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Haplogroup FT176771

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FT176771 Families

The following lines have all tested under Haplotree FT176771, which would mean all are descended from Unknown Muir, b. ca. 1600. More information can be found in the WikiTree profiles of the indicated patriarchs for the respective lines:

Volume of Tests Taken

As of December 2024, FT176771 and its subclades is represented by eighteen (18) Y DNA test-takers, most of whom have tested at the Big Y-700 level.[1]

"Splitting the Haplogroup Blocks"

As of Dec 2024, a sufficient number of Big Y-700 results proved valuable in "splitting the blocks" under the FT176771 Haplogroup. Ultimately, in order to identify new haplogroup branches, testing multiple people in a line of descent is necessary. Fortunately, with fifteen Big Y-700 test takers (so far), all descended from James Moore/Muir (ca. 1645 - 1735), this project has proven successful. This is even more successful for having so many tests from descendants of two sons of James... Peter (b. ca. 1706), and Benjamin (b. ca. 1712).

To date, the results have identified Haplogroup FT370928 (the haplogroup emerged between 1730s - 1740s) to Peter Moore's descendants, while Y133362 is identifiable to descendants of Benjamin Moore. While more testing of more descendants of Peter is necessary to further identify subclades of FT370928, subclades have been identified under Y133362... traceable to descendants of two sons of Cyrus S. Moore (1829-1904) (grandson of the aforementioned Benjamin Moore)... James Draden Moore (1859-1899) and John Howard Moore (1862-1942).

Results for descendants of these two brothers of Cyrus S. Moore (a grandson of Benjamin Moore)... identified a new subclade (not yet identified as a haplogroup) in the descendant of James D. Moore, and a new haplogroup... BY132823... identified to descendants of John H. Moore.

The average time between the emergence of new haplogroups in this line varies, and appears to range from every four to six generations.

Additionally, the results of three tests for descendants of Moses Mott/Mault, revealed a Moore NPE. It is likely that the Mott/Mault line descends from one of sons of James Muir/Moore (1645-1735), but as to which one, it is unclear.

Distinctive Y-111 Signature

Kits # 815350, B284181, 815343, 461253, 675678, 643636, N25192, 815693, and N17390 (all descend from James Moore, b. 1645) and have a distinctive Y-111 marker signature: (DYS607 = 16; DYS537 = 11; DYS532 = 14; DYS715 = 23; and DYS561 = 16)[2] Kit #774122, however, varies only slightly in DYS532 (13) and DYS715 (24). This may be an indicator that Kit #774122 is only one or two generations removed from the rest in sharing a common ancestor. While the majority are traceable to James' father, John Muir, b. 1618, Kit #774122 may descend from James Moore's brother, William Muir, b. 1655, who appears to have remained in Scotland, or from another son of John Muir's father, George Muir (b. ca. 1590.

Haplogroup FT176771 Age Estimation

  • FTDNA estimates Haplogroup R-FT176771 represents a man who is estimated to have been born around 300 years ago, plus or minus 100 years. That corresponds to about 1700 CE with a 95% probability he was born between 1615 and 1805 CE.
  • Based on the data within the BY370928 and BY132823 split from FT176771, the BY3368 Project estimates FT176771 emerged in the late 16th or early 17th century (c. 1590-1644); possibly beginning with George Muir, b. ca. 1590.
  • Age has not been estimated via the Adamov, Guryanov, Korzhavin, Tagankin, and Urasin, or the McDonald method.

NPE Breaks from the FT176771 Lines

The following line has been identified as not under Haplotree FT176771, but connected to this Moore tree. This is specifically reflective of Benjamin Moore's daughter, Elizabeth, having Alexander out of wedlock, though the Moore surname was retained:

Lines Disproven by Y DNA

For some time, a number of children have been attached to George Moore (ca. 1691 - ca. 1756) (son of John Moore/Muir (1650-1697) and Elizabeth Lucas (ca. 1685 - ca. 1780), but only two were DOCUMENTED with St. Barnabas Church, Queen Anne Parish, Prince George's County, Maryland: George and Mary.[3] There appear to be no birth records for the other children listed in this profile, and place of birth used for all the others appears to have been extracted from Find-a-Grave pages, none of which provide source information. A SAR application, dated March 1941, shows John Moore (aka John Nathaniel Moore), as a son of George Moore and Elizabeth Lucas, but no primary source for this is cited. Further, Y DNA tests of descendants of Aaron and William G. Moore, "supposed sons" of George Moore and Elizabeth Lucas, indicate haplotree S744 (SEE THIS LINK FOR A DETAILED EXPLANATION)[4], and haplogroup A9863, respectively. Yet, descendants of James Moore/Muir, brother to John Moore (George's father) fall under haplogroup FT176771. A9863 and FT176771 do not match, and, therefore, Aaron and William G. Moore cannot be sons of George Moore and Elizabeth Lucas. Considering this, it is also likely that Simon, Ezekiel, Martha, and John Nathaniel Moore were not children of George Moore and Elizabeth Lucas.[5].

FT176771 Phylogenetic Parent

FT176771 Phlogenetic Children


  2. Because of the Mott/Mault Y results, this "signature" appears, now, to also be consistent among Y descendants of John Moore/Muir (1650-1697).
  3. "Maryland Births and Christenings, 1650-1995," database, FamilySearch ( : 12 December 2014), George Moore in entry for Mary Moore, 11 May 1716; FHL microfilm 14,304.
  4. Paying close attention to the Big Y-700 results for those under Haplotree S744, the following lines (and in sequence within the haplotree, "phylogenetic parent" to "phylogenetic child") have been considered:
    • S744
      • Y15102
        • A9863
          • BY11343
      • S764
        • FGC81696
    The following kits have been identified to the respective lines, above: Haplogroup Y15102: Kits #285535, N36830 Haplogroup A9863: Kit #30001 Haplogroup BY11343: Kit #153130 There are more kits which have not tested at the Big Y-700 level, but based upon shared claimed ancestors, the following applies: Haplogroup Y15102: Common ancestor Gersham Moore, 1785-1831 for Kits #285535 and 938901; David Moore, born 27 Jul 1761, Norwich, Connecticut for Kit #N36830 Haplogroup A9863: Common ancestor Rev. Joseph E. Moore, 1754-1824 for Kits #300011, 86585, and 821966 Haplogroup BY11343: Common ancestor Elnathan Moore, 1763-1849: 153130, 20898, 279526, and 20897 Haplogroups undetermined and requiring upgrade of kits to Big Y-700: Common ancestor Aaron Moore, ca. 1725-1785: Kit #344937; Common ancestor John Moore, 2707-? for kit #212639; and Common ancestor William Moore, 1753 or 1756-1836 for Kit #357465. Considering all of this under the projected ages (per the McDonald method used in Williamson's "Big Tree") of these haplogroups:
    • S744 - (92 BC - 493 AD)
      • Y15102 - (567 AD - 1516 AD)
        • A9863 - (1133 AD - 1813 AD)
          • BY11343 - (1504 AD - 1945 AD)
      • S764 - (277 AD - 821 AD)
        • FGC81696 - (Age Not Calculated)
    Therefore, two lines of Moores emerged from S744, but considering when surnames first came into use, unrelated to each other (the common shared ancestor being in S744, which was between 92 BC and 493 AD). The focus, then, being shifted to Y15102... all Moores that fall under this haplogroup likely emerged from a common shared ancestor who had the Moore surname. As the colonial era ancestors lived in Connecticut, New Jersey, Virginia, etc., this demonstrates the Moores in this haplotree were not NPE in colonial America. They may be traceable to the emergence of the Moore surname in the UK, or were NPE before colonization of Colonial America. Incidentally, S744 falls under L1065 (L1065 > Z16329 > S744), which is classified as "Scots Modal 1".
  5. Review by Robert H. Moore II, 24 Oct 2021; SAR Application of Douglas Beebe Coce, March 1941



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