Location: [unknown]
Great Britain Immigrant Ship's Voyage from Liverpool to Melbourne of 1864
ARRIVED. — July 25.....
Great Britain, s., 3444 tons, John Gray, from Liver- pool, 26th May. Passengers — cabin : Mrs Purcell, Mrs and Miss Ogden, Mr and Mrs Charles Moline, Miss R. R. Chapman, Miss S. Heffermann, Mr and Mrs Tindall and family (5), Miss M. Connell, Mr and Mrs Lloyd, Miss Sparks, Miss A. Strachan, Mr and Mrs E. B. Mackinnon, Mrs Odell, Messrs William Miller, J. Jamieson, James Gibbie, Ward, J. Spyer, James Major, H. G. Dunkely, Tweddell, Marcus Isaacs, H. S. Earl, West, Lestrange, Gethier, Hopper, R. Morton, Peter McWhay, A. Jackson, William Russell, F. Fenton, James Osborne, Sendon, and family (4), Alexander W. Anderson, John Roberts, Charles Norcliffe, E. Gibbins, A. Senerein, G. E. Tolhurst, James Murphy, W. Boughey, G. S. Marryat, E. Klein, A. G. Stewart, R. Bathurst, Adam McNeill ; and four hundred and forty-seven in the steerage. Bright Brothers and Co., agents.
from SHIPPING. in The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) of Tuesday 26 July 1864, Page 4. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/155015637?
-Steamship GREAT BRITAIN, J. GRAY, Master, from Liverpool.-Notice-This vessel will be reported at the Customs this morning. Consignees will please PASS ENTRIES at once, In order to faci-litate the speedy delivery of cargo, present bills of lading and pay freight to the underslgned.
The cargo will be lightered by Mr. C. L. Throckmorton, at current rates. Consignees objecting will please send us written notice to that effect by noon to-day.
BRIGHT BROTHERS and Co., agents.
Captain Gray,-It is the unanimous wish of the undersigned saloon passengers on board the Great Britain steamship, before bidding you farewell, to thank you most heartily and sincerely for your con-stant kindness and attention to us throuhgout the voyage, and to offer you a small token of our friend-ship and regard.
Nothing has more clearly proved your fitness for the responsible post you hold than the admirable disci-pline and order that have been preserved in every quarter of this ship; and, while we attribute this result in the main to your firmness as well as to your forbearance, we must also congratulate you in having secured the services of officers who are worthy of the distinction of serving under you, and we gladly take this opportunity of bearing testimony to the courage of Mr. Angus, who risked his own life to save another's, and, with the blessing of God, succeeded ; and though we feel that the only real satisfaction of a brave man is the testimony of his own good con-science, we would venture to hope that he will accept the small token of our admiration of his conduct which you have so kindly undertaken to procure and to present to him for us on your return to Liver-pool.
We cannot wonder at the fame this fine vessel has attained when her own good qualities are equalled by those of her commander and officers, and heartily do we wish to her and to them that success which true merit seldom fails to secure.
John Chas. Lloyd
Chas Norcllffe
Charles Moline
John Roberts
F. Fenton
Henry G. Dunkley
Walter Craig
Joseph Spyer
Arthur Severne
R. Ramsey Morton
Eleanor Lloyd
Joseph Sawrey
Rachel Rose Chapman
James Major
Margaret Moline
William Russell
Amy Strachan
William Miller
Jannetta Sparkes
R Ward
Sarah Purcell
James Gibble
Susan Ann Hiffernan
E. Cudow
Elizabeth Ward
J. Osborne
Caroline Tindall
E Tweddell
Edward Gethin
Alex. W. Anderson
Wm. A. Ersklne West
Wm. Cuthbert Hopper
Geo. S. Marryat
Wm. E. Gibbins
Mordaunt E L'Estrange
Henry S. Earle
George E. Tolhurst
John Tindall
John S. Jamieson
A. F. McNeill
C. Klein
A. Jackson
James Murphy
T. Boughey.
A C. Stewart
Steamship Great Britain, July 23,1864. JOHN GRAY, Esq , R N.R.
Sir,-We, the passengers of the fore saloon, are happy to avail ourselves of the present opportunity to thank you and your offlcers for your kind and courteous attention during the voyage, and also to express our admiration of your careful and skilful management of this splendid ship. None of us will easily forget the coolness and promptitude with which your orders were issued on the occasion of one of the sailors falling overboard, the happy rescue, of whom was entirely owing to your energy and decision, and to the gallant conduct of your officer Mr. Angus. And now that we are about to part, after this happy and prosperous voyage, allow us to wish you every happi-ness and success, and to subscribe ourselves,
Yours most respectfully,
(Signed on behalf of all the passengers)
Steamship Great Britain, July 24,1864.
Sir,-We, the undersigned, passengers of the fore saloon, have very great pleasure in testifying to the great care and unremitting attention that you have shown to us during the voyage from Liverpool to Mel-bourne ; and we would at the same time congratulate you upon your success, through God's providence, In arresting the progress of the smallpox, which appeared amongst us so soon after leaving port. We again thank you, and hope you may long be spared to minister to the wants and necessities of the sick under your care.
Wishing you health and prosperity, we beg to re-main,
Yours very gratefully,
William P. Seals
H. Miller
Geo. Saville
James Webster
Walter Wingate
Rudolf Fogas
J Smith
William Bern
Edmd. Williams
Wm. Badcock
Mrs. Margaret Azzop-pardi
G. H. Hamilton
Kate E. Paleston
Joe Thompson
E.V. Browne
Ch. Gloggan Castelli
Arthur Anderson.
all from Advertising in The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) of Tuesday 26 July 1864, Page 1. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/5750973?
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