Location: Hastings Township, Barry, Michigan, United States

Surname/tag: michigan
Ran across this booklet in my father's records. One-room schoolhouse, with grades 0-8. So far just 1920, perhaps other years will be located?
Location: Hastings Township, River Rd. next to Hastings Town Hall. (Barry County, Michigan, History, 1985.)[1]
In 1920, there were 24 students, 1 teacher, and 3 officers.[2] Decided to locate everyone. (Four of them are in my family (Prentice).)
- Gertrude Bacheller - Teacher
- Wm. H. Schantz - School Officer, Director
- Frank Prentice - School Officer, Moderator
- Lloyd B. Fisher - School Officer, Treasurer
- Allen Prentice - Pupil, Primary Grade
- Sarah DePriester - Pupil, First Grade
- Maurice Craig - Pupil, First Grade
- Muryl Foreman - Pupil, Second Grade
- Madeline Todd - Pupil, Third Grade
- Martha Cahill - Pupil, Third Grade
- Ida Fisher - Pupil, Fourth Grade
- Velma Todd - Pupil, Fourth Grade
- Gertrude Craig - Pupil, Fourth Grade
- Leona Craig - Pupil, Sixth Grade
- Vera Todd - Pupil, Sixth Grade
- Verne Prentice - Pupil, Sixth Grade
- Herman Cahill - Pupil, Sixth Grade
- Gertrude Todd - Pupil, Sixth Grade
- Vesta Cahill - Pupil, Sixth Grade
- William Schantz - Pupil, Sixth Grade
- Kirk Foreman - Pupil, Sixth Grade
- Clarie Fisher - Pupil, Seventh Grade
- Leona DePriester - Pupil, Seventh Grade
- Lawrence Bates - Pupil, Seventh Grade
- Meta Bates - Pupil, Eighth Grade
- Kenneth Schantz - Pupil, Eighth Grade
- Clarence Prentice - Pupil, Eighth Grade
- Guy Coykendall - Pupil, Eighth Grade
- ↑ Michigan Schools Barry County on rootsweb.com.
- ↑ Hastings Center School, 1920 yearbook(let).
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