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Haplogroup FT371179

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The FT371179 Young Lines

As FT371179 is a subclade of FGC15791, and FGC15791 dates to a Muir born ca. 1400 CE, with a 95% probability he was born between 1247 and 1536 CE, FT371179 and FT370707 are the result of a Muir NPE line of Youngs. In other words, this Young line came about, most likely as 1) a Young being born to a Muir father, or 2) a Muir being raised by a Young family, and given the Young surname of the family which raised him. At present, it is believed that this is somewhere within the line Muirs born after ca. 1460, but before 1600, of which Robert Mure, b. ca. 1515 was one.

If the progenitor of this Young (NPE Muir) line was born in the vicinity of these Muirs, we need to look to marriages and births in the areas of Glasgow, Renfrewshire, and Ayrshire. In using the Scotland's People site, it's found that there are very few Youngs in that area before 1620. The majority of the earliest Youngs found in Scotland's People are found east of Glasgow, with a particularly heavy concentration in and around Edinburgh and Perth. Of those found in Glasgow and the immediate vicinity, the following couples were recorded in High Church/Glasgow Cathedral records before 1620 with earliest appearance shown in ( ):

  • James Young and Isobell Gemmell (1610)
  • William Young and Jonat Maxwell (1610)
  • Jhone Young and Jonat Fleming (1611)
  • Archibald Young and Jonat Brock (1611)
  • James Young and Elyt Brown (1611)
  • Jon/Jhone Young and Helein Bogill (1611)
  • Thomas Young and Margaret Orr (1611)
  • Jhone Young and Jonat Nicoll (1612)
  • Thomas Young and Margaret Grahame (1614)
  • James Young and Elspet Brown (1615)
  • Thomas Young and Mareoun Muire (1615)
  • Robert Young and Jonat Wardane (1616)
  • Johne Young and Margaret Lickprivick (1617)
  • Alexander Young and Margaret Gilmer (1618)
  • Johne Young and Jeane Morrison (1619)
  • Johne Young and Katherein Brounley (1620)

FT371179 and FT370707 (Young)

Note that, as of 10 July 2022, there are eleven (11) test-takers (including kits N247004, B605238, 309573, 612205, 971184, 275248, 60021, and U2567) that currently (or would, if upgraded to Big Y-700) fall under FT371179 and FT370707 who have the Young surname.

FT371179 Families

Haplogroup FT371179 Age Estimation

  • Haplogroup R-FT371179 represents a man who is estimated to have been born around 350 years ago, plus or minus 150 years. That corresponds to about 1700 CE with a 95% probability he was born between 1550 CE and 1850 CE.

FT371179 Subclades/Phylogenetic Children

Phylogenetic Parent of FT371179

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I'm Jim Young (Wiki ID: Young-32719); and, FT371179 and FT370707 are my established terminal Y-DNA Haplogroups indicating a Moore is my founding ancestor.

Based on Ancestry DNA matches, Robert Young (1784-1857) of Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland does not appear to be the father of John Young (1815 Scotland-1865 Kansas).

posted by Jim Young
edited by Jim Young
Has anyone descended from Robert Young tested Y DNA yet? Additionally, Ancestry DNA being strictly autosomal, does not project well over so many generations to show matches. I've seen gg grandchildren with a shared ancestor not match with autosomal.

In my own situation, I share an ancestor (a fourth great grandfather) with a line of Moores, but our Autosomal DNA does not show us as matches... yet, in Y DNA, we're clearly matches.

posted by Robert Moore II
edited by Robert Moore II