
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

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Actors portraying characters in the 'Harry Potter' series of films. This topic is going hand-in-hand with the policy of revealing Living Notables, so this is very much still Under Construction.

"Harry Potter is the kind of timeless literary achievement that comes around once in a lifetime." Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Warner Bros

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone

Sortable table
Name Born Died Role Photo
(click for
Daniel Radcliffe 1980sN/AHarry Potter75
Emma Watson 1990sN/AHermione Granger80
Rupert Grint 1980sN/ARon Weasley102
Sortable table
Name Born Died Role Photo
(click for larger)
Richard Harris 19302002Professor Albus Dumbledore408
Maggie Smith 1930s2024Professor Minerva McGonagall239
Robbie Coltrane 1950s2022Rubeus Hagrid1461
Harry Melling 1980sN/ADudley Dursley166
Richard Griffiths 19472013Vernon Dursley257
Fiona (Wilson) Shaw 1950sN/APetunia Dursley9
Ian Hart 1960sN/AProfessor Quirinus Quirrell10
Verne Troyer 19692018Griphook2145
John Hurt 1940s2017Garrick Ollivander137
Julie Walters 1950sN/AMolly Weasley47
Chris Rankin 1980sN/APercy WeasleyNo Image
James Phelps 1980sN/AFred Weasley205
Oliver Phelps 1980sN/AGeorge Weasley205
Bonnie Wright 1990sN/AGinny Weasley---
Matthew Lewis 1980sN/ANeville Longbottom90
Tom Felton 1980sN/ADraco Malfoy105
Jamie Waylett 1980sN/AVincent Crabbe---
Josh Herdman 1980sN/AGregory GoyleNo Image
John Cleese 1930sN/ANearly Headless Nick177
David Bradley 1940sN/AArgus Filch43
Leslie Phillips 1920s2022The Sorting Hat699
Elizabeth Spriggs 19292008The Fat LadyNo Image46
Alfred Enoch 1980sN/ADean Thomas118
Alan Rickman 19302015Professor Severus Snape136
Zoe Wanamaker 1940sN/AMadame Hooch19
Sean Biggerstaff 1980sN/AOliver WoodNo Image---
Warwick Davis 1970sN/AProfessor Flitwick115
Devon Murray 1980sN/ASeamus Finnegan---
Luke Youngblood 1980sN/ALee Jordan---
Jamie Yeates 1980sN/AMarcus FlintNo Image---
Ray Fearon N/KN/AFirenze (voice)---
Richard Bremmer 1950sN/ALord Voldemort

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Albert Enoch will be connected once our Notables friends have time to link his father William Russell to William's parents.
posted by Karen Lowe
I see no mention of Verne Troyer, who played Griphook in Sorceror's Stone. Am I just unable to see what's there, or is he missing? (His bio could do with some TLC.)
posted by Melanie Paul
Verne Troyer has now been added to the list. Thank you for pointing this out!


posted by Ros Haywood
Just another note while I'm here - in the table Leslie Phillips needs to be updated since his death recently.
posted by Melanie Paul
Goes onto tomorrow's to-do list. Right now, it is past my bedtime. :)
posted by Ros Haywood
Sleep well, and don't chase any rabbits in your dreams!
posted by Melanie Paul

Categories: Harry Potter