Location: N/A

Surnames/tags: Ap_Eunydd Wales Pre-1500
Edits for the wikitree profile of Gwaedthvod Fawr Ap Eunydd.
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Revised Profile for Gwaithfoed
Gwaedthfod Fawr ap Eunydd (abt.1100-)
Birth and Parents
Wolcott suggests that his name should be Gwaethfoed ap Eunydd, of Meirionydd or "Gwaithfoed" [1][2]
Abt. 1130, Cadifor Ap Gwaethfoed
Abt. 1135, Cynillian Ap Gwaethfoed
His supposed 3 grandchildren were born around 1160-1165,
1160 Gwaithfoed Ap Cadifor (Main connection to the Phillips family abt. 1450.
1160 Ifor Ap Cadifor
1165 Iorweth Ap Cadifor
Lord of Cardigan
We can estimate that his death was somewhere around 1150, putting him at age 45-65, with two children.
Research Notes
A. Gwaithfoed of Meirionydd fits the current line perfectly with ancestors lining up, but puts his birth at abt. 1100, over 150 years after what's listed on the wikitree profile [1]
Wolcott notes that
"...We note that Bartrum derives this man from the Meirionydd family of Eunydd ap Cadifor ap Peredur Beiswrydd, but identifies him as the father of a Cadifor whose descendants are found in Ceredigion. He dates him exactly contemporary with the man he calls Gwaithfoed of Meirionydd. We suggest this second Gwaithfoed was actually a grandson of the first one we mentioned: Gwaithfoed ap Cadifor ap Gwaithfoed ap Eunydd, born c. 1160..." [1]
This might be worth taking into consideration, along with Wolcott's work, Sortiong out the Gwaithfoeds. [2]
Lines to be Resolved
See also: Space:Gwaithfoed_of_Wales
Line A
- Eunydd Bach ap Brochwell, b. 878
- Einion ap Eunydd b. 841
- Peredur Peiswyrd ap Einion, b. 861
- [[Ap_Peredur_Peiswyrd-1}|Cadifor ap Peredur Peiswyrd]], b. 881
- Eunydd ap Cadifor, b. 916
- Gwaedthvod Fawr Ap Eunydd. b. 942
Line B
- Pyll ap Sande, b. 860
- Eunydd ap Pyll, b. 935
- Einion ap Eunydd, b. 965
- Peredur ap Einion, b. 1000
- Cadifor ap Peredur, b. 1035
- Eunydd ap Cadifor, b. 1070
- Gwaithfoed ap Eunydd, b. 1100
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Darrell Wolcott. Ancient Wales Studies. Sorting out the Gwaithfoeds Accessed 10/2/2019
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Darrell Wolcott. Ancient Wales Studies Gwaithfoed of Meirionydd Accessed 10/2/2019
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