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Hallowes, John, of Derby, probate 1658

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O Good Lord god, I pray thee direct my heart and soule aright in thy sight to doe this thinge my last will and Testament to thy glory and praise and my everlasting comfort and salvation and the good of them that shall succeede mee, And that for Jesus Christ his sake. Amen.

I John Hallowes being in health and perfect memorie doe commytt my soule into the hands of Allmighty god and Jesus Christ my saviour and redeemer beseechinge him to take it to his everlasting joyes when it shall depart this life.

I desire my body may bee buried in the South Isle in All Saints Church soe neere my mother my wives and Children as possibly I may.

I doe give and besett to my daughter Joan Debanke forty shillings to bee paid within three months after my decease

I give to my daughter Clements Walker every yeare twenty shillings to bee paid halfe yearely, to buy her cloathes to bee bestowed at the sight of my overseeres and not to have the moneys for shee is not fitt to governe it I doe appoint her to have it by my overseers

I give to my grandchildren Mary Hallowes and Anne Hallowes the South end of my house in the Bridge Croft that is to say the house and the Chamber over it with part of the twofall soe farre as the house is and halfe of the land lyeing on the West side of the house

I give to my daughter Anna twenty shillings to bee paid of my estate my daughter Clements is to have her one pounde by the yeare to be paid out of this house if I dye before my lease bee ended And if I live till my lease bee ended I shall performe it my selfe to be paid halfe yearely, and not to shutt it beforehand

I likewise give to my grandchilde Samuel Debanke the kitchen with the Chamber over it with the twofall on the East side of it soe farre as the kitchen goes

I alsoe give the Croft or orchard on the west side of the house equally to bee divided betwixt Mary and Ann Hallowes and the saide Samuel Debanke

I alsoe give to my grandchilde John Bridge the barne being the North end of the buildinge with the garden on the East side all wholie to himselfe and after my decease the barne to bee lett and the rent layd uppon it to make a flower over it and to make windowes and Chymneys till he have served and apprentishipp or come to the age of twenty yeares

Moreover I give all the residue of my estate equally amongst my grandchildren every one alike at the sight of my overseers and to bee improved for the youngest till they come to discretion being praised and valued soone after my funerall charges are paid and satisfyed And if any dye before it come to theire hands my will is that his her or theire part for dyeing shall bee equally divided amongst the rest of my grandchildren praising the Lead and Furnace the Malt Mill and the great stone Trough with all the residue of my goods with the other moveable goods with the boardes Mangers Cratches with the new barne if it be moveable if not to take the boards and the Poles that lye over to hold upp the hay and all other moveable things

And I doe desire my two Nephewes Thomas Garratt and Samuel Heathcoate my overseers and to settle all the gettings in a loveing and peaceable manner without disturbance And I give to my said overseers twentie shillings apeece for there paines and Care thereof

And for the rest of my breach Close and the potthouses and the gatehouse shall bee divided amongst them as aforesaid And that if I dye before the lease of this house bee ended I desire it may bee lett to the best use and putt into the stocke of my estate to bee divided as aforesaid

And I make my sonne in law Thomas Heathcoate my Full executor

And if any of my granchildren dye before they come to receive this portion my desire is that it may bee divided equally amongst the rest And if any of my grandchildren dye before they come to enjoy the land I have besett them in the Bridge Croft that is to say Marie and Anne Hallowes and Samuell Debanke or John Bridges I give and besett that part named to my grandson Joseph Bridges that part of him that is dead./.

This will was proved at London the six and Twentieth day of May in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred fyfty and eight before the Judges for probat of wills and grauntinge administrations lawfully authorised by the oath of Thomas Heathcoate the sonne sole executor named therein to whom was graunted administration hee being First sworne by commyssion well and truely to administer./.

Transcribed by Stephen Heathcote from probate records viewed on Ancestry.co.uk: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 276
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #945466 (accessed 17 January 2024)
Will of John Hallowes, granted probate on 26 May 1658. Died about 1658.

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