Location: [unknown]
Note that while it is the objective of the BY3368 study to follow DF5>FGC3899>ZZ32, a close look at the DF5>RC6 branch might be worthwhile. Names in this cluster include Y DNA test takers claiming ancestors in Ireland, to include (though not limited to these) the counties of Westmeath, Roscommon, Kerry, and Galway.
Also worth noting are two y DNA test results that might reflect the migration of Celtic Britons, back to the European mainland (specifically, Armorica and Gallaecia)... a descendant of Pierre Loyen (b. ca. 1600, in France) who tested to DF5>FGC3899, and a descendant of Jose Torres (b. 1906, Mexico), who tested to DF5.
The following haplotree details the terminal haplogroups of Y DNA test takers claiming ancestors from Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, and Dorset - the area of the Dumnonii... Ayrshire, Dunbartonshire, Lanarkshire, Glasgow, and Renfrewshire - the area of the Damnonii... and Dumfriesshire and Galloway (need to add Kirkudbrightshire) - the area of the Selgovae (will add Wigtonshire - area of the Novantae, at a later time).
Please note: Some portions of the haplotree have been abbreviated (indicated by ">"), in order to fit computer screens. This is best viewed on a computer screen and not on a handheld device.
- L21
- DF63 - Cornwall
- CTS6919
- A92
- Z16506>>>>BY31787 - Dunbartonshire
- A92
- BY592
- Z16245
- Z16246>>BY2583 - Glasgow
- FGC36456
- FGC36423
- BY7782>>BY7774 - Devon
- FGC36423
- FGC36456
- Z16246>>BY2583 - Glasgow
- Z16245
- CTS6919
- DF13
- BY60223 - Ayrshire
- Z39589
- DF49
- BY2606
- BY2628 - Glasgow
- ZP20
- FGC11175
- ZP21
- FGC11207
- ZZ33_1>>>>BY23988 - Lanarkshire
- FGC11207
- ZP21
- FGC11175
- Z2980
- Z2976
- DF23
- Z2961
- FGC6540>>FGC30384 - Dumfries
- Z2956
- Z2965
- M222 - Ayrshire/Renfrewshire/Dumfries
- Y2605
- FGC4077 - Glasgow
- BY125109
- BY186561 - Lanarkshire
- BY125109
- FGC4077 - Glasgow
- S658
- DF104
- DF105 - Lanarkshire
- FGC4133
- FT91606
- FGC4134
- FGC4125 - Dumfries
- FGC4134
- FT91606
- DF85
- FGC71316
- FT191128
- FGC35551
- FGC355555
- FGC35553 - Devon
- FGC355555
- FGC35551
- FT191128
- S673>>>>>>>BY21207 - Lanarkshire
- FGC71316
- FGC4133
- DF105 - Lanarkshire
- DF104
- Y2605
- M222 - Ayrshire/Renfrewshire/Dumfries
- Z2965
- Z2961
- DF23
- Z2976
- BY2606
- Z251
- Z16943
- FGC34554
- Z16944
- Z16946
- L555
- Z16932
- FGC13746
- FGC34569
- BY174652 - Dumfries
- FGC34569
- FGC13746
- Z16932
- L555
- Z16946
- Z16944
- FGC34554
- BY68688
- BY100572 - Dumfries
- Z16943
- S1026
- S1011
- A1103
- A1101
- A1078
- BY60364
- FT13195
- FT12424 - Ayrshire
- FT13195
- BY60364
- A1078
- A1101
- A1103
- S1011
- BY3925
- A9508 - Ayrshire
- L1335
- L1065
- FGC10125
- FGC10116
- FGC10124
- FGC10122
- FGC10120
- FT138216
- FT167643 - Glasgow
- FT138216
- FGC10120
- FGC10122
- FGC10124
- BY23332
- A11437 - Glasgow
- FGC10116
- Z16325
- S744
- BY23334
- BY23351 - Lanarkshire
- S691 - Ayrshire
- S695
- S27834
- S690
- BY108397 - Lanarkshire
- S690
- A5299 - Lanarkshire
- S27834
- BY3146
- A850
- BY11749
- Y22159
- Y22337
- Y22339
- BY39956
- BY39953
- BY87720 - Dunbartonshire
- BY39953
- BY39956
- Y22339
- Y22337
- Y22159
- BY11749
- A850
- S695
- S764
- FGC28985
- FGC28995
- FGC83404
- FGC28994
- FGC28989
- BY190073 - Dumfries
- BY184054 - Ayrshire
- FGC28989
- FGC28994
- FGC83404
- FGC28995
- FGC28985
- BY23334
- S744
- FGC10125
- L1065
- BY34749
- BY63633 - Cornwall
- FT262970
- FGC20101 - Dorset
- FGC35996
- BY9003
- FT13896
- BY24287
- FT125055
- FT124928 - Somerset
- FT125055
- BY24287
- FT13896
- BY23382 - Devon
- BY9003
- S16264
- Z16861
- L679
- F110 - Devon
- L679
- Z16861
- FGC13780
- FGC33423 - Devon & Cornwall
- S1051 - Somerset
- FGC17906
- FGC19449
- FGC59359
- BY42375 - Somerset
- FGC59359
- FGC19449
- FGC14901
- FGC64558
- FT62338 - Devon
- FT98607
- Y24525
- Y24879 - Devon
- Y24525
- FT98607
- FT62338 - Devon
- FGC64558
- FGC17906
- S3666 - Devon
- BY54624
- BY71093
- BY182882 - Dumfries
- BY71093
- BY3923
- Y30767 - Devon
- BY54624
- DF41 - Somerset/Glasgow
- FGC13023
- FGC65269 - Cornwall
- FGC5572
- MC21 - Devon
- FGC36628
- FGC36627
- FGC36630 - Devon
- FGC36627
- FGC36628
- MC21 - Devon
- FGC13023
- DF49
- FGC5494
- FGC5561
- FGC19329
- FGC19335
- A2190
- FT45362 - Devon & Cornwall
- A2190
- FGC19335
- FGC19916
- M954 - Devon & Cornwall
- S7958
- FGC7448
- FGC5496
- FGC5512
- FGC5549
- FGC5560
- FGC5511
- A1487
- FT111213 - Somerset
- BY203692
- FT234895 - Devon
- A1487
- FGC5511
- FGC5560
- FGC5549
- FGC5512
- FGC5496
- FGC7448
- FGC19329
- FGC5561
- FGC11134 - Devon
- A353
- Z16250
- A114
- CTS4466
- S1115
- A212
- A7699
- BY66248 - Galloway
- A7699
- A212
- S1115
- CTS4466
- A114
- Z16250
- ZZ44
- ZZ46
- FGC11293 - Cornwall
- BY64238
- BY65670 - Devon
- BY64238
- FGC11293 - Cornwall
- ZZ46
- A353
- L513 - Somerset
- S6365
- BY16
- CTS3087
- FGC13411
- BY160873
- BY161916 - Devon
- BY160873
- FGC13411
- CTS3087
- BY16
- S5668
- A7 - Devon
- Z17623
- S5979
- S5982
- FGC30224
- Z17817
- BY615
- FGC36506 - Lanarkshire
- BY615
- Z17817
- A3
- A8
- Z17299
- Z17296 - Dumfries
- FGC32661
- FGC21249 - Dumfries
- FGC32661
- Z17296 - Dumfries
- Z17299
- BY11239 - Glasgow
- Z18059
- Z18060
- FT225337 - Dunbartonshire
- Z18060
- A8
- FGC30224
- L193.1 - Ayrshire/Glasgow
- S5982
- S5979
- Z17623
- BY96813
- BY201501 - Ayrshire
- A7 - Devon
- S6365
- ZZ10
- FGC42672
- MC14
- BY246
- BY249
- BY248 - Ayrshire
- BY249
- BY246
- MC14
- CTS10201
- CTS3386
- S19268
- FGC40142 - Dunbartonshire
- FT14391
- FT44417
- FT82706 - Cornwall
- FT44417
- S19268
- CTS3386
- Z16423
- Z255
- S169.1
- Z16429
- BY519
- ZZ7
- BY100966
- BY17758
- FT76359 - Glasgow
- BY17758
- BY100966
- ZZ7
- BY519
- Z16434
- FT10588
- BY17875
- BY17850
- BY56157 - Dumfries
- BY17850
- BY17875
- BY17735
- BY17864 - Devon
- FT10588
- Z16429
- S169.1
- Z255
- Z253 - Cornwall/Dumfries
- FGC3268
- ZZ6
- FGC3220
- FGC3222
- Z17692 - Ayrshire
- FGC3222
- BY43439
- L554
- BY14481
- BY23489
- BY24054
- BY23384
- BY23399 - Dorset
- BY23384
- BY24054
- BY23489
- BY14481
- L554
- FGC3220
- FT31956
- BY23615
- BY203110
- BY210679 - Devon
- BY203110
- BY23615
- S844
- A22
- S856
- S845
- S846
- FGC20559
- FGC8561
- AMM336
- Z17685
- FGC20562
- S871
- B360
- S869
- BY15268 - Devon
- S869
- B360
- S871
- FGC20562
- Z17685
- AMM336
- FGC8561
- FGC20559
- S846
- S845
- S856
- A22
- Z2534 - Cornwall
- ZZ5
- BY4087
- BY4064
- BY4070 - Glasgow
- BY4064
- A16
- BY10
- A14
- A277
- BY4080
- BY13089
- FT55474
- BY43275
- Y100802
- BY49931
- Y96072 -Cornwall
- BY49931
- Y100802
- BY43275
- FT55474
- BY13089
- BY4080
- A277
- A14
- BY10
- BY25447
- BY13693
- BY13686
- BY13692
- BY19674 - Cornwall
- BY13692
- BY13686
- BY13693
- Z2185
- A7037
- BY4297
- BY11911
- S885
- BY11903 - Devon
- S885
- BY11911
- BY4297
- BY4331
- Z2186
- L1066
- BY3946
- BY591 - Cornwall
- BY66872 - Cornwall
- CTS11831
- CTS9881
- Z18123
- CTS9251
- CTS4296
- FGC32678
- FT114790
- CTS114 - Devon
- FT114790
- FGC32678
- CTS4296
- CTS9251
- Z18123
- CTS9881
- BY3946
- L1066
- Z2186
- A7037
- BY4087
- ZZ5
- ZZ6
- FGC42672
- DF21
- S5488
- Z16294
- BY11118
- BY4001
- FT147114 - Cornwall
- BY4001
- BY11118
- BY518
- S7200
- S6003
- Z16543
- S7190
- S6000
- FGC43483
- FGC43477 - Glasgow
- FGC43478
- FGC43490
- FGC43480 - Glasgow
- FGC43490
- FGC43478
- FGC43477 - Glasgow
- FGC43483
- S6000
- S7190
- Z16543
- S6003
- FGC33060
- FGC33047
- FGC33039
- BY46953
- BY103043 - Devon
- BY46953
- FGC33039
- FGC33047
- S7200
- Z16294
- Z30233
- CTS8704
- S280
- DF25
- Y172372 - Devon
- DF5
- FGC3899
- ZZ32
- CTS3655
- BY21628
- BY21650 - Somerset
- Z16539
- Z16540
- BY2724
- BY2695 - Somerset
- BY3363
- BY3989 - Devon
- CTS8035
- CTS1970 - Glasgow
- BY164001 - Ayrshire
- CTS1970 - Glasgow
- BY2724
- Z16540
- L627
- BY3364
- BY3368
- BY111495
- BY177240
- Y12895
- BY12309
- BY12311
- BY188117
- BY50703
- BY141776
- FGC15791
- FT176771
- BY132823
- FT88521
- FT371179 - Ayrshire
- Y133164 - Ayrshire
- Y133180 - Ayrshire
- FT176771
- FT229475
- FT230969
- FT38883
- BY194967
- FT48485 - Ayrshire
- FT226729
- BY194967
- FT63645
- FT251815 - Ayrshire
- BY111495
- BY3368
- BY3364
- BY21628
- CTS3655
- ZZ32
- FGC3899
- DF25
- S280
- CTS8704
- S5488
- DF63 - Cornwall
Haplogroup DF5 Age Estimation
- Haplogroup R-DF5 represents a man who is estimated to have been born around 3,100 years ago, plus or minus 500 years. That corresponds to about 1100 BCE with a 95% probability he was born between 1600 BCE and 600 BCE.
- Per Alex Williamson's Big Tree (R-P312 Y DNA descendant lines) age estimations (based on the method of Dr. Iain McDonald), the median age of this block is 3439.57 YBP (1490 BC). The 95% confidence interval is 2013 BC to 1015 BC.
Phylogenetic Parent of DF5
Phylogenetic Children of DF5
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I'm of the mind that Bronze Age and Iron Age Celtic Briton tribes were respectively defined as "collectives" based more on the god in which they put their faith than by a single line of blood family. The quote from the Tuatha Dé Danann seems to mesh with this... "tongu do dia tongas mo thuath"... which means, "I swear by the god by whom my tribe swears."
Have I found the other branches of the Damnii through Y? I have not... but I'm looking.
Further, I'm not the only one who has suggested that there may be an etymological tie between the Dumnonii of SW England with the Damnonii/Damnii of SW Scotland and the Fir Domnann of Ireland. Not exactly cherry-picking, but rooted in something a little more tangible, plus the CTS3655>Z16539 has left a rather long line of breadcrumbs, from Alsace, to Devon, Wales, SW Scotland (Britton/Galbreath... possibly also Damnonii, given the locale, just to the north of the BY3364 cluster), Fife, and Aberdeenshire, seemingly leaving us a little more to consider.
edited by Robert Moore II