Location: Culpeper, Virginia, United States

Surname/tag: Greenwood
Greenwood C.1760-existing - Private residence - not open to the public
This house is a fine example of a small yet spacious plantation house that would have satisfied wealthy, influential 19th-century men of the western Piedmont. The interior preserves most of its Federal woodwork. Greenwood was on the 1500-acre property of William Clayton Williams, father of Lucy Williams, and was a gift to her upon her marriage to William Green. Later, the property was given to his son, John Williams Green, a justice of the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals. In 1825 Judge Green received Major General Marquis de Lafayette and former President James Monroe at Greenwood during Lafayette’s celebrated tour as “Guest of the Nation.” The Civil War touched Greenwood when Federal troops occupied the house and established a gun emplacement on the grounds.
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