Location: Kinmundy, Marion, Illinois, United States
Surnames/tags: Cemeteries Marion County Illinois
General Information
Cemetery Name: Gray Cemetery
Gray Cemetery Sign |
Address: St. Peter Rd near Gentry Rd, Kinmundy, Illinois, United States
GPS Coordinates: (GPS coordinates are a great way to add the location of a burial site to a memorial and can make it much easier for people to find and visit a headstone or grave) 38.79420, -88.85000
There are approximately 112 memorials interred at Gray Cemetery. It is a very small cemetery and little is known about origins. I contacted the Kinmundy Historical Society and they are unaware of historical facts about the small cemetery but it is on St. Peter Road near Gentry Road, Kinmundy, Illinois.
Kinmundy Historical Society
Kinmundy is pronounced "I can't today, but I "kin"-"mundy" - Dolores (Ford) Mobley. Please consider checking out Kinmundy Historical Society, especially if you have a question about a loved one in Gray Cemetery, other Kinmundy Cemeteries or Kinmundy in general. Historical Societies can be the best source of info to find hidden gems. Dolores has created a pdf of those that are interred in Gray Cemetery and that link can be found below.
Individual Contributions - Photos/Headstones
Kevin submitted the Entrance photo to Gray Cemetery Kevin Casey. Because of his job/travel, he is always on the lookout for cemeteries where he is able to take photos and upload them to FaG. Thank you to Kevin for permission to upload his photo to WikiTree on 20 Oct 2023 (you are welcome to use any photos I've posted. It will be my honor to have contributed to the Gray Cemetery page).
The majority of profiles created on FaG and photos taken at Gray Cemetery were done by Kinmundy Historical Society. We have a lot of photos, newspaper articles, histories, etc. on our website at www.KinmundyHistoricalSociety.org so please check it out if you have any roots in the Kinmundy-Alma area and it might provide you with some additional information!. Thank you to Dolores for permission to upload photos/headstones to WikiTree on 26 Aug 2023 (Absolutely! Please do! Thanks for the note!). In the event someone is looking for info, Dolores and the Kinmundy Historical Society is a wealth of info.
More Information
- See the Gray Cemetery, Kinmundy, Illinois category for profiles of those who have been documented at this cemetery.
- Kinmundy Historical Society
- Kinmundy Historical Society, Kinmundy, Marion County, Illinois
- Gray Cemetery Listings - compiled by "Dolores (Ford) Mobley
- Kinmundy Gleanings - compiled by "Dolores (Ford) Mobley
- FaG Gray Cemetery
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