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Harris-5439 Ancestor Statistics

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Profile manager: Steven Harris private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 690 times.
Statistics available through the tools on Help:Apps, provided by the WikiTree Apps Project.

Ancestor Statistics: last updated 11 March 2020

Generation Relation Total w/ Birth Year Earliest Birth Year Latest Birth Year Average Birth Year Gen Length Average Lifespan
52x Great-Grandparents16/161840188718692973
63x Great-Grandparents21/321807186018343565
74x Great-Grandparents20/641775182518052961
85x Great-Grandparents15/1281737179517713467
96x Great-Grandparents19/2561697177517413069
107x Great-Grandparents22/5121670175617122958
Average generation length: 30 | Average lifespan: 69

Missing Links: last updated 23 Apr 2019

# Steps First Last Birth Date Birth Place Father? Mother? # Spouses # Children WikiTree ID
5 Anna Konecny 1871-00-00 Czechoslovakia false false 1 9 Konecny-10
3 Robert Merritt 1929-07-23 false false 0 1 Merritt-3945
3 Eddie Kubenka 1921-01-08 Texas, United States true false 0 1 Kubenka-38
3 Mary Parker 1920-09-25 Belfast, County Down, Ireland false false 1 2 Parker-26529
3 Alfred Rogers 1948-06-20 Fisher, Texas, United States false false 0 1 Rogers-24447
Missing links report generated out to 5 steps. Table generated for Open, Public, and partially Private Profiles with missing parent(s)

Brick Wall Ancestors: last updated 23 Apr 2019

# Name Birth Date Birth Place
1 Dawe-382 1887-02-27 Texas
2 Emerson-1793 1881-07-13 Missouri
3 Tabor-910 1875-11-30 Lynchburg, Harris, Texas, United States
4 Harris-18642 1875-05-08 Mississippi, United States
5 Kañák-30 1874-11-11 Czechoslovakia
6 Konecny-10 1871-00-00 Czechoslovakia
7 Peters-5493 1869-09-16 Austria-Hungary
8 Kovac-48 1859-00-00 Germany or Austria
9 Dawe-421 1854-00-00 England
10 Rushin-86 1853-00-00 Missouri
11 Najvar-3 1839-06-04 Stramberk, Moravia, Austria
12 Kañák-29 1836-12-18
13 Castagnet-3 1836-11-19 Thibodeaux, Louisiana, United States
14 Hrckova-1 1835-11-28 Koprivnice, Moravia, Austria
15 Cmerek-1 1834-07-24 Bohemia
16 Schexnider-6 1829-00-00 Louisiana, United States
17 Volčík-24 1828-01-27 Moravia, Austria
18 Huffman-1991 1825-00-00 Opelousas, St Landry, Louisiana, USA
19 Rebo-2 1824-00-00 Kentucky
20 Clawson-690 1823-00-00 Missouri, USA
21 Dawe-679 1822-05-05 Calstock, Cornwall, England, United Kingdom
22 Brown-44820 1821-00-00 Anna, Union, Illinois, USA
23 Lmerka-2 1820-00-00
24 Tabor-914 1819-00-00
25 Riche-208 1817-08-24 Assumption Parish, LA
26 Lewis-19022 1816-10-01 South Carolina, United States
27 French-6470 1815-00-00 France
28 Langley-1356 1811-01-01 Ripley, Lauderdale, Tennessee, United States
29 Borne-39 1807-12-06 St. John the Baptiste Parish, La.
30 Conners-166 1800-00-00 County Canal, Tipperary, Ireland
31 Breaux-522 1796-00-00 St. Charles Parish, LA
32 Gervais-300 1795-00-00 Jeremie, Ouest, Haiti
33 Dunks-11 1794-00-00 St Landry, Louisiana, United States
34 Doody-82 1793-00-00 Cabir, Tipperary, Ireland
35 Volcik-20 1790-00-00
36 Braud-49 1788-08-27 Assumption Parish, LA
37 Romagosa-5 1775-00-00 Malaga, Andalusia, Spain
38 Grantham-456 1772-00-00 Robeson, North Carolina
39 Smith-97564 1771-04-05 Rockingham, Richmond, North Carolina, United States
40 Hoffman-4616 1762-00-00 Alamance, Alamance, North Carolina
41 Kobasson-1 1762-00-00 Orange, North Carolina
42 McClelland-1352 1760-00-00
43 Romagosa-6 1754-00-00 Reus Province, Tarragona, Spain
44 Tabor-918 1753-00-00
45 Harmon-3461 1753-00-00
46 Jurak-1 1740-00-00 Stramberk, North Moravia, Czech Republic
47 Andrus-319 1735-00-00 Brunswick, Virginia Colony
48 Cochlarova-1 1734-00-00
49 Proctor-1887 1715-00-00 Surry, Surry, Virginia
50 Hancock-1220 1710-00-00 North Carolina
51 Bard-340 1708-00-00 Lower Strabine, Tyrone, Ireland
52 Neuwar-5 1707-11-11
53 Heraltova-1 1705-00-00
54 Foltzloger-4 1685-00-00 Memmelshofen, Bas-Rhin, France
55 De Lormel-1 1683-00-00 Paris, Ile-de-France, France
56 Bettemond-2 1680-00-00
57 Schnarberg-1 1680-00-00 Neukirchen,Wurtzburg,Germany
58 Currier-1168 1676-11-28 Lower, Tyrone, Ireland
59 Sterrett-198 1674-00-00 Strabane, County Tyrone, Ireland
60 Manart-1 1674-00-00
61 Heidel-35 1670-00-00 Mayence, Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
62 Potter-8032 1669-00-00 Magheracross, Ireland
63 Foltzloger-1 1665-00-00 Memmelshofen, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France
64 Schaaf-123 1650-00-00 Keffenach, Bas-Rhin, France
65 Unknown-334410 1650-00-00 Friedricksport, Keffenbach, Bas-Rhin, Germany
Out of 2046 possible ancestors in 10 generations, 122 (5.96%) have WikiTree profiles
0/122 (0%) are duplicates due to pedigree collapse

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