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Greenbrook Shoe Factory

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Date: About 1906 to 2008
Location: Greenbrook St, Chesham, Bury, England, United Kingdommap
Profile manager: Matt McNabb private message [send private message]
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A shoe and slipper factory in Chesham , run by J H Parker Limited.

NOT the same factory as Ashworth's Slipper Works, Bury Bridge.

The factory was opened in 1906 by Joseph Hiram Parker (J. H. Parker Limited, later Parker and Sons) after he had previously dissolved a partnership in 1905 in another shoe factory.


List of mentions

  • The Bury County Directory 1936 - J.H. Parker Ltd. Shoe & Slipper Manufacturers - Greenbrook Shoe Factory BURY. Phone 105 BURY. Telegrams :' "FOOTWEAR," BURY. ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS
  • The Bury County Borough Directory undated - PLATE-TOWN HALL. PARKER J H LTD., Greenbrook Shoe Factory.
  • THE LONDON GAZETTE, 29TH APRIL 1971 Name of Company: J. H. PARKER LIMITED. Nature of Business: SHOE AND SLIPPER MANUFACTURERS. Address of Registered Office: Greenbrook Factory, Chesham, Bury, Lancs. Liquidator's Name and Address: Frank Iliff Ashworth, Chartered Accountant, Bridge House, Tenterden Street, Bury, Lanes, BL9 OHQ. Date of Appointment: 26th April 1971. By whom Appointed: Shareholders. (619)
  • Shoe and Leather Journal 1913 "J. H. Parker, of the Greenbrook Shoe Factory, Bury, England, maker of shoes and felt slippers, was in Montreal, Toronto, Berlin and other centres during the past week accompanied by H. Dallas of Toronto, the Canadian representative of the firm, who met Mr. Parker at Montreal."
  • Bury Times 2008 - Letter to the Editor saying the building was demolished in 2008.
  • Archaeological Investigations Project 2007 Building Recording Greenbrook Works, Chesham, Bury. An Archaeological Building Survey of a Velvet and Shoe and Slipper Works Hradil, I, Grimsditch, B & Nevell, M Manchester : University of Manchester Archaeological Unit, 2007, 55pp, pls, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs. AIP database ID: {72B284C8-1B27-4398-9273-50B4D59850C2} SD81171188 Parish: Moorside Ward Postal Code: BL9 6EH
    • This entry can be found at ADS search under ARCHSEARCH button
  • Fire crews from Bury were called at 5am on Tuesday to the Greenbrook Works building off Chesham Road after an alarm had been activated. [1]

List of associated people

Joseph Hiram Parker

  • Mr. Joseph Hiram Parker, of Links Gate, St. Annes-on-the-Sea, Lancs, and of Greenbrook Works, Bury, and Mount Sorrel, Loughborough, shoe manufacturer, who died on August 4, left property of the value of £95,183 with net personalty £82,983. He gives £500 each to Maud Hopps, cook, and Esther Charnley, housemaid, if in his service at the time of his death.[2]
  • Dissolution of Partnership: Joseph Hiram Parker and Richard Ashworth Hoyle, Ilex Mill, Rawtenstall, slipper manufacturers.[3]


  • John Kenyon (b. 1901), probably
  • Soldier Record - Potts, Private Dennis - 1897-1917, WW1 casualty
  • Soldier Record - Smith, Private Fred 1881-21 Sep 1918
  • Private Alfred William Smith, KIA 6/9/17 age 22.
  • Samule Entwistle Clarke, Lancashire Fusiliers, worked at Messrs. Parker's slipper works.[4]
  • Mrs Emily Oddy, age 101, an ex-employee at Parker Slipper Works, Chesham, recently moved to the nursing home after living in St Anne's Street, Bury, for more than 75 years. [5]
  • The Bury County Borough Directory Parker John - slipper worker; undated
  • Walter Rostron, a member of the Bury Grammar School Centernary Roll of Honour, and a bombardier, 15 Nov 1894 - 10 Dec 1917. He was employed as a clerk at the slipper works after school until joining the army in March 1915.[6]
  • June Smith (Mrs. Harry Smith) of Bury, worked for Parker's Slipper Works.[7]

In online baptism transcripts there are many people in the area referred to as Occupiation: Slipper works.


  1. "Rough sleepers blamed for fire", Bury TImes, 22 June 2007
  2. The Times (London, England) Issue 44805, Wednesday Feb 1, 1928
  3. Dissolutions of Partnerships, Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser (Manchester, England), Issue: 15189, Thursday July 13 1905; reprinted from the London Gazette
  4. "Samuel Entwistle Clarke, Lancashire Fusiliers", Great War Forum
  5. article, Lancashire Telegraph, 16 July 2004
  6. Bury Grammar School Centenary Roll of Honour, found by google search terms Bury+slipper+works, at bgsarchive.co.uk. Written by M J Hone 2017
  7. "Celebrating 50 Years Together", Lancashire Telegraph, 14 June 2004

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