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Haplogroup ZZ32

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Haplogroup ZZ32 Backstory

ZZ32 is the "parent" of CTS3655 and L1402, and L1402, a phylogenetic child of L1403. In turn. A818 is the phylogenetic child of L1402, which had been identified as the root haplogroup of the Seven Septs of Laois (O'Moore, O'Devoy (O'Deevy), O'Doran, O'Dowling, McEvoy, O'Kelly, and O'Lalor, of County Laois - projected to around 1028 B.C.), but now seems unlikely.

Instead, there is a possibility L1402 may represent the Fir Domnann (note the word connection between Domnann and Dumnonii), sometimes cited as a tribe of Firbolgsa, said to have invaded Leinster sometime before the 4th century. Further, they are said to have invaded from western Caernarvonshire, south of Anglesey, in Wales. Given the haplogroup stream of A818<L1402<L1403<ZZ32, it appears ZZ32 is possibly a common ancestor in the Dumnonii of Cornwall, Devon, etc.

Note, that two haplogroup descendants of ZZ32 have been identified to England, sometime after 422 BC (see Z16539 and BY21628, under CTS3655).

Another interesting line under ZZ32 is ZZ32>Z16539>Z16549>BY3363, which is a small cluster of three surnames (among Y DNA test-takers) which are traceable to Alsace, Freinsheim, and France. This raises the question if this is indicative of a very small population which remained in the general area of origin of the ZZ32 people (perhaps traceable to an earlier DF5, before 2000 BC... significantly before the La Tène culture which ran from about 450 BCE to the Roman conquest in the 1st century BCE, in what would become known as Gaul), while the majority (at least based on what few test takers have taken the Y DNA test so far) migrated on to what became England. Most notable is that even BY3363's closest" cousin", BY2724, moved on, to the British Isles. Judging too quickly. someone might suggest (if they know the history of Celtic Britons) that this might be indicative of the migration of Celtic Britons back to the European mainland. Yet, Alsace, Freinsheim, and the particular area of France these BY3363 folks claim is not near Armorica (on the Atlantic coast of France), and most certainly even more distant from Gallaecia (northern Portugal). At present, there appears to be only two Y DNA test takers who show a possibility of being descended from the Celtic Briton migration back to mainland Europe... a descendant of Pierre Loyen (b. ca. 1600, in France) who tested to DF5>FGC3899, and a descendant of Jose Torres (b. 1906, Mexico), who tested to DF5.

Haplogroup ZZ32 Age Estimation

  • Per FTDNA, Haplogroup R-ZZ32_1 represents a man who is estimated to have been born around 3,000 years ago, plus or minus 550 years. That corresponds to about 1000 BCE with a 95% probability he was born between 1550 BCE and 450 BCE.
  • Per Alex Williamson's Big Tree (R-P312 Y DNA descendant lines) age estimations (based on the method of Dr. Iain McDonald), the median age of BY3368 is "3414.79 YBP (1465 BC). The 95% confidence interval is 1976 BC to 998 BC". Note that YBP = "Years Before Present".

Phylogenetic Parent of ZZ32

Phylogenetic Children of ZZ32



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