
Greendale Cemetery, Harare, Harare Province

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Greendale, Harare, Zimbabwemap
Surnames/tags: Greendale_Cemetery Harare Zimbabwe
Profile manager: Andrew Field private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 1,725 times.

This page is part of the Zimbabwe Cemeteries Team. See the Greendale Cemetery List for people buried in this municipal graveyard. The Greendale and other Cemeteries may be found grouped under the parent category Zimbabwe, Cemeteries
Cemetery name: Greendale Cemetery
Address: Victory Avenue, Greendale, Harare, Zimbabwe
GPS Coordinates: GPS Coordinates: -17.81658, 31.14118
Information: Greendale Cemetery in Harare's Greendale Suburb is now a closed for burials, except where plots have been pre-purchased. The Cemetery is maintained in good condition by the Department of Housing and Community Services, part of the City of Harare.

Warning: Gravestone Maintenance: Please note carefully that there have been instances of persons soliciting funds for gravestone maintenance and cleaning. Not all of these persons are well intended, and reports are being received of relatives parting with their money and then finding the 'grave cleaner' is nowhere to be found and the grave remains derelict.

Research Leads Sought: Occasionally, gravestone photography will identify people whose antecedents are not clear, or needs additional basic information. We list names seeking leads as to their proper identify:

  • Grace Bradshaw b. 1879, d. 1972 - Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia; association: Alexander Bradshaw same grave; sought by Field

If you know any of the above and have further details please contact the person seeking information.

Images: 1
Greendale Cemetery
Greendale Cemetery



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