacies.
To Mrs Graham of Carlisle W[idow] of late Mr Stuart James Graham _ £100
To Mr John Graham eldest son of Mr Stuart James Graham _ £100
To the younger children of s[ai]d Mr S J Graham _ £100 - equally
To Mr David Beaty Graham then in the Excise at Leeds _ £200
To Mr Prowd of Hovingham _ £100
Leg[ac]y of 10 Gns
To the surviving children of the late Mrs Barbara Parker of Dalton N. Riding Yorksh[ire] _ £200 - equally
To John Burton Esq. of Ripon Co. York _ £100
To Miss Mary Fleming of York - £10 a year for her life, then to devolve on her Ex[ecut]or
5 Leg[acie]s of 5 Gs. each
To the Rev[eren]d Lorenzo Grainger of Hull _ £50
To Charles Reeves then in her family _ £300
Le[gac]y 10 Gs
To Wm Niville then in her family _ £30
2 Leg[acie]s tog[ethe]r £20 _ Leg[ac]y 5 Gs
To Robt Harrison of York £20
To York Co. Y Hospital _ £20
4 £10 Legacies
To Mary Kirlew, then at Woodhall - £5 a year for her life, so long as she remained single, at her death or marriage, to devolve to her Ex[ecut]or
To Richd Morley Kirlew son of the above Mary Kirlew _ £400 - which she gave to Chas & John Reeves& John Kirlew of Bowthorpe to be applied by them, as to the Inst. to his use but sho[ul]d he die before he attained 21 yrs, the principal to go to her Ex[ecut]or. but if he arrived at that age she gave s[ai]d sum to him & his heirs for ever.
Directs her debts to be paid.
To John Reeves then with her - All her real and personal est[ate]s of what kind soever, he first paying the above Legacies in 6 months after her dece[ase]
Research Notes
Yesterday died, aged 81, Mr. David Batty Graham, 50 years an Officer in the Excise. but latterly a writer in the Permit Office, Leeds ; he was much respected, and will be long lamented by those who knew him best, as a worthy, honest benevolent man, whose delight was in doing a good turn for any one in need of his assistance.[2]
- ↑ Reference: IR 26/424/766 Description: Abstract of Will of Maria Elizabeth Graham, Spinster of Woodhall, Yorkshire. Proved in the Court of York. Date: October 30 1801 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
- ↑ Leeds Intelligencer - Monday 28 March 1808
- The history and antiquities of the parish of Heminbrough in the county of York Burton, Thomas. 1888 York : Sampson Brothers, Internet Archive.
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