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Gregson Ancestry per Prindle 1973-1974

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Thomas Gregson (bef.1611-1646)

Paul W. Prindle, "English Ancestry of Mr. Thomas Gregson of New Haven," The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 127 (1973):167-77, [https://www.americanancestors.org/DB202/i/11718/260/0 260-267; 128 (1974):65-73, 105-12, digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors.


English Wills

  • Will of Thomas Gregson of Thurvaston, Derbyshire, 27 January 1583, proved 28 February 1585/6. "Because this is the will of the earliest proven ancestor of Thomas Gregson of New Haven, it is reproduced her in full." (127:167-69)
  • Will of Elizabeth Gregson, 18 July 1584, proved 24 July 1584, abstracted. (127:169)
  • Will of Alice Gregson 28 February 1600, proved 5 July 1604, abstracted.
  • Will of George Gregson, Sr. of Turnditch, 27 August 1670, proved 2 September 1670, abstracted. (127:171-72)
  • Will of Thomas Gregson of Sperrow Hall, 20 October 1595, proved 30 December 1595, extracts from, cites P.C.C. 74 Scott.
  • Will of John Gregson of Thurvaston, 20 January 4 James (1607), proved 1 Jun 1607; "condensation of"; cites P.C.C. 56 Huddlestone. (127:173-74)
  • Will of Gregory Gregson of Thurlaston, 16 December 1623, proved 1 March 1623/4, abstracted, cites P.C.C. 24 Byrde. (127:174-5)
  • Undated will of Richard Gregson of London, proved 31 August 1640, "generous" abstract, citing P.C.C. 116 Coventry. (127:175-76)
  • Will of Robert Grigson of the Citie of London, Habourdasher, 29 August 1565, proved 19 September 1565, abstracted citing "Ref 15/233v., 1565). [Proved in the Bishop of London's Commissary Court]
  • Will (registered copy) of Thomas Gregson of Wapping., co Middlesex, citizen and draper of London, 25 January 1663/4, proved 11 July 1664, abstracted, citing "Ref., 20/120, 1664." [Proved in the Bishop of London's Commissary Court]

Church register entries

(a) St. Michael Old Angels, Sutton-on the-Hill, Derbyshire. "Entries taken by the author from the church register from its beginning in 1567 through 1618. Entries from 5 March 1597/8 to 3 June 1598 and from 1618 to January 1623 are omitted in the register." (127:176-77). There follows a published page of records.

Notes about the immigrant's parentage

Placement. Prindle calls this John Gregson the eldest son of Thomas Gregson, in part based on the large estate inherited from his father by his will.

Wife or wives. Prindle discussed that John's will mentions two daughters named Anne ("if Anne, Elizabeth, Anne [sic] Gregson, my daughters ...), and there are baptisms to two named Anne (1587/8 and 1598/9). While he doesn't preclude a second marriage, the author presumed John had married only once to a wife Joane as,

  • The 1607 will of John Gregson of Thurvaston, yeoman, names wife Joane.
  • The 1584 will of Elizabeth Gregson also refers to his wife as Joane--"to John my sone ... to Joane his wife ..."

NB. Heathcote-126 writes, "John and Joan's child "Anne" Gregson the younger is actually "Amie". Difficult to tell apart, but there are dots on the i.'

Son's birth order. Prindle based this on John 1607 will, specifically on the order by which they "conditionally and successively" were to inherit the lands left to him by his father. This has been updated based on records located by Heathcote-126.

Children of John and Joane ______ Gregson,

  1. John Gregson, baptized 2 June 1583, married Marie. Called "lytle John Gregson, my nephew [i.e., step-grandson] by Elizabeth widow of Thomas Gregson." John and Marie baptized a daughter Catherine in 1610.
  2. Robert Gregson, baptized 23 July 1585; named in his father's will.
  3. Anne Gregson, baptized 29 February 1587; mentioned in her father's will; married Sutton on the Hill, 4 June 1610, William Cockeral.
  4. William Gregson, baptized 25 June 1589; mentioned in his father's will.
  5. Elizabeth Gregson, baptized 23 December 1593; mentioned in her father's will.
  6. Richard Gregson, baptized 8 August 1596; mentioned in his father's will. (Not the man whose will was proved in 1640, for that will mentioned his brother Henry Gregson and wife Edith.)
  7. Anne Gregson the younger [aka Amie, per Heathcote-126], baptized 11 February 1598/9, named in her father's will.
  8. James Gregson, baptized 19 July 1601 as son of "Joh'is and Joanna his wife," buried 23 September 1601.
  9. Thomas Gregson, presumed baptized St. Michael Old Angels during the parish record 1598 gap (5 March 1598 to 3 June 1598) [Heathcote-126 found baptismal record at Sutton on the Hill, 3 October 1602, "Thomas son of Joan and Joan Gregson]; immigrant to New Haven.
  10. Edward Gregson, baptized 25 December 1605; named in his father's will, but no further record.

Family of immigrant's presumed grandfather, Thomas Gregson

Children with first wife, Ann Twyford,

  1. John Gregson (there is a family entry about this child in article)
  2. Ellen Gregson, married ____ Harrison; had daughter Jane, mentioned in her mother's will. (Other comments)
  3. Anne Gregson, called Ann Borrowes [Burroughs] in Elizabeth's will. Anne married William Burrowe Sutton-on-the-Hill, 26 July 1582. Her father willed her a silver spoon.

Children with second wife, Elizabeth _____.

  1. Thomas Gregson. (there is a family entry about this child in article)
  2. William Gregson, married 5 May 1576, recorded St. Michael Old Angels, Sutton on the Hill, Marjorie Rowe. (Prindle found no record of wills or children that might be attributed to this couple .... ). William's father's will made provisions for him; William also mentioned in his mother's will.
  3. Charles Gregson. No record of a marriage, will or administration was found. His father made a bequest to him, as did his mother.
  4. Margery Gregson, married Thomas Goddard, Sutton on the Hill, 29 June 1574; later of Beeby, co. Leicester; he was son of William Goddard of Berks (cites The Visitation of London--Cheap Ward, Harleian, idem 15:319. Entry continues.
  5. Agnes Gregson, married 6 July 1569, Sutton on the Hill, Thomas Kinge. By her father's will, she received a silver spoon; her mother included a bequest to her.
  6. Gregory Gregson. (there is a family entry about this child in article)

Other Research Notes

The item below is not from Prindle's work. It was extracted from the "Research Notes" on the previous profile of Thomas Gregson (bef.1611-1646).

New Haven Records. New Haven Colony Records - to be worked on. See Charles J. Hoadly, Records of the colony and plantation of New Haven, from 1638 to 1649 (Hartford : Printed by Case, Tiffany and company, 1857), 540 (for Gregson in index); digital images, Hathi Trust; see also saved Gregson search at InternetArchive.

In the early frenzy of building houses for the new settlers, it was necessary to regulate the use of timber. 25 Nov 1639, it was ordered that "after this day no man shall cutt any timber downe butt where he shall be assigned by the magistrate, except on his owne ground." Mr. Gregson & Mr. Evance were given "fower dayes liberty after this day to square their timber before the former order take holde of them."[1] More hoadly; 23 8m 1640 "Itt is ordered, that Mr. Gregson shall be Truck mar of this towne for this yeare ensueing, to truck wth the Indians for venison, so as he may afforde to sell to the planters thatt have need att 3<supob> a pound, all together, good and bad, one wth another." p. 43 // 29 8m 1640, chosen deputy to the court p. 44 // 4 9thm 1640, "Itt is ordered by the court that Goodm Quick shall give security here for the barke and his account to the owners ac- cording to their request to Mr. Eaton, and for thatt end the moneyes thatt are in the hands of Captaine Turner and Mr. Gregson, and should be payd to Weathersley, but layd clame vnto by the saide Quick, are to be detained till things be cleared betwixt them." p. 46 /// 3rd m 1641 "Mr, Goodyeare, Mr. Gregson, Mr. Newin and Mr. Gilbert chosen deputyes for the halfe yeare next ensueing.
Mr. Gregson was chosen Treasurer to receive the yearely rates and keep accounts of all disbursem^^ vpon all necessary occasions for the como affayres of the towne." p. 51 /// 27 Oct 1641, chosen deputy p. 58 /// 27 Oct 1641, "Itt is ordered thatt an attachmt be sent forth to distraine the goods of Mr. Trobridge, to pay the townes rates, and to satisfie the demaunds of those psons to whom he is indebted, as Mr. Gregson 20l, Mr. Whitfield 20l, wth divers others of this town." p. 59 /// 6 2nd m 1642 chosen deputy. p. 69. /// index : Gregson, Hannah, 474. Gregson, Mrs.,303. 430. Gregson, Rebecca, 475. Gregson, Thomas, 9, 18, 25, 29, 31, 33, 46, 59, 75, 79, 80, 91, 96, 112, 120, 124, 127, 137, 151, 152, 170, 174, 258, 329. truckmast«r, 43 ; deputy, 44, 51, 58, 69, 78, 86 ; treasurer, 51, 78 ; commissioner for U. C., 87, 96, 117. magistrate, 112. 129, 275 ; land granted to, 142, 144, 197 ; agent to procure patent, 149, 211. inventory of, brought into court, 341.


  1. ↑ Hoadly, Charles J, MA. (editor) Records of the Colony and Plantation of New Haven, From 1638 to 1649. (Hartford: Case, Tiffany and Company, 1857.) Court of New Haven p. 13; fundamental agreement (2nd in the after list) p 18; timber p. 25; 18 Feb 1639 admitted member of the court p 29; 5 March 1639 named an inventory appraiser p 31; 6 May 1640 "Liberty granted to Mr. Gregson, bro: Andrewes and Goodm Warde to lett their timber lye in the woods for the space of 2 moneths wthout forfeiture." p. 33
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