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Greats Grandparents

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Veendam, Groningen, Netherlandsmap
Surnames/tags: Renske Roepenbos Renken Tanis DeBey (de Beij)
This page has been accessed 81 times.

Renske is the fourth great grandmother of Earlene

1. Earlene is the daughter of Earl Renken DNA confirmed 2. Earl is the son of Martin Renken [unknown confidence] 3. Martin is the son of John Renken [confident] 4. John is the son of Obbe Renken sr. [unknown confidence] 5. John is the son of Jan Geerts Renken [unknown confidence] 6. Jan Geerts is the son of Renske Jans Roepenbos [unknown confidence] This makes Renske the fourth great grandmother of Earlene.

John is the great grandfather of Earlene 1. Earlene is the daughter of Earl Renken DNA confirmed 2. Earl is the son of Martin Renken [unknown confidence] 3. Martin is the son of John Renken [confident] This makes John the great grandfather of Earlene

Jane is the great grandmother of Earlene 1. Earlene is the daughter of Earl Renken DNA confirmed 2. Earl is the son of Martin Renken [unknown confidence] 3. Martin is the son of Jansje (Tanis) Renken [confident] This makes Jane the great grandmother of Earlene.

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