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Surnames/tags: Hamburg Germany
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Hamburg, Germany/Hamburg, Deutschland

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Overview of Hamburg

Flag and Coat of Arms:
City-State of the Federal Republic of Germany: 1949
English: Hamburg, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
German: Hamburg, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
Hamburg location in Germany
Being Germany’s largest port and commercial center Hamburg is a cosmopolitan area with German and foreign influences. While it is the 2nd most populous city second only to Berlin, it is also the 2nd smallest of the 16 States. Water is its life as besides the port it has a network of canals and lakes which in turn create a verdant landscape. Hamburg borders the states of Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony.


Maps Coordinates: 53°33′55″N 10°00′05″E


Hamburg’s history starts in the 9th century as a mission to convert Saxons. Emperor Charlemagne ordered the construction of a castle which can still be seen in the city’s coat of arms. It has been an important trading center since the Middle Ages. In 1189 it was given the title of Free Imperial City within the Holy Roman Empire. Tax-free access enabled it to become a key trade center in Europe. In 1241 the prosperous trading city of Lübeck formed an alliance with Hamburg, which eventually resulted in the League of Hanseatic Cities. It retained its independence while being part of the German Confederation, the North German Confederation, the German Empire and the Weimar Republic. During the Nazi 3rd Reich it was a city state and Gau. After World War II it was part of the British zone and finally a state in the Federal Republic of Germany. The legacy of the League is still reflected in the city’s full name: the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.
In 1664, the senate of Hamburg enacted a law to protect the swans living on the Alster in the city. Anyone who dared to beat to death, insult, shoot or eat a swan would be severely punished. A tradition says that Hamburg will be free and Hanseatic as long as there are swans living on the Alster. Even now, the Alster swans are protected and cared for by the modern government. The citizens of Hamburg respect this centuries old tradition.
In its long history it has seen the sorrow of invasions, deadly fires, the Black Death, cholera and two World Wars. Yet, it always comes back against any adversity due to the spirit of its citizens.


Germany has a number of different cultures. Hamburg has a maritime culture and an international flair as the major port of Germany. It has canals, palaces, opera, art galleries, music, night life, nature walks, parks, and while it does not have a large population of foreigners, it has foreign tourists coming in and out all the time.

Research Help and Regional Resources

Online Resource Compilations

Vital Records

Religious Facilities


Local Cemeteries


Colleges and Universities

They often have local records and have professors who are versed in local lore so can be a wonderful resource and many are multilingual.

Local Phone Books

Local Genealogy Groups

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Last updated by Thiessen-117: 19 Jul 2022

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