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Haplogroup FGC3899 - Bronze Age Celtic Britons

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Profile manager: Robert Moore private message [send private message]
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Haplogroup FGC3899 Backstory

FGC3899 is the phylogenetic parent of BY23559, FGC15498, FGC5780, FGC72907, S984, and ZZ32. Of those, FGC5780 is the root haplogroup of the O'Cathain families of Ulster (which is not as closely related to the O'Cathain line of Galway, as some seem to think), and the families of O'Byrne/Burns and Donohue/Donnachadha. The Donnachadha family is identified as being from the Dál nAraidi Tribe in what is now County Antrim.

FGC3899 Age Estimation

  • Per FTDNA, Haplogroup R-FGC3899 represents a man who is estimated to have been born around 3,100 years ago, plus or minus 450 years. That corresponds to about 1000 BCE with a 95% probability he was born between 1450 BCE and 550 BCE.

Phylogenetic Parent of FGC3899

Phylogenetic Children of FGC3899



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