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Hanlon ONS, County Donegal, Templecrone, Tithe Applotment

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Templecrone, County Donegal, Irelandmap
Surname/tag: Hanlon
This page has been accessed 36 times.

Part of the Hanlon one name study

The Tithe Applotment of the Parish of Templecrone, County Donegal, Ireland was made in 1828. It is one of the only surviving records from that period.

This page is intended, firstly, just to list all the Hanlon men and women named in the Tithe Applotment for this parish. Next, the list will be used to create profiles for each of these people (or locate existing profiles), and link them back to this page.

It is hoped this may help to distinguish between several families in the area who all used similar names.

Tithe Applotment Books at the National Archives of Ireland

A searchable index of the Tithe Applotment Books at the National Archives is available for the whole of Ireland, with links to images of the corresponding pages.

The National Archives' online index has 21 Hanlon names mentioned in the Parish of Templecrone, County Donegal:

Surname, Forename: Townland/Street
  1. Hanlon, Richd: Calf Park Part of Maghery (page 10)
  2. Hanlon, Thos: Cruckeeragh Part of Maghery (page 9)
  3. Hanlon, Andy: Meenabollagan (page 24)
  4. Hanlon, Pat: Rosnagurragh Part of Magherg (page 32) - Maghery mistranscribed
  5. Hanlon, Jas: Rushine Upper (page 31)
  6. Hanlon, Wm: Tubberkeen (page 34)
  7. Hanlon, John: Tubberkeen (page 34)
  8. Hanlon, Thos: Tubberkeen (page 34)
  9. Hanlon, Susan: Salt Pans (page 33)
  10. Hanlon, Thos: Innisfree (page 9)
  11. Hanlon, Wm: Innisfree (page 9)
  12. Hanlon, James: Rushine Upper (page 11)
  13. Hanlon, Wm: Tubberkeen (page 11)
  14. Hanlon, Thos: Tubberkeen (page 11)
  15. Hanlon, John: Tubberkeen (page 11)
  16. Hanlon, Andw: Abollagan (page 11)
  17. Hanlon, Lasan: Saltpans (page 11) - Susan mistranscribed
  18. Hanlon, A C: Dunglow (page 13)
  19. Hanlon, Richd: Cruckeeragh (page 28)
  20. Hanlon, Pat: Rosnagurragh (page 29)
  21. Hanlon, Rich: Calf Park (page 29)

Names personally transcribed by page/location - includes more/corrected names!

2. Cruckeeragh, part of Maghery: Thos Hanlon
1. Calf Park, part of Maghery: Richd Hanlon
10. & 11. Innisfree: Thos & Wm Hanlon
--. Rushine Upper: Mosey Hanlon - not indexed
12. Rushine Upper: James Hanlon
17. Saltpans: Susan Hanlon - mis-indexed as "Lasan" Hanlon
13. Tubberkeen: Wm Hanlon
14. Tubberkeen: Thos Hanlon
--. Tubberkeen: Wm Hanlon - 2nd entry not indexed
15. Tubberkeen: John Hanlon
--. Tubberkeen: Thos Hanlon - 2nd entry not indexed
--. Tubberkeen: Wm Hanlon - 3rd entry not indexed
--. Tubberkeen: Thos Hanlon - 3rd entry not indexed
16. Abollagan: Andw Hanlon
18. Dunglow: A.C. Hanlon
--. Dunglow: Andy Hanlon - not indexed, looks like Hanion
3. Meenabollagan: Andy Hanlon
--. Meenabollagan: Andy Hanlon - 2nd entry not indexed
19. Cruckeeragh: Richd Hanlon
21. Calf Park: Rich Hanlon
20. Rosnagurragh: Pat Hanlon
5. Rushine Upper: Jas Hanlon
4. Rosnagurragh, part of Maghery: Pat Hanlon
9. Saltpans: Susan Hanlon
6.Tubberkeen: Wm Hanlon
8.Tubberkeen: Thos Hanlon
6.Tubberkeen: Wm Hanlon - 2nd entry not indexed
7.Tubberkeen: John Hanlon
8.Tubberkeen: Thos Hanlon - 2nd entry not indexed
6.Tubberkeen: Wm Hanlon - 3rd entry not indexed
8.Tubberkeen: Thos Hanlon - 3rd entry not indexed

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