Location: United States

Surnames/tags: Marshall, Moore, Warren, Simmons, Forrest, Pulaski Tennessee, ethical racial hate, Ku Klux Klan, freedmen, Knights of the White Camelia, Blacks, Jews, Catholics, immigrants,
Contents |
Hate in the USA
Lynchings and cross burning in movies portray a sterotypical image of racial hate crimes but those are only a small number of the historical hurt done to racial and ethnic minorities in the name of hate. Beatings, floggings, drownings, arson, and bombings make up many more of the egregious hate crimes.
(Note: This space is dedicated to racial and ethical hate crimes as opposed to sexual orientation or other important crimes of bigotry that deserve individual time and space and may include other hate groups and laws.)
Reconstruction Era Hate
The Ku Klux Klan formed in 1866 after the War Between the States, colloquilia called the Civil War, by former Conferderate States veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee. The mission was resistance of the emboldment of freedmen of the Black race and fight Reconstruction.[1]
States with Hate Groups post War Between the States included Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Florida, and other Southern states.
In 1869, Nathan Bedford Forrest (1821-1877), General--CSA-Ret, first Grand Dragon, disbanded the Klan due to his detesting the excessive violence of the group.
Also, in 1867 in Louisina a like-minded group formed the Knights of the White Camelia.
About one-tenth of the blacks who had been members of the constitutional conventions organized under the Reconstruction Acts in 1867-1868 were murdered in the succeeding years, for instance.[2]
Laws were thus enacted to protect the [citizens against the terrorists| https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/generic/EnforcementActs.htm], including;[3]
- [Four Force Acts of 1870| https://www.britannica.com/topic/Force-Acts]
- [Ku Klux Klan Act 1871--Third Force Act| https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/historic-document-library/detail/ku-klux-klan-act-of-1871-april-20-1871-an-act-to-enforce-the-provisions-of-the-fourteenth-amendment-to-the-constitution-of-the-united-states-and-for-other-purposes]
1915 Era Hate
The Ku Klux Klan reformed in 1915 and has not died. It was formed by William Joseph Simmons (1880-1945) (preacher, physician, rank of colonel in the Woodmen of the World not military). The organization perportated hate against Jews, Blacks, Roman Catholics of south and eastern Europe that were not native-born American Anglo-Saxon or Celtic Protestants.[4]
A movie started depicting the burning crosses. It was not an act of the earlier era of the KKK. [5] [6]
1950s Hate
Civil Rights activists were killed and an Assasination attempt was made on a future Supreme Court Judge by the Orange County Ku Klux Klan Members in 1951. Sadly, the silent wall of the KKK resulted in no convictions after the Grand Jury Hearings.
Thurgood Marshall) often came to central Florida to investigate the injustice in elections and hate crimes. In August 1951 the Apopka KKK put a plan in action to kidnap him as a part of an assassination attempt. He had sent his assistant instead who they chased along with another lawyer and two newsreporters all the way from the Leesburg, Lake County Courthouse to MCO, the Orlando Airport at speeds upto 90 mph.Newspapers Clip: 232432487
Harry Tyson and Harriette Vyda (Simms) Moore were killed by a bomb under their bedroom floor on the night of their 25th wedding anniversary Christmas of 1951. Harry Moore became the first civil rights activist to be killed at the hands of terrorists in the nation thanks to the Apopka and Winter Garden Ku Klux Klans.[7]
States, Counties, Cities, Areas
Racial and ethnic hate groups come and go over time. This groups may have existed in the past, disolved, went in hibernation, awoken or reformed. Others did massive destruction then died or went underground.
Florida | County | City--Area | |
Orange | |||
Apopka | Apopka KKK | ||
Orlando | Orlando KKK | ||
Winter Garden | Winter Garden KKK | ||
- ↑ [Brittanica, Ku Klux Klan, rtvd 6 Nov 2023| https://www.britannica.com/topic/Ku-Klux-Klan]
- ↑ [The Enforcement Acts Teaching American History|https://teachingamericanhistory.org/document/the-enforcement-acts/]
- ↑ [The Enforcement Acts Teaching American History|https://teachingamericanhistory.org/document/the-enforcement-acts/]
- ↑ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Joseph_Simmons
- ↑ Newspapers Clip: 222453466
- ↑ Newspapers Clip: 235501637
- ↑ https://www.jstor.org/stable/30148758
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