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Haplogroup BY132823

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BY132823 Families

BY132823 Age Estimation

  • FTDNA estimates Haplogroup R-BY132823 represents a man who is estimated to have been born around 100 years ago, plus or minus 100 years. That corresponds to about 1900 CE with a 95% probability he was born between 1836 and 1969 CE.
  • Based on pool of data from tests within the FT176771 lines, the BY3368 Project estimates BY132823 emerged in 1915, with Robert F. Moore, 1915-2010.

Haplogroup BY132823 Age Estimation

Age has not been estimated via the Adamov, Guryanov, Korzhavin, Tagankin, and Urasin, or the McDonald method. Instead, based on the data within the Y133362/FT370928 split from FT176771, BY132823 is believed to have emerged in the mid 19th century.

BY132823 Phylogenetic Parent

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