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8 Circles of Heather Kushion

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Circle Completion Statistics

Relatives Profiles
C1 2 1 - - - 3 3 - 3
C2 1 & 3✝ 13 & 2✝ - 3 & 1✝ 6 23 8 2 10
C3 8✝ 33 & 14✝ 7 & 6✝ 10 & 5✝ 33 91 28 12 40
C4 16✝ 111 & 63✝ 62 & 53✝ 24 & 19✝ 151 348 120 19 137
C5 32✝ 236 & 202✝ 58✝+ 3+ & 18✝+ 278+ 515+ 165 21+ 186
C6 64✝ + + + + + 227 14+ 241+
C7 128✝ + + + + + 389 36+ 425+
C8 254✝ + + + + + 98 + 237+

Ancestor count adjusted in circle 8 due to known cases of pedigree collapse.

+ tallies yet to be calculated fully as of October 1, 2021. Totals liable to increase.
✝ tallies of deceased individuals
∑ summation total of tallies

Ancestors hidden behind brickwalls:

C6 - 4 (all paternal)
C7 - 51 (36 paternal and 15 maternal)
C8 - 162 (98 paternal and 64 maternal)

The colors used on the left section of this table indicate how many profiles have an indicated relationship type. The types are as follows:

  A   direct ancestors
  B   other blood relatives found using the relationship finder.
  M   relatives by marriage found using the connection finder
  N   unconnectable non-biological relatives (adoptive and foster relationships)

The colors used on the leftmost column of the lists below indicate the type of improvement they need:

  A   "see also" links
  B   biography and sources
  C   categories
  D   DNA verification
  P   profiles and connections
  R   research

Circle List

The following are profiles of deceased individuals related to Heather Kushion within 10 degrees. This list is broken up into section by circle, or degree distance, and then grouped by relationship type, ordered and sectioned by generations away and sorted by death date followed by birth date.

For more information on the concept of genealogical circles, see 100 Circles: A Geometry of the Tree.

The "degree" distance on WikiTree is determined by how many clicks it takes to navigate between two people. Siblings, parents, half-siblings, spouses, and children are all listed on a profile and are therefore one degree away.

C1 - First Circle

  Same Generation [0 of 2]
  S - Sibling [0 of 1]
  fS - Foster Sibling [0 of 1]
  One Generation Removed [0 of 2]
  P - Parents [0 of 2]

C2 - Second Circle

See Category: Kushion-1 C2

  Same Generation [0 of 4]
  SiL - Sibling's Spouse [0 of 1]
  fS-S - Foster Sibling's Sibling [0 of 1]
  fSiL - Foster Sibling's Spouse [0 of 2]
  One Generation Removed [3 of 19]
  N - Niblings [0 of 1]
  O - Ommers [2 of 10]
1970-1987 Klinesmith, Andrew Ray research (death) LR4J-PJJ
1970-1992 Kushion, Alan Alfred L8BZ-G5Z
  hO - Half-Ommers [0 of 5]
  fO - Parent's Foster Sibing [0 of 1]
  fS-P - Foster Sibling's Parents [1 of 2]
1964-2004 Woodworth, Robin Lee (Delmarter) create profile G97V-35G
  Two Generations Removed [4 of 6]
  GP - Grandparents [3 of 4]
1940-1990 Kushion, Robert Joseph L8BS-Z39
1940-2013 Klinesmith, Roy Daniel L6KG-2Y2
1944-2014 Bretz, Joan Marie (Perry) LNRP-J58
  fGP - Foster Grandparents [1 of 2]
1944-2021 Butcher, George Wayne LNRP-JFX

C3 - Third Circle

See Category: Kushion-1 C3

  Same Generation [0 of 19]
  1C - 1st Cousins [0 of 17]
  f1C - Foster 1st Cousins [0 of 2]
  One Generation Removed [1 of 10]
  OiL - Ommer's Spouses [2 of 9]
1949-2001 Barringer, David James KW6C-P39
1965-2007 Klinesmith, Dawn Marie (O'Connor) research LR4V-MYH
  fOiL - Foster Ommer's Spouse [0 of 1]
  afO - Foster Grandparent's Ex-Son [0 of 1]
  fS-sP - Foster Sibling's Step-Parents [0 of 1]
  Two Generations Removed [17 of 37]
  GO - Grandommers [14 of 30]
1945-1945 Perry, William Eugene LTY6-L7K
1923-1972 Bell, Alfred Alexander LDMN-YLK
1927-1972 Aspin, Catherine Matilda (Bell) LDMN-BWC
1930-1984 Orr, Marvel (Bell) LH72-YKV
1924-1989 Bell, Chester Herman LH72-Y5C
1948-2009 Miller, Edith Lee (Perry) LTCV-WW8
1925-2010 Bell, Francis Eugene LDMN-BSL
1938-2010 Bell, Thomas William LDMN-19P
1938-2012 Klinesmith, Charles Franklin, Sr. L8BZ-44Z
1932-2013 Fischer, Gladys Ann (Bell) LDMN-BGX
1935-2013 Rohleder, Donna Jean (Klinesmith) LNRP-JNP
1937-2014 Kushion, Terry Lee LNRP-JFQ
1929-2016 Locke, Mary (Bell) LNRP-J6T
1946-2019 Perry, Dorothy Loretta GSS1-GHQ
  fGO - Foster Grandommers [0 of 3]
  SGP - Step-Grandparents [4 of 5]
1923-1988 Bretz, Raymond Clair research (first wife) LR4J-GGS
1932-2010 Wesener, William M., Jr. LDMJ-SVP
1950-2015 Klinesmith, Patricia Ann (Niebur) Gressley GM5C-TSH
1941-2018 Thomas, Sylvia Ann (Williams) Walker GZHH-VN7
  fS-GP - Foster Sibling's Grandparents [0 of 4]
  Three Generations Removed [12 of 12]
  GGP - Great-Grandparents [8 of 8]
1886-1958 Bell, Alfred George L4QK-9W3
1912-1976 Klinesmith, Bessie Marie (Kauffman) LZ17-LK9
1898-1985 Klinesmith, Pvt. Charles Lovell LZ17-LP9
1910-1988 Kushion, Frank Robert L8BS-ZNH
1918-1989 Perry, John Franklin LDMH-7M2
1906-1994 Bell, Junella Elizabeth (Wenzel) LH7F-22B
1922-1999 Perry, Helen Lorraine (Maule) research (census) L8BC-8MG
1918-2012 Kushion, Sylvia Irene (Sheltraw) L8BS-ZKG
  fGGP - Foster Great-Grandparents [4 of 4]
1917-1999 Butcher, George William L21F-KDY
1922-1999 Butcher, Arlene M. (Vaughan) L21F-KK7
1918-2003 Anderson, Lorraine Francis (Jordan) LLS7-FZP
1915-2014 Anderson, Samuel Wellington, Jr. LLS7-XH2

C4 - Fourth Circle

See Category: Kushion-1 C4

  Same Generation [0 of 10]
  1CiL - 1st Cousin's Spouses [0 of 8]
  f1CiL - Foster 1st Cousin's Spouses [0 of 2]
  fS-1C - Foster Sibling's 1st Cousins
  One Generation Removed [6 of 131]
  1C1R - 1st Cousin's Children [0 of 13]
  f1C1R - Foster 1st Cousin's Children [0 of 1]
  1C1R - Grandommer's Children [6 of 104]
1948-1948 Bell, Harold Francis L2PG-T8F
1958-1958 Kushion, Daniel James L2NL-DS6
1959-1959 Dadacki, Katherine L515-TQH
1963-1964 Klinesmith, Shelly Kay L2G5-9BP
1974-1974 Walts, Renee Lynn LTCV-7L9
1951-2016 Bell, Leonard Eugene research L1KN-72H
  f1C1R - Foster Grandommer's Children [0 of 6]
  O-SiL - Ommer's Siblings-in-Law
  hO-SiL - Half-Ommer's Siblings-in-Law
  fO-SiL - Foster Ommer's Siblings-in-Law
  sO - Step-Grandparent's Children [1 of 14]
1973-1998 Gressley, Colby Claude KWFG-9V2
  OiL-S - Ommer's Spouse's Spouse
  fS-O - Foster Sibling's Ommers
  Two Generations Removed [40 of 80]
  GOiL - Grandommer's Spouses [17 of 35]
1924-1948 Rohleder, Floyd K GSY9-5S2
1945-1986 Simpson, John Charles "Bud" create profile L2NY-CMC
1932-1991 Bell, Rose Marie (Eldred) siblings LK1H-B1F
1942-1991 Kaiser, Robert Henry create profile LRP6-TCD
1907-1997 Vargo, PVT Julius create profile L7LB-VKC
1932-2002 Dadacki, Rudolph F. bio, mother and siblings L515-P61
1927-2007 Locke, Ronald J. links, bio, and siblings L2LK-SLX
1932-2010 Stratton, George W create profile L51R-3TF
1937-2010 Fischer, Edward Carl parents and brother LDS3-Q6K
1924-2011 Orr, Donald Clayton bio and siblings L2LK-QM4
1942-2012 Sumner, ImaJean Lee (Turner) Klinesmith second husband, daughter, and parents L2G5-3G8
1941-2013 McClean, Richard Arthur create profile L2NY-4Z3
1929-2015 Bell, Florence E. (Duma) siblings L2LK-MFN
1933-2015 Luce, Clair Albert create profile LRP6-RPN
1936-2016 Hauman, Jerry John create profile L2PF-NMP
1934-2018 Seaver, Gerald Leroy "Jerry" bio (census), and daughter LRWQ-388
1947-2020 Walk, Elizabeth Ann (Rodriguez) Klinesmith parents and siblings GSTN-DJD
  O-PiL - Ommer's Parents-in-Law [7 of 16]
1930-1996 Hass, Beatrice Louise (Engle) create profile 2WNH-WGW
1928-1999 Barriger, James Howard bio and parents MR4M-M9P
1932-2005 Barriger, Ione Madeline (Beyette) bio, parents, and siblings GMHC-DJ9
1944-2005 Weisbarth, Marla Mae (Hausser) create profile LYC4-XKC
1929-2007 Hass, Walter Adolph create profile 9KPM-38Q
1919-2009 Fulara, Francis James create profile (also 3C3R) LRHX-37M
1926-2012 Fulara, Elizabeth Anne (Czarnecky) create profile LRH6-1DJ
  sGO - Step-Grandparent's Siblings [17 of 28]
1924-1924 Wesener, Unnamed Infant L1SX-NCZ
1939-1957 Wesener, Kenneth D bio (census) L1SX-68T
1920-1971 Bretz, Robert Leroy daughter LY74-VKJ
1935-1971 Wesener, Robert B research (life) L1SX-84D
1919-1981 Hutchings, Majorie E. (Bretz) Osborn husbands and children GQLF-P1R
1915-1993 Wesener, Francis Roy Paul bio (census), and categories LTFT-8QZ
1926-1994 Wesener, Lawrence bio (census), categories and research L2RQ-594
1926-1997 Brown, Wanda Jeanette (Bretz) ex-husband LB3G-Z31
1929-1997 Wesener, Donald E bio (census), categories, and research L1SX-WNN
1918-2000 Wesener, Lloyd W bio (census), categories, wife, and research L2RQ-P8R
1928-2000 Willavize, Lois Ione (Bretz) son LY74-K7J
1938-2004 Young, Dorothy Lee Williams husband G8NS-9QD
1916-2008 Myers, Marguerite L (Wesener) Mosher Tift bio (census), categories, husbands, and children L2RQ-5FM
1921-2009 Wegner, Hazel (Wesener) bio (census), categories, and research GQLG-FZ3
1938-2011 Tagget, Jeanette Joan (Wesener) bio (census), categories, husband, and sons LTFT-3WH
1927-2016 Farlow, Geraldine H (Wesener) bio (census), categories, and husband LTFT-FKD
1939-2017 Williams, Lawrence Thomas bio, wives, and daughter GC3D-7TW
  sGPiL - Step-Grandparent's Spouses [3 of 5]
1935-1994 Wesener, Glenda Mae (Premo) parents L2RQ-GN3
1935-2005 Thomas, Kenneth Leroy parents G8N9-TYW
1932-2009 Walker, James Clay "Junior" parents G8N9-J3F
  fGOiL - Foster Grandommer's Spouses [1 of 3]
1941-2019 Meyer, James Edward create profile LR3J-42M
  fO-PiL - Foster Ommer's Parents-in-Law [0 of 2]
  Three Generations Removed [74 of 79]
  GGO - Great-Grandommers [57]
1902-1903 Sheltraw, Homer Nelson L2LG-PVD
1904-1905 Kusion, Josephine research (birth and death) G33L-668
1882-1920 Bell, Francis Alexander bio (census), categories, wife, and children L4QK-9Q1
1908-1920 Kauffman, Jennie Mae LNRP-JG1
1893-1927 Desonia, Cora Cecelia (Bell) bio (census), husband and children 9311-14V
1897-1931 Bell, Orley Sheldon bio (census) categories L6NJ-GCJ
1878-1941 Bell, Martin Henry bio (census), categories, and wife 9311-BBT
1904-1944 Snyder, Gertrude Adella (Kaufman) bio (census), categories, and husband L8BZ-ZJ2
1895-1946 Klinesmith, PFC Daniel Reuben Dexter "Reuben" bio (census), categories, wife L857-K2L
1874-1947 Huggard, Ada Mae (Bell) bio, and children L4M2-9MN
1884-1953 Bell, Herman James bio (census), categories, and research 9311-1W2
1890-1953 Klinesmith, PFC David Franklin bio (census), categories, wife, and children L857-NG5
1876-1957 Bell, Rudolph Charles bio (census & drafts), categories, and children 9311-1QV
1888-1958 Bell, Arthur Eugene "Art" bio (census) and categories 9311-175
1891-1958 Clinesmith, Oscar Everden bio (census), categories, wife, and sons L857-N1V
1880-1965 Bell, William Thomas bio (census), categories, wife, and children L4QK-935
1907-1965 Kushion, Joseph bio, wife, and children L8BS-P6T
1901-1967 Klinesmith, John Thomas bio (census), categories, wife, and children LK1V-JH6
1895-1969 Bell, Leroy Rupert "Roy" bio (census), categories, wife, and children L6NJ-L2B
1917-1969 Kauffman, Wilbur E bio (census), categories, wife, and research LNRP-JFB
1906-1971 McCrea, Loretta May (Perry) bio, husband, and children LH8V-X6H
1899-1972 Garchow, Amy Pearl (Sheltraw) bio, children LDMS-XX5
1909-1976 Maule, PFC Daniel A bio (census), categories, wife, and daughter LKS9-Y8D
1902-1977 Kushion, Robert Frank wife and children L8BS-P44
1890-1980 Schneider, Gertrude Elizabeth (Bell) Rutledge Grauf bio, husbands, and children LVFX-Y9V
1911-1980 Kauffman, Henry F bio (census), categories, wife, and research. LNRP-JLG
1899-1982 Kushion, Rudolph John links, children MGBN-S1J
1920-1983 Maule, Walter H bio, and categories LTY6-LL3
1907-1986 Broughton, Opal Mildred (Sheltraw) bio, husband and children L6NJ-F22
1908-1989 Turner, Jessie Leota (Perry) bio, and spouse K46J-WKS
1911-1989 Maule, PFC George Earl bio (census), categories, wife, and children LHDX-RDL
1909-1990 Shimel, Lucille M. (Kushion) Dungey children and second husband LNRP-JVQ
1902-1991 Klinesmith, George Martin bio (census), categories KLZJ-VHW
1905-1991 Kauffman, Roy S bio (census), categories, and research (wife) L8BZ-Z51
1907-1991 Clinesmith, James Wellington bio, categories, wife, and children LK1V-JG9
1909-1992 Sloboda, Frances Mary (Wenzel) bio and husband LH7F-6W6
1902-1993 Vogelgesang, Elise Ethel (Kaufman) Mohler bio (census), categories, daughter, and second husband LTX7-M2M
1925-1993 Maule, William Vernon "Bill" bio, categories, DNA, wife, and research LTY6-DTM
1910-1994 Perry, Lynn Joseph bio, wives, children M15F-ZFN
1911-1995 Hammerschmidt, Clara Dora (Sheltraw) bio, spouse, research LZYQ-NFN
1908-1996 Sevarns, Hazel Bell (Maule) bio, categories, husband, and children LKS9-YZ3
1914-1996 Cieslinski, Mary K. (Kushion) husbands and son L8B3-MGG
1909-1997 Sheltraw, Royal Joseph bio, wife and son L6NJ-XG1
1924-1998 Kerr, Leah Oliver (Maule) Kosiba Tyree bio (census), categories, first husband, son, and research LKS9-YV6
1915-1999 Snover, Harriett (Maule) bio (census), husband, and children LTYF-7KW
1918-1999 Kushion, Sgt. John Andrew bio, wife, and daughter L8B3-93M
1905-2001 Brumley, Howard Jack (Clinesmith) bio (census), categories, wives, children, and foster parents L8P5-RC5
1912-2001 Boivin, Helen Marie (Kushion) bio L8B3-MDR
1917-2003 Maule Lester Eugene bio (census), categories, wife, children, and research LTY6-D7N
1922-2003 Perry, Merritt B trusted list, links and bio K24R-4JV
1921-2005 Ruzowski, Stella J. (Kushion) bio L8B3-94H
1916-2006 Levi, Sophie Kostas (Kushion) bio, and husband L8B3-MBX
1920-2009 Barr, Katherine Marie (Perry) bio, husband, and children LX93-QK6
1911-2011 Bell, Catherine A (Wenzel) bio, categories, and husband L6NJ-PZ1
1926-2014 Maule, CPL Henry Robert bio, categories, and wife LTY6-NL1
1914-2015 Wenzel, Chester Adolph bio (census), categories, and wife L6NJ-59M
1926-2019 Wenzel, Bernard Eugene bio (census), categories, and wife L2PB-VBK
  sGGP - Step-Grandparent's Parents [9 of 10]
1898-1954 Bretz, Lyra Mae (Wood) first husband, children, parents, and siblings KV21-FHJ
1895-1955 Bretz, Walter Houghton second wife, children, parents, and siblings LTZV-B8R
1914-1874 Williams, Don Thomas research (death, parents, and 1920 & 1930 census) G8N9-SMM
1887-1982 Wesener, Kurt Paul William bio (census), categories, children, parents and siblings L2RQ-PS6
1898-1985 Wesener, Hazel V (Bloomer) bio (census), categories, children, parents and siblings L2RQ-P47
1920-2003 Miller, Marybelle (Brucker) Williams parents, sister, second husband, and research (1930 census)
1929-2003 Niebur, Robert L. parents, and siblings LYWC-8KT
1917-2010 Fager, Willard Milton "Bill" create profile KWC8-V5V
1929-2017 Niebur, Ruby R. (Nielsen) bio (census), parents and siblings GM5Z-SL6
  fGGO - Foster Great-Grandommers [11 of 12]
1915-1972 Butcher, Burdette Homer bio, categories, wife, and daughter LLMG-W55
1917-1983 Anderson, Donald Carlton bio, categories, and wife LLS7-V2Y
1912-2000 Cole, Louise Emily (Anderson) bio, categories, husband, and children LLS7-K7B
1926-2009 Anderson, Herbert Glenn "Budd" bio, categories, and research LVZD-CRL
1920-1920 Butcher, Unnamed Infant LLMG-ZQS
1899-1973 Jordan, Pvt. James Wade bio, categories, wife, and son LBGV-4FK
1903-1988 Jordan, Ruth Emma bio, categories, and research LLS1-BCJ
1919-1995 Vaughan, Leland Arthur "Lee" bio, categories, wife, and research L21F-2K7
1919-2009 Wightman, Nellie Elizabeth (Anderson) bio, categories, husband, and research LLS1-RM8
1921-2010 Vaughan, Carl Lester bio, categories, and research L21F-2K7
1926-2011 Vaughan, Charles George "Chuck" bio, categories, wife, and son L21F-2GC
  Four Generations Removed [24]
  2GGP - 2nd Great-Grandparents [16]
1849-1928 Bell, Marie Mathilde Albertine Alexandrine (Röthke) bio and siblings 9XSF-FBY
1882-193x Maule, Oscar Earl bio, siblings, and research (death) 9X9Z-4RF
1846-1934 Bell, Thomas William bio, brother and half-siblings. 9XSF-FBV
1860-1935 Klinesmith, Edith Estella (Martin) bio 9F4M-FGW
1861-1938 Clinesmith, Charles A. bio 9F4M-FL1
1889-1942 Maule, Violet Belle (McCrary) bio, and siblings 9X9Z-4T4
1876-1946 Sheltraw, Joseph Smith bio and siblings 9XV5-2FF
1873-1958 Kushion, Andrew Stefan siblings L8BS-86R
1879-1958 Kauffman, Ida Myrtle (Shorb) bio and siblings KHTT-RCX
1876-1962 Kauffman, Franklin H., Jr. siblings KC6S-8NX
1879-1962 Sheltraw, Dora Amy (Graham) bio 9X9G-QYM
1880-1962 Perry, Bert Barnum bio KNZX-86K
1886-1962 Perry, Edith May (Remington) bio, and siblings K24R-X1G
1882-1966 Wenzel, Adolph Eugene bio and siblings LH7F-653
1880-1969 Kushion, Suzanna Ann (Kajzar) bio and brother L8BS-2BQ
1883-1975 Wenzel, Catherine Elizabeth (Callahan) bio 9FQD-K5W
1908-1996 Sevarns, Hazel Bell (Maule) bio, categorize, DNA, and husband LKS9-YZ3
  f2GGP - Foster 2nd Great-Grandparents [8]
1881-1926 Anderson, Ina May (Silvernail) siblings L4YM-6RH
1877-1937 Jordan, Frank James bio, categories, parents, and siblings LLS1-1DF
1877-1960 Jordan, Mary (Myers) bio, categories, and siblings LLS1-BWN
1877-1963 Anderson, Samuel Wellington, Sr brothers KC1P-S4Y
1892-1964 Butcher, Mary Amanda (Studer) bio, siblings LLMC-4RK
1894-1968 Vaughan, Arthur Lavern bio, parents, and siblings L21F-2W6
1886-1969 Butcher, Homer bio, siblings LLMC-47J
1898-1978 Vaughan, Flossie May (Brock) bio, and siblings L21F-288

C5 - Fifth Circle

See Category: Kushion-1 C5

  Same Generation
  2C - 2nd Cousins [0 of 161+]
  f2C - Foster 2nd Cousins
  One Generation Removed
  1C1RiL - Grandommer's Children-in-Law
  GO-sC - Grandommer's Stepchildren
1958-1977 Rohleder, Gregory L. categories, research (birthplace)
1963-1988 Simpson, John Charles II create profile GW56-KXQ
1963-2012 Thornton, April Lee (Schmitter) create profile G9PM-QGJ
  sGP-CiL - Step-Grandparent's Children-in-Law
  f1C1RiL - Foster Grandommer's Children-in-Law
  Two Generations Removed
  1C2R - Great-Grandommer's Children [112 of 186]
Kushion, Baby Boy create profile, research GZCL-GJN
1893-1893 Huggard, Infant create profile L4M2-93W
1922-1923 Garchow, Luella create profile LBJR-K4F
1899-1925 Huggard, Clifford James create profile L4M2-9DH
1930-1931 Sevarns, Glen Wain create profile LTYF-GQF
1933-1933 Dungey, Roy create profile L2NL-9B8
1938-1938 Broughton, Susan create profile G924-GMH
1939-1939 Kushion, Robert Joseph create profile LB16-NQ3
1942-1943 McCrea, Carol Flossie create profile 93KX-32V
1950-1951 Perry, Sharon Sue links, bio, categories LX93-Q64
1941-1955 Perry, James "Jimmy" create profile M66T-V59
1920-1966 O'Brien, Doris A (Garchow) create profile LBZ9-858
1928-1968 Broughton, John "Jack" F create profile LDFN-P9F
1895-1973 Huggard, Emerson Pearl create profile L4M2-94G
1925-1979 Langworthy, Wilma Jean (Klinesmith) bio (census), categories, sister L2PB-LX9
1916-1981 Bell, Walter James create profile L2PL-JWH
1922-1984 Kushion, Robert Lewis create profile MGBN-SBV
1906-1987 LaMee, Beaulah Wave (Huggard) create profile L4M2-9VZ
1940-1987 Kuharchek, Jessie Marie (Barr) create profile LBLL-RGB
1918-1988 Bell, Clarence Arnold create profile 9QMM-SLD
1909-1989 Huggard, Cecil Orely create profile L4MK-B51
1923-1989 Yahrmarkt, Alvena (Garchow) create profile LT3W-BLH
1927-1989 Shafer, Ruby Ann (Garchow) create profile LBC7-DKS
1942-1993 Sevarns, Robert Thomas "JIggs" create profile LTYX-1PN
1897-1994 Jones, Ina Mae (Huggard) links, DNA, bio, first husband, daughter L4M2-9CM
1911-1996 Revette, Ruby Bell (Huggard) create profile L4M2-9KX
1929-1996 Sevarns, Arthur Eugene, Jr. create profile LTYX-5D6
1932-1997 Carpenter, Dorothy Mae (Snover) create profile LTYN-84M
1919-1998 Garchow, Theodore Graham bio, categories, spouses, and children LBC7-F6J
1926-1998 Kushion, James Dale, Sr create profile K8GM-Z6Y
1930-1998 Perry, Lavern Edward create profile GS6F-YXN
1901-1991 Huggard, Clarence Leroy create profile L4M2-96F
1904-1991 Huggard, Harry Wilbur create profile L4M2-9J8
1955-1999 Hoopai, Mary Danielle (Maule) create profile LBV5-VQT
1931-2001 Sturgis, Dorothy Mae (Kushion) Lyyski create profile L2N2-PFH
1938-2002 Snover, Lyle Leroy create profile LTYN-WV8
1915-2003 Plum, Opal Elva (Huggard) links, bio, DNA, and siblings L7JT-X5B
1929-2003 McCrea, Joseph Cameron create profile K24R-W2X
1918-2004 Huggard, Chester Arthur "Chet" create profile L7JT-XS1
1931-2004 Kushion, Rudolph John, Jr. create profile LBBJ-QYY
1932-2006 Sheltraw, Norman Leeland create profile L6NJ-F8C
1937-2006 Dungey, Maureen Joyce create profile L2N2-YJY
1929-2007 Dungey, Ralph Earl "Sonny", Jr. create profile L6N1-SP8
1930-2007 Garchow, Glenn I create profile LBC7-6P1
1938-2007 Coon, Greta Mary (Garchow) create profile LBC7-XC5
1946-2007 Lane, Ruby Jean (Maule) create profile GM23-7TK
1931-2008 Bostwick, Susanna (Kushion) create profile L6DY-5K6
1949-2009 Hoeppner, Pamela Dawn (Kushion) Stoddard create profile LRY8-FLG
1925-2010 McCrea, Stuart B, Sr. create profile K24R-WN4
1926-2010 Kabell, Dorine Iva (Sevarns) create profile LTYX-5DC
1928-2010 Harrison, Delores Lucille (Dungey) create profile LNRP-JP1
1948-2010 Barr, Matthew John create profile L11W-44Y
1933-2011 Kushion, Donald Andrew create profile L2N2-PBF
1929-2012 Perry, Bert Lee create profile G98D-SH2
1931-2014 Manning, Cora May "Corky" (Sevarns) Wilder create profile LTYX-12L
1936-2014 Averill, Amelia Suzanne, (Kusion) Burger create profile L2N2-R9D
1939-2014 Vietti, Lynn Larry create profile G9KM-J7B
1931-2015 Dungey, Delbert Andrew, Sr. create profile L2N2-YNS
1933-2015 Snover, Burt create profile LTYN-H44
1939-2015 Snover, Earl Lloyd, Sr. create profile LTYN-N7K
1934-2016 Snover, SP4 William Frederick create profile LTYN-ZGF
1937-2016 Kroll, Roy Lynn (Perry) locked, links, bio, DNA L19Y-5F4
1938-2017 Maule, CSM George Earl, Jr. create profile GQRG-JVS
1942-2017 Kushion, Ronald Joseph create profile /LB1D-186
1934-2019 Timko, Jean Marie (McCrea) create profile LBXS-QH7
  GO-SiL - Grandommer's Siblings-in-Law
1927-1972 Duma, CPL Arthur F. bio (census), categories, wife, and sons LX7J-Q6H
1918-1977 Rohleder, Stephanie Theresa (Dadacki) Clark bio (census), categories, first husband, and son GSTF-MV3
1917-1981 Muirhead, Pauline Ola (Aspin) bio, categories, and husband LD48-B1Y
1924-1990 Eldred, Emil Frederick bio, categories, wife, and research. LKBF-2PV
1916-1994 Rohleder, Frederick P bio, categories, wife, and research LBZR-PYK
1914-1995 Burgoyne, Doris Marjorie (Aspin) Seaver bio(census) and 2nd husband LD48-TFL
1930-1996 Duma, Charles Morris bio (census), categories, and research LX7J-QFZ
1936-1996 Duma, Paul William bio (census), categories, wife, and research LX7J-QGQ
1931-2000 Duma, SP4 Louis Francis bio (census), categories, and wife LX7J-QK1
1925-2006 Eldred, Carl Frederick, Jr bio, categories, and wives L6JD-3FN
1922-2009 Byron, Jean Audrey (Aspin) create profile LD4D-MGC
1933-2010 Seaver, Wayman Dale 1st wife LTWM-FRN
1943-2015 Seaver, Robert Alan "Bob" wife and daughter GM52-PKX
  sGP-SiL - Step-Grandparent's Siblings-in-law
1900-1966 Tift, Harry links, bio, first wife, children, mother, and sisters LKH3-THV
  GOiL-E - Grandommer's Spouse's Spouses
1913- Vargo, Anna (Kish) create profile G99S-GYX
1923-1980 Vargo, Marion Lucille (Day) create profile L7LY-1X3
1936-1992 Rhowmine, Eileen U (Loehr) Luce create profile LR5B-LPB
1920-1998 Sumner, Oval create profile L2G5-QGW
1942-2008 Schmitter, Linda Sue (Rohde) create profile L2ZB-D93
1949-2012 Simpson, Ellen "Kathy" (Ostrander) create profile G9P9-76S
  f1C2R - Foster Great-Grandommer's Children
  fGO-SiL - Foster Grandommer's Siblings-in-Law
  Three Generations Removed
  GGOiL - Great-Grandommer's Spouses
1871-1937 Bell, Mary Elizabeth (Roach) create profile LH2W-11N
1913-1938 Perry, Margaret Jean Niergarth locked, links, bio, and siblings L19Y-KMD
1894-1962 Mohler, Samuel Daniel bio (census & drafts), father, and siblings L51R-JRB
1906-1962 Shimel, Charles J siblings LRYX-T1L
1894-1963 Garchow, Theodore Carl bio, children, parents, and siblings LDMS-X55
1877-1966 Wenzel, Amelia (Kurzhals) bio, children, parents, and siblings LX7K-BKL
1872-1968 Huggard, Emmerson Everly links, bio, children, parents, and siblings LH7N-34T
1903-1968 Broughton, Leland Edwood create profile G92H-MH3
1910-1968 Buchanan, Berneta C (Knisley) Perry create profile GS6N-9J9
1913-1968 Levi, Emil A create profile LRWH-5QV
1900-1975 McCrea, Bruce Thompson create profile LH8V-ZK5
1904-1976 Sevarns, Arthur Eugene create profile LTY6-RVN
1915-1976 Cieslinski, Martin T bio (census), mother and siblings, LRW4-XH5
1911-1977 Perry, Dorothy (Misch), R.N. create profile LBWC-J3X
1913-1982 Kushion, Adelia Dorothy (Stanuszek) create profile LNRP-JJH
1903-1984 Kushion, Geneva Frances (Dixon) links, bio, mother, siblings, and children LWFP-3TS
1904-1985 Dungey, Ralph Earl, Sr links, bio parents, siblings, children and second wife L6N1-SDJ
1911-1985 Boivin, Gordon M. links, bio, parents, and siblings LRW4-RZ1
1896-1986 Bell, Delia Bertha (Weiskirch) bio, categories, sons, mother, and brothers 9QMM-S2P
1908-1986 Snover, Wiliam Weston create profile LVL8-J22
1923-1987 Kushion, Marjune Mary (Mikula) create profile LRY8-JRX
1894-1988 Kushion, Katherine (Ferber) Summer create profile L6DY-L53
1916-1988 Barr, Matthew Barten create profile LBLL-21H
1894-1989 Turner, Harry Robert links, bio, categories, parents, siblings, and first wife M15F-86K
1924-1991 Ruzowski, Eugene J. links, bio, parents, and siblings LRY6-D9W
1910-1994 Hammerschmidt, Carl George create profile LZYQ-NC9
1921-1999 Perry, Harriette Rachael (Wolfe) Armstrong create profile LTPY-7V7
1912-2003 Vietti, Joseph Peter create profile G9VD-6H6
1919-2008 Maule, Edna Emma (Johnson) create profile KL6D-MP4
1924-2009 Maule, Martha Nadine (Bridgewater) create profile GM23-CL3
  GO-PiL - Grandommer's Parents-in-Law
1883-1928 Orr, Maude C (Robinson) bio, children, parents, and siblings LVCS-BB9
1890-1944 Rohleder, Frank Paul wife, son, parents, and sister LBZR-CW5
1901-1944 Duma, Frederick N bio, parents, and siblings LX7J-Q8Z
1873-1945 Orr, William Nathaniel, Jr bio, children, parents, and siblings 9H42-J2Z
1877-1958 Dadacki, Stanisław bio, children, wife, and research L666-MJ4
1903-1963 Eldred, Carl Frederick bio, parents, and siblings LVQW-CCL
1906-1973 Eldred, Alice Gertrude (Spencer) bio, parents and siblings LVQW-CJF
1896-1984 Moser, Catherine A (Obermiller) Rohleder bio, second husband, parents, and siblings LDC3-DRX
1890-1988 Aspin, Sedly Emil bio, categories, children, parents, siblings, and 2nd wife LDM4-Y99
1907-1993 Wright, Frances Louise (Bennett) Slusarski Duma bio, first and third husbands, first daughter, parents, and siblings LX7J-QD8
1911-1997 Seaver, Leroy Oscar "Hotchy" bio (census), categories, wife, sons, parents K892-2ZF
1924-2012 Perry, Wanda Lois (Kimmel) links, bio, categories and parents
  sGP-sP - Step-Grandparent's Step-Parents
1902-1969 Miller, Isaac "Ike" create profile G8N3-J5F
  Four Generations Removed
  2GGO - 2nd Great-Grandommers [80 of 81]
Kajzar, Dr. Józef create profile LYF8-WT7
Kajzar, Ludwik create profile GW42-VXZ
1855-1856 Klinesmith, John Thomas research ML85-14Y
1844-1869 Plain, Louisa Maria (Klinesmith) bio, husband, and children LJKK-ZJP
1859-1869 Clinesmith, Susan (Klinesmith) LJKK-8DZ
1870-1870 Kusion, Katarzyna LLH5-Q7X
1873-1873 Kauffman, Franklin 9S5B-FFR
1877-1877 Graham, Unnamed Infant L2GG-4NT
1856-1882 Hodges, Mary Henrietta (Klinesmith) bio, husband, and chldren LH3G-D7L
1882- Sheltraw, Owen D create profile 9XGD-WD2
1852-1886 Clinesmith, David Franklin (Klinesmith), Jr. links, bio, wife, and children KV2Z-FNW
1879-1887 Sheltraw, Theodore S. 9H37-HCV
1887-1887 Sheltraw, Unnamed L6FN-Z99
1888-1888 Sheltraw, Unnamed L6FN-ZHW
1872-1901 Shorb, William M create profile KCM7-PRP
1850-1908 Clinesmith, Daniel (Klinesmith) links, bio K848-K5W
1884-1913 Remington, Mark Justin create profile K89M-QN9
1842-1918 Goodell, Amelia G. (Clinesmith) bio and son 2MJ7-37B
1846-1920 Culver, Margaret Louise (Klinesmith) links, bio, husband, and children K8PH-7Y2
1842-1922 Duffett, Elizabeth Ann (Bell) bio, brother, and half-siblings L7JR-6K5
1844-1926 Hamilton, Margaret E (Bell) links, bio, children, brother, and half-siblings L4HZ-D6M
1846-1928 Roethke, Alexander (Röthke) bio, children and siblings 9311-XS8
1848-1929 Bunker, Lydia Jane (Klinesmith) links, bio, husband, children LJKK-ZGY
1849-1931 Bell, William John links, bio 9QMM-63W
1885-1933 Kusion, Adalbert create profile L8BS-29S
1876-1935 Kusion, Józef create profile L6DY-R4Y
1884-1937 Lewis, Mary Pearl (Sheltraw) create profile 94WK-FD2
1852-1938 Orr, Elizabeth Emeral (Klinesmith) links, bio, K6HJ-1G6
1870-1942 Indorf, Lydia Elizabeth (Shorb) Boughman bio, husbands, and daughter K8K1-94J
1883-1948 Remington, John Franklin links, bio, categories, and children K24R-X18
1872-1955 Shorb, John Edgar bio, categories, wives, and children LW54-BK2
1877-1955 Perry, Barnus Nelson links, bio, categories, wife, and children KKQB-LJS
1878-1955 Perry, Byron J, Sr. links, bio, categories, wives, and children K24R-4YN
1873-1956 Wenzel, Frederick August siblings, children LRBT-SWX
1881-1956 Wolfe, Cora May (Shorb) create profile KCY1-RWP
1882-1957 Voyer, Dena Elena (Graham) links, bio, husband and children KPS9-Q9V
1883-1957 Seeley, Sophie Agnes (Perry) links, bio, categories, husband, and children LHTW-VJH
1888-1957 Kusion, Michał create profile L8BS-2XR
1889-1959 Sheltraw, Grover James create profile 9DW5-XTL
1876-1963 Shorb, Elmer Vincent create profile LW54-YR2
1888-1964 O'Dell, Jenni Louisa (Perry) links, bio, categories, husband, and children K24R-HNW
1879-1966 Goldynia, Mary K (Kusion) create profile L8BS-6TD
1883-1968 Kushion, Jan Albert (Kusion) links, bio, siblings, wife, and children L8BS-F7G
1891-1970 Gibson, Jessie Maude (Remington) create profile K4LZ-RPD
1893-1972 Kurzhals, Julia Josephine (Wenzel) links, bio, and daughters 9XMR-91M
1880-1973 Wenzel, August W bio, categories, wife and children LH7F-V5K
1887-1973 Shorb, Sanford Henry create profile KZPT-2RZ
1893-1974 Conant, Rosa (Perry) links, bio, categories, husband, and children K24R-HKF
1889-1977 Remington, WIlliam Howard create profile KH5V-6V5
1892- Tomlins, Laura Mae (Sheltraw) Bennett Barkman create profile 9744-6P1
1896-1986 Hutchinson, Lucy (Perry) bio, categories, husband, and children KHY3-WNW
1897-1992 Dickinson, Carrie Madeline (Remington) create profile KHRD-PXX
1900-1993 McLean, Flossie Octavia (Remington) create profile KZCT-8Q6
  h2GGO - Half 2nd Great-Grandommers [8]
1868- Perry, Elizabeth links, bio, and research LTDL-PXY
1870-1959 Cosh, Katie Ann, (Perry) links, bio, categories, husband, and children LCRK-TXM
  f2GGO - Foster 2nd Great-Grandommers
1886-1961 Studer, Phillup Claude first wife, children, and siblings KJW7-F6S
  fGGP-sP - Foster Great-Grandparent's Step-Parents
1878-1984 Anderson, Daisy Belle (Wagner) parents and siblings L261-KQ7
  Five Generations Removed
  3GGP - 3rd Great-Grandparents [32]
Kajzar, Jan research (brick wall) L2RW-5LF
Kajzar, Mary (Sholony) research (brick wall) L2RK-D1N
1823- Bell, Elizabeth (Wildman) links, bio, son, siblings, and research (death) L7JR-62J
1841- Kusion, Jan A. links, bio, siblings, and research (death) L8BS-DWR
1850- Kusion, Marianna (Niemiec) links, bio, siblings, and research (death) LHY3-13P
1856- McCrary, Harriet Miranda (Waldron) links, bio, first husband, children, and siblings 961G-LMQ
1856-1890 Callahan, Clara L. (Simons) links, bio, 9FQD-K5J
1843-1894 Wenzel, Martin bio and sister 9DDB-2J8
1820-1897 Clinesmith, Elizabeth Emiline (Young) parents and siblings LH3G-DZC
1819-1898 Bell, Mathew Alexander second wife and siblings LZLN-92G
1821-1902 Roethke, Luise Elizabeth (Fraatz) links, bio, children, and siblings 8QNP-GWV
1840-1902 Martin, George David links, bio, children, parents and siblings LVPX-JXD
1835-1903 Kauffman, Franklin Phillip., Sr. links, bio, children, siblings L6J4-69G
1842-1905 Kauffman, Barbara Dellet (Hartman) links, siblings and children L6J4-6HG
1850-1905 Maule, Andrew Benjamin links, bio, children, second wife, mother, and siblings K46Y-L6L
1820-1906 Clinesmith, David Franklin (Klinesmith), Sr. links, bio, and siblings LJKK-ZZW
1817-1911 Roethke, Carl Rudolph (Röthke) links, bio, and siblings L433-7PM
1859-1913 Maule, Caroline (Cluchey) links, bio, children, second husband, and siblings L781-KBF
1852-1917 Graham, Samuel John Wiley bio and siblings 9X9G-QBH
1842-1923 Martin, Tryphena F. (Shoup) links, bio, children, and siblings 9F4M-FGT
1859-1923 Remington, Mary Jane (McClellan) links, bio, categories, children, parents, and siblings KHLH-1LZ
1847-1925 Sheltraw, John Sanderson (Chartrand) bio (census), children, and siblings LDVY-C53
1845-1927 Callahan, Patrick bio, mother, and brother 9FQD-K5X
1855-1928 Graham, Cora Elizabeth (Nelson) links and bio 9X9G-QB2
1847-1930 Shorb, Amanda Margaret (Edgar) bio, and siblings LW5H-MB2
1858-1931 McCrary, Daniel Orlando wives, children, and siblings 961G-LM3
1848-1934 Perry, Joseph links, bio, categories, and siblings LZKL-CVQ
1849-1937 Shorb, Henry Mcintosh links, bio, children, and siblings LW5H-MZW
1850-1939 Wenzel, Wilhelmina (Mielke) bio, mother, children LH7F-KP8
1856-1941 Sheltraw, Lydia Ann (Rylott) bio (census), children, and siblings 96ZV-9C4
1860-1942 Remington, Lind Justin links, bio, categories, children, and siblings KCWS-M66
1854-1944 Perry, Amanda Rosina (Mallory) links, bio, categories, and siblings and half-sister K24R-CHD
  f3GGP - Foster 3rd Great-Grandparents [16]
1864-1893 Butcher, Sarah (Christie) links, bio, children, parents, siblings LV21-QN3
1824-1897 Silvernail, Harvey Hiram Hawley "Hall" links, bio, categories, children, and siblings LX94-LTR
1836-1904 Myers, Susan (Derstler) create profile 9S96-C3V
1839-1907 Myers, Manasseh bio (census), categories, children, wife, sibings, and mother 9S96-H19
1858-1907 Studer, Jacob Claudis links, bio, children and siblings 24YK-6JS
1847-1911 Anderson, Emily (Nevills) siblings, first husband, and daughter 2W31-WJC
1854-1914 Jordan, Eliza Jane (Chapman) create profile LV7B-ZGN
1834-1919 Anderson, Samuel Forbes first wife, children, and parents KND3-BPF
1849-1928 Jordan, George L create profile LTMT-CXS
1848-1935 Taylor, Louisa May (Louks) Silvernail links, bio, children and second husband LX94-G96
1864-1939 Brock, George H links, bio, children, mother, siblings LHVM-T99
1861-1941 Studer, Emma Jane (Fergeson) links, bio, children, siblings KLL6-324
1860-1948 Butcher, John William links, bio, children, second wife, parents, siblings L1PR-T4J
1862-1949 Vaughan, Charles B bio, children, wife, mother, and siblings L21F-PFB
1871-1960 Vaughan, Mary Cathryn (Hine) create profile L21F-PVR
1878-1972 Brock, Antonnette Louise (Guldi) links, bio, children, mother, and siblings K82M-FBH

C6 - Sixth Circle

See: Category: Kushion-1 C6

  Same Generation
  2CiL - 2nd Cousin's Spouses
  s2C - Grandommer's Children's Stepchildren [0 of 20+]
  s2C - Grandommer's Stepchildren's Children [0 of 7+]
  a2C - Adopted 2nd Cousin [0 of 1]
  One Generation Removed
  2C1R - 2nd Cousin's Children
  2C1R - Great-Grandommer's Grandchildren
1934-1994 Jones, Jarvis Lee links, bio, half-sister GMN3-2PB
  GO-N - Grandommer's Niblings
  sGP-sN - Step-Grandparent's Step-Niblings
1919-1990 Seder, Sgt. Melvin George links, bio, categories, parents and siblings LKLP-XL6
1924-1990 Tift, Elmer Leroy links, bio, categories, and mother LR2B-BKB
1923-1992 Seder, Betty Jean (Tift) links, bio, categories, and mother LR2B-1QT
  Two Generations Removed
  1C2RiL - Great-Grandommer's Children-in-Law
1925-1979 Langworthy, Clark Everett bio (census), categories, siblings L2PB-55Q
  s1C2R - Great-Grandommer's Stepchildren
1915-1956 Smith, Bertha Rose (Summer) Wiederhold create profile L6DY-GNG
1929-1983 Shimel, Charles Raymond create profile LB19-7YQ
1939-1984 Amasiu, Alfred create profile GSVC-SKK
1917-2000 Shaffer, Mary C (Summer) create profile L6DY-P7V
1921-2003 Kerns, Katherine Margaret (Summer) create profile L6DY-5X3
1918-2006 Pasko, Theresa (Summer) create profile L6DY-PCL
1943-2012 Taylor, Renona Lani (Amasiu) create profile GSVH-YLL
1934-2014 Fountain, Geneva Amelia (Shimel) Bowman create profile LYQ4-2BC
1947-2014 Amaisu, Simon Kaainahuna create profile GSVC-MBK
1950-2014 Buen, Esther Kahaunani (Amasiu) Sonoda Wong create profile GSVH-YLP
  GOiL-SiL - Grandommer's Sibling-in-Law's Spouse
1926- Eldred, Ethel E (Main) bio, mother, brother, and research LK1C-SSG
  Three Generations Removed
  1C3R - 2nd Great-Grandommer's Children
1861-1932 Goodell, Thomas Milton links and bio KHGR-46Q
1866-1940 Saltern, Mary Emma (Bell) links, bio, husbands, and children KNCK-HZV
1884-1950 Duffett, Frederick A. links, bio and children L7JR-65P
1880-1953 Duffett, William J links, bio, wife, and children L7JR-65Q
1873-1967 Duffett, Thomas Henry bio L7JR-6G2
1876-1975 Schwartz, Clara Jane (Duffett) links, bio, husband and children L7JR-61J
1910-1985 Kurzhals, Arthur R links, bio and daughter LYNP-Z4P
1917-2002 Wenzel, Leonard Harry links, bio, categories, wife, and daughter LX7K-YZS
  GGO-SiL - Great-Grandommer's Siblings-in-Law
1921-1998 Arrigoni, Agnes M (Cieslinski) create profile LRW4-FNF
1916-2001 Cieslinski, Joseph A create profile LRW4-KX9
1925-2004 Nizzola, Frances M (Cieslinski) create profile LRW4-J3X
1920-2007 Vietti, Elizabeth R (Cieslinski) create profile LRW4-FXN
  GO-OiL - Grandommer's Ommers-in-Law
  sGP-PiL - Step-Grandparent's Sibling's Parents-in-Law
1873- Tift, Elmer Osmond links, bio, categories, wife, children, mother, and siblings LXS2-VDX
  sGP-OiL - Step-Grandparent's Ommers-in-Law
  Four Generations Removed
  2GGOiL - 2nd Great-Grandommer's Spouses
1829-1907 Hamilton, John links, bio, children, parents, and siblings L4HZ-DHW
1838-1929 Duffett, Frederick Albert links, bio, and siblings LZNB-9XZ
1847-1931 Roethke, Dorothea (Mürdter) bio, children, father, sister, research 9QMM-48K
1901-1956 Jones, William Jacob links, bio, parents, research L2PN-57T
1887-1968 Kurzhals, Otto Ralph links, bio, parents, and siblings 961C-PG3
1911-2005 Plum, Irving Edmund links, bio, second wife, son, parents, siblings, research L2BP-9LD
  GGO-PiL - Great-Grandommer's Parents-in-law
1852-1931 Mohler, John Garman create profile L7GD-9W9
1852-1935 Mohler, Elizabeth "Lizzie" (Pfautz) links, bio, categories, husband and children LH36-SYS
1869-1942 Weiskirch, John bio, categories, and siblings 9QMM-X92
1891-1980 Cieslinski, Thomas bio, categories, parents, and siblings LRW4-6RJ
1868-1986 Weiskirch, Aurelia Emelia "Millie" (Neuman) create profile 9QMM-XSG
1896-1988 Cieslinski, Elizabeth (Shaketz) create profile LRW4-NDY
  GO-GPiL - Grandommer's Grandparents-in-law
  Five Generations Removed
  3GGO - 3rd Great-Grand-Ommers
1834- Hill, Amanda M. (Nelson) links, bio, marriage date, and daughter L6JQ-SQ9
1840- Nelson, William links, bio, research L6JQ-SHZ
1868- Wade, Minnie (Simons) links, bio, husband, children, death, research 96ZB-49K
1852-1861 Shorb, Cyrus siblings KZQ3-PJL
1856-1861 Shorb, Clara Mcintosh K46K-W1Q
1857-1861 Shorb, Mary A K41R-7N4
1859-1861 Shorb, Lucinda E KZ6Q-QRF
1864-1875 Shorb, Marion create profile K8T4-QLX
1850-1887 Shultz, Elizabeth Phillis (Kauffman) links, bio, children, and siblings K2QD-TRT
1826-1899 Pierce, Matilda (Chartrand) bio, spouse, and children LVCQ-TDY
1845-1904 Babcock, Francis E. (Nelson) links, bio, and children L6JQ-SDS
1863-1904 Shorb, Simon P create profile KH24-86V
1898-1911 Shorb, John M create profile G9ZG-HBB
1843-1918 Mielke, Julius M. mother and children 9XSC-CXT
1856-1922 Schultz, Rudolph A. bio, wife, and children GQ8B-PCW
1853-1923 Shorb, Azariah create profile LW5H-MD7
1834-1924 Roethke, August Friederike (Röthke) links, bio, children, and siblings 9311-BLG
1848-1931 Shorb, Charles Franklin create profile LW5H-MH4
1846-1933 Nelson, Brainard D. links, bio, wives, and children 96F9-CF6
1902-1943 Shorb, Cpt. Thomas Watson create profile G9ZG-H6F
  f3GGO - Foster 3rd Great-Grand-Ommers
  Six Generations Removed
  4GGP - 4th-Great-Grandparents [64]
Kajzar, Mr. brick wall
Kajzar, Mrs. (Unknown) brick wall
Sholony, Mr. brick wall
Sholony, Mrs. (Unknown) brick wall
1793- Callahan, Elizabeth (Unknown) create profile, research (brick wall) LDMN-GGZ
1796- Martin, Martin bio, research (brick wall) L6J3-TT7
1798- Martin, Eva Louise (Klesmann) bio and research (death) L6J3-YSM
1814- Mielke, Emil bio, mother, siblings, and research LRQS-422
1817- Waldron, Elizabeth (Houch) bio and research (brick wall) LKSS-3SW
1820- Callahan, Richard links, bio, wife, son, research (brick wall) LDMF-L4L
1820- Niemiec, Andrzej bio (in Polish), research (brick wall) L8BS-XCG
1822- Niemiec, Rozalia (Czuba) bio (in Polish), research (death) LHY3-24P
1825- Wenzel, Marks bio (in German), research (brick wall) L6N1-5Q2
1827- Wenzel, Anna (Doege) bio (in German), research (brick wall) L6N1-5WC
1832- Simons, William research LDMF-KD1
1833- Remington, Nancy Jane (Naramor) links, bio, categories, children, mother, and siblings KLBV-SNS
1837- Simons, Catharine (Dayle) links, bio, research L51L-HPN
1790-1825 Jung, Susannah (Stover) links, bio, categories, children, mother, and siblings LL7S-Q5M
1769-1840 Klinesmith, John Baltzer, Jr. bio, parents, and siblings LZQR-Q1V
1779-1844 Fratz, Carl Friedrich bio, father, and research LTNL-3FR
1791-1850 Fraatz, Maria Dorthea (Wilke) bio, parents, and research GML2-TJH
1786-1849 Jung, Johannes links, bio, children, research (brick wall) K24C-4GR
1782-1847 Bell, Elisabeth "Betty" (Metcalf) bio, parents, siblings, and research (death). 9QMM-N3S
1810-1849 Chartrand, Jean "John" bio and research (brick wall) K8DW-N1H
1806-1853 Kusionka, Marianna (Ciesielska) bio (in Polish), and research (brick wall) L8BS-68N
1782-1858 Bell, Thomas bio, parents, siblings, and research (census) 9QMM-NSK
1793-1859 Röthke, Caroline Sabine (Kropp) bio and research (brick wall) 9QMM-QX1
1780-1863 Röthke, Carl Ludwig links, bio, wife, parents, and siblings L433-7PM
1807-1863 Kauffman, Elizabeth (Phillips) siblings K2FS-14Y
1779-1866 Klinesmith, Margaret Elizabeth (Smith) bio, parents, and siblings LHX6-F2B
1795-1871 Wildman, John bio, categories, and children LZK5-YPP
1817-1871 Perry, Alfred links, bio, categories, and children LHC9-XTV
1794-1877 Wildman, Elizabeth (Willan) links, bio, categories, and children LZVT-1J1
1805-1877 Nelson, Isaac research (brick wall) L8B3-QXY
1813-1877 Nelson, Amy M. (Guilford) links, bio, and siblings L8B3-QJD
1826-1877 Mallory, Mary (May) links, bio, categories, and siblings LZDM-SXR
1808-1880 Kemp, Sophrona (Goddard) children, second husband, and research (brick wall) L6FK-JX9
1806-1881 Edgar, John P bio, parents, and siblings KCQT-T7S
1819-1881 Maule, James siblings M4ZJ-RQM
1826-1881 Maule, Mary Ann "Polly" (Granger) research (brick wall) M4ZJ-5RT
1826-1881 McCrary, Sarah Elizabeth (Williams) links, bio, and research L7KQ-33L
1805-1882 Kauffman, John links, bio, children, parents, and siblings KL1X-NQD
1815-1882 Kusion, Szczepan parents, and research L8BS-6Z9
1817-1882 Perry, Elizabeth (Hillard) links, bio, categories, and children LHC9-XV1
1825-1882 Rylott, Ann (Smith) bio (census), children, parents, and siblings MH1J-N56
1833-1882 Cluchey, Lucy (Roscoe) links, bio, categories, children, siblings, and research L781-KVB
1818-1883 McCrary, Robert bio, children, second wife, and research L7KQ-39X
1801-1884 Graham, John bio, father, and research 9J3Z-TSY
1826-1884 Rylott, John bio (census), children, parents, and siblings MH1J-N5S
1816-1886 Shoup, Ammerilla (Sutherland) bio, parents, and siblings L6J3-19V
1815-1887 Remington, Joseph Hile links, bio, categories, children, 2nd wife, and siblings KLBV-S9W
1817-1889 Waldron, William E bio, parents, and research LT1D-CMJ
1817-1891 Hartman, Fanny (Dellet) links, bio, parents, and siblings KDWM-96V
1821-1891 Graham, Elizabeth (Wiley) bio and research K69B-11H
1811-1898 Edgar, Elizabeth "Betsy" Gaff bio, parents, and siblings KZZ9-6H9
1817-1898 Shoup, Jacob bio, parents, and siblings L6J3-B12
1830-1898 McLellan, John Fizgerald "Archie" links, biogaphy, and siblings KVL7-4X6
1819-1902 Cluchey, Paul bio (census), categories, children, research L781-VB3
1816-1905 Schultz, Johanna Regina (Geske) Mielke bio, research G94Q-NDJ
1824-1905 Shorb, Lydia (Mcintosh) links, bio, children, parents, and siblings 2Z8S-YLJ
1816-1906 Hartman, Henry Brubaker links, children, and sisters KDWM-96J
1825-1911 Mallory, Vanranseler Nelson links, bio, categories, and children LZM1-DFX
1824-1913 Shorb, James Aloysius children, second wife, and siblings LW5H-M4D
1828-1915 McLellan, Mary Caroline (McCall) links, bio, categories, children, parents, and siblings K489-4YK
  f4GGP - Foster 4th Great-Grandparents [32]
Hine, Awandrar create profile & research (brick wall) 9ZSF-RQN
Hine, Mary C (Unknown) research (brick wall) GCW1-S6X
1789- Silvernail, Lucretia Christina (Traver) links, bio, categories, children, father, and research KGMM-SG8
1835- Christy, Julia Ann (Barber) create person & research (brick wall) L5F2-Q2Y
1836- Vaughan, Martha "Mattie" Ann (Allen) create profile K646-BX4
1836- Brock, Mary C (Sniderman) create profile and research (brick wall) LHVM-BY6
1810-1876 Chapman, Joseph, Sr. create profile LL3M-6Q9
1841-1876 Butcher, Catherine (Smith) create profile L5F2-WL2
1815-1882 Anderson, Catherine (Forbes) create person LCZZ-8SB
1814-1886 Anderson, James Freeman create profile LCZZ-8SH
1830-1897 Brock, John Nelson links, bio, wife, children, and parents LHVM-BP8
1812-1898 Chaptman, Margaret (Mackey) create profile LL3M-6R3
1836-1903 Butcher, George M create profile L5F2-357
1822-1901 Christy, Silas create profile & research (brick wall) 99RB-SBG
1795-1853 Doerstler, Michael create profile & research (first wife) L6P9-V4J
    -1838 Doerstler, Elizabeth (Unknown) research (brick wall) GHTC-6WQ
1785-1848 Silvernail, Peter links, bio, categories, children, and siblings KGMM-SPK
1797-1861 Myers, Moses, Sr. links, bio, categories, children, second wife, parents, and siblings K4G9-CK2
1804-1863 Myers, Anna Nancy (Whisler) Kauffman create profile MJ9V-RB7
1813-1864 Nevills, Agnes Nancy (Hoshal) links, bio, categories, children, parents, and siblings KNC6-NJM
1808-1865 Nevills, Thomas James links, bio, categories, and children KJZL-P97
1808-1878 Jordan, David create profile L4WG-HYJ
1826-1879 Ferguson, James Claudius links, bio, children, siblings MWYM-B9W
1831-1879 Ferguson, Mary (Steele) links, bio, children, research MWYM-TP5
1811-1885 Louks, William Henry links, bio, categories, and siblings LZXD-NJQ
1817-1886 Nichols, Julia Ann (Burger) Louks links, bio, categories, parents, and siblings LZXD-NJP
1815-1889 Jordan, Elizabeth (McClead) Dowler create profile LHVJ-ZWC
1861-1890 Guldi, Antionette Kunagunda (Mullerweiss) create profile 9XFM-MZ7
1822-1901 Studer, Philip links, bio, categories, and siblings KLL6-QH2
1834-1908 Vaughan, Charles links, bio, categories, children, wife, parents, and siblings MM36-FCC
1833-1917 Studer, Amanda (Breece) links, bio, and categories KLL6-Q2Q
1857-1930 Guldi, Karl Michael links, bio, categories, children, wives, parents, siblings 9XFM-MZQ

C7 - Seventh Circle

  Same Generation
  3C - 3rd Cousins
  One Generation Removed
  2C1RiL - 2nd Cousin's Children-in-Law
  2C1RiL - Great-Grandommer's Grandchildren-in-Law
  Two Generations Removed
  2C2R - 2nd Cousin's Grandchildren
  2C2R - 2nd Great-Grandommer's Grandchildren
1896-1970 Duffett, Thomas Earl links, bio and wives L6WR-55C
1900-1982 Duffett, William Chester bio, and second wife L6WR-586
1898-1999 Gooding, Lillian Clara (Duffett) links, bio, husband, daughter L6WR-5RP
  1C2R-SiL - Great-Grandommer's Children's Siblings-in-Law
1927-2018 Langworthy, Warren L "Doc" links, bio, categories, siblings, research L5Y6-9YL
  Three Generations Removed
  1C3RiL - 2nd Great-Grandommer's Children-in-Law
1873-1960 Duffett, Lillian E (Mckenzie) links, bio, parents, and research LHGQ-5XK
1920-2009 Kurzhals, Dorothy Rosaline (Pinnow) links, and bio LYNP-FLN
  1C2R-PiL - Great-Grandommer's Children's Parents-In-Law
1881-1975 Langworthy, Lincoln Grant links, bio, categories, children, and second wife M5X4-5ZC
1897-1989 Langworthy, Sarah Mildred (Miller) links, bio, categories, children, parents, and siblings KZMK-Y21
  Four Generation Removed
  1C4R - 3rd Great-Grandommer's Children
1873- Shultz, Ivan Myron links, bio, wife, siblings, research LRGX-FK8
1880- Shultz, Charles create profile and research LQ15-1LZ
1884- Shultz, Walter create profile and research MYQ6-WB8
1873-1876 Roethke, Paul E. create profile 9QMM-7SJ
1865-1885 Roethke, Menah links, bio, siblings, research 9QMM-7MD
1869-1887 Roethke, Wilhelm F. links, bio, died young 9QMM-795
1871-1887 Roethke, Emma Ida create profile 9QMM-7S7
1891-1891 Schultz, Ed create profile GQ81-XHV
1897-1911 Schultz, Helena Emma "Lena" create profile GQDM-Q93
1874-1919 Bollinger, Agnes Sarah (Shultz) links, bio, and siblings 2MRF-RPY
1867-1930 Roethke, August Albert links, bio and siblings 9QMM-7M1
1883-1943 Mielke, Frederick Herman bio, siblings, and children LC62-PY5
1888-1944 Doerr, Augusta Marion (Mielke) create profile L2FR-JG5
1880-1946 Roethke, Emil Frank create profile LHLK-R7L
1873-1950 Mielke, August WIlliam create profile LZJF-RCX
1886-1953 Schultz, William August create profile GQ81-JM5
1888-1954 Schultz, Rudolph Michael create profile 9DKC-P9H
1874-1955 Liermann, Anna L (Roethke) create profile L2TW-982
1879-1955 Fischer, Bertha Louise (Mielke) bio, husband, children, and siblings LKQQ-QTV
1882-1955 Roethke, Eduard Felix links, bio, daughter, son LL78-PNP
1891-1956 Luedtke, Emma T (Mielke) create profile L2FR-JBZ
1885-1965 Mielke, Edward Michael links, bio, middle name, birth and death, research G7KD-QB1
1877-1967 Baumgartner, Helene Ottilie (Mielke) bio, children, and siblings LDYM-6YF
1894-1977 Schultz, Fred Carl create profile GQ81-PMN
1900-1983 Schultz, George H create profile GQDM-WPJ
  GGO-OiL - Great-Grandommer's Spouse's Ommers
1866-1941 Kruth, Carolena (Weiskirch) bio (census), categories, siblings, and children 9F7K-7DT
1893-1968 Cieslinski, Peter links, bio, categories, first wife, and children LRW4-5MC
  sGO-GPiL - Step-Grandparent's Grandparents-in-Law
1849-1922 Tift, Ozias Lorenzo links, bio, wife, children, and sisters 93X3-4HT
  Five Generations Removed
  3GGOiL - 3rd Great-Grandommer's Spouses
1841- Hill, Edward C. links, bio, daughter, parents, and siblings. GMNM-D52
1831-1882 Hynes, Thomas P. links and bio 96JR-2KR
1848-1903 Lake, Mortimer C. links, bio, first wife, sons, parents, and siblings L6JQ-9LW
1839-1905 Roethke, Wilhemine (Goerecke) links, bio, children, research 9QMM-QBP
1832-1914 Babcock, Pvt. Lester A. links, bio, second wife, and children LTSR-2SL
1846-1918 Shultz, John Andrew middle name, links, bio, children, parents, and siblings KL1N-LVG
1852-1926 Mielke, Pauline Justine (Luedtke) links, bio, children, research 9XSC-CF4
  2GGO-PiL - 2nd Great-Grandommer's Parents-in-Law
1854-1895 Kurzhals, Karl August bio, wife, children, and research L51X-B61
1834-1910 Weiskirch, Charles links, bio, categories, children, parents, and siblings 9F7K-76X
1840-1923 Weiskirch, Sophia Elisabeth (Stark) links, bio, categories, children, and research 96JW-7TY
  GGO-GPiL - Great-Grandommer's Grandparents-in-Law
1860-1946 Cieslinski, Władysław bio, categories, father, research (mother and siblings) LRW4-G19
  GO-GGPiL - Grandommer's Great-Grandparents-in-Law
  O-2GGPiL - Ommer's Great-Grandparents-in-Law
  Six Generations Removed
  4GGO - 4th Great-Grandommers
1819- Hartman, Dr. Abraham Brubaker links, bio, wife and children K8K6-L6S
1808-1873 Phillips, Samuel children and research K2FS-1C7
1811-1874 Guilford, Nelson bio & cat. L8WD-ZH9
1824-1877 Phillips, Issac links, bio, and children 9FJ3-N23
1814-1895 Shorb, John B links, bio, cat, & son (Raymond) LW5H-9GX
1814-1897 Stauffer, Anna A (Hartman) links, bio and children KHC9-BRH
1820-1900 Hartman, Christian Brubaker links, bio, wives, and children KFTN-9S7
1822-1902 Hartman, Jacob Brubaker links, bio, wife, and children KHY6-S4T
1828-1903 Guilford, Walden W bio, cat, wives, & children LLQL-T1H
1830-1918 Hartman, Samuel Brubaker, MD links, bio, wife, and children KDWM-9RJ
  s4GGP - 3rd Great-Grandparent's Step-Parents
1838-1873 Schultz, Michael research GQ8B-PH5
1795-1881 Kemp, Abraham James biography, categories, and research (death) LCRC-4KK
  f4GGO - Foster 4th Great-Grandommers
  Seven Generations Removed
  5GGP - 5th Great-Grandparents [128]
1785- Maule, Mr. name, bio, children, research M4ZJ-R3Y
1804- Rosco, Timothy links, bio, children, and research LRWG-NT1
1770-1830 Hartman, Christian links, bio, daughters and siblings KFTX-Q68
1773-1831 Mielke, Johann Gottlieb children, research LRCH-RS4
1772-1835 Klessman, Johann Ernst links, bio, and siblings LKFN-TS9
1775-1835 Klessman, Anna Maria Salome (Eich) links, bio, mother, and sister LKFN-RF8
1785-1835 Maule, Mrs. (Unknown) name, bio, children, and research GM23-5L2
1777-1848 Guilford, Silas links, bio, children and siblings KJWX-VQF
1786-1858 Guilford, Sylvia K. (Miller) links, bio, parents, children and siblings L6L4-LTV
1795-1861 Hartman, Anna (Brubaker) links, bio, daughters, parents, and siblings LZZW-HSL
1784-1904 Mielke, Dorothea Elisabeth (Fratzke) children, research LRCH-2BZ
1790-1835 Shorb, Anna (Davis) links, bio, categories, parents, and siblings KFRX-V5J
1775-1843 Philips, Sebastian children, parents, and research L4BZ-SNZ
1784-1855 Philips, Veronika Frene (Zeller) children and research 9FJ3-N2V
1789-1861 Shorb, John Fink links, bio, categorization, children and siblings KN8P-JX1
1825-1882 Rylott, Ann (Smith) bio, children, parents, and siblings MH1J-N56
1802-1885 Rusco, Olive (Unknown) links, bio, children, and research M4ZJ-TDL
1826-1884 Rylott, John bio, children, parents, and siblings MH1J-N5S
  f5GGP - Foster 5th Great-Grandparents [64]
1799-1848 Ferguson, Margaret Booth (Caldwell) links, bio, children, research LRX4-5YW
1800-1851 Fergeson, James children, parents, siblings MWYM-BSP

C8 - Eighth Circle

  Same Generation
  3CiL - 3rd Cousin's Spouse
  One Generation Removed
  3C1R - 3rd Cousin's Children
  3C1R - 2nd Great-Grandommer's Great-Grandchildren
  Two Generations Removed
  2C2RiL - 2nd Great-Grandommer's Grandchildren-in-Law
1900-1928 Duffett, Mildred E. (Wahl) bio L6WR-TWL
  Three Generations Removed
  2C3R - 3rd Great-Grandommer's Grandchildren
1899-1975 Schindler, Emma L. (Baumgartner) links, bio LDYM-8XX
1899-1977 Bollinger, John Henry links, bio, wife, and children KH4D-L2F
1905-1977 Mielke, Ernest Irvin links, bio, wife, children, and siblings M1YG-P4K
1894-1981 Kreuger, Francisca (Roethke) links, bio, husband, research 9HTQ-113
1897-1982 Joens, Esther Lois (Bollinger) Hovey links, bio, husbands, and children 2MRF-RRW
1894-1985 Morehead, Beulah Elizabeth (Bollinger) links, bio, husband, and children KC1R-T8V
1900-1985 Bollinger, Marion Harold "Max" links, bio, wife MCNJ-3WH
1903-1985 Panetti, Ruth Elizabeth (Roethke) links, bio LLQ8-394
1902-1986 Bollinger, Charles Ivan links, bio, and wife MCNJ-346
1896-1988 Hovey, Edna Mae (Bollinger) links, bio, husband, and children MCNJ-37V
1896-1988 Roethke, George Louis Eddie links, bio, wife, 9VL9-BG6
1893-1989 Edwards, Anna Virgil (Bollinger) links, bio, children 9XMJ-ZXZ
1905-1991 Lein, Dorthea (Bollinger) bio, and husband MCNJ-341
1892-1993 Pooler, Josephine H. (Roethke) links, bio, husband, research LKZ8-35H
1892-1998 O'Donnell, Pearl Rosetta (Bollinger) McGaffee links, bio 9XMJ-Z6F
1910-2001 Pester, Etha Agnes (Bollinger) links, bio, and husband G7Z5-VBK
1906-2007 Slyt, Margurite L (Bollinger) links, bio, and husband LBQK-D9W
  GGO-1CiL - Great-Grandommer's Spouse's 1st Cousin
1899-1989 Pretzer, Edna Mary (Kruth) links, bio, categories, siblings and son 9NTG-CD6
  Four Generations Removed
  1C4RiL - 3rd Great-Grandommer's Children-in-Law
1865-1939 Bollinger, Henry Simon links, bio 2MRF-RGY
1866-1947 Baumgartner, William F. links, bio, children LDYM-6VD
1873-1949 Roethke, Lena Joan H. D. (Roeseler) links, bio, parents, and siblings 9VL9-BYX
1878-1960 Mielke, Florence Berthana (Branch) links, bio, parents, siblings, and children LC62-PTH
1884-1972 Roethke, Dorthea Elizabeth (Frank) links, bio, son, daughter, and sister LLQB-724
  Five Generations Removed
  s3GGO - 4th Great-Grandparent's Step-Children
1826- Kemp, Stephan G. bio, categories, wives, and children L87D-NYJ
1845- Kemp, Charles W. links, bio, research LHN9-FXM
1829-1886 Kemp, William Henry links, bio, categories, wife, and children LHN9-VPZ
1843-1891 Pulver, Sarah Jane (Kemp) links, bio, categories, husband, and children LHN9-B1T
1847-1891 Kemp, Wesley links, bio, categories, wife, and children LCR3-64W
1820-1899 Rose, Waity Catherine (Kemp) bio, categories, husband, and children 9CWZ-JTR
1831-1902 Kemp, James Abram links, bio, categories, second wife, and children M3JN-DK8
1824-1903 Knapp, Mary Ann (Kemp) bio, categories, husband, and children LHF3-C3M
1840-1915 Kemp, Andrew Hait links, bio, categories, wives, and children LHN9-BKL
1834-1920 Kemp, John L. links, bio, categories, and research K8TC-NMS
1837-1921 Kemp, Peter Evans links, bio, wives, and children LCJT-G61
  1C5R - 4th Great-Grandommer's Children
1853-1937 Phillips, Henry Adam links, bio, and children LY63-39Y
  sGOiL-GGP - Step-Grandparent's Siblings-in-Law's Great-Grandparents
1820-1896 Tift, Lorenzo G links, bio, categories, chldren and sisters LZDF-1JY
1817-1893 Tift, Phebe L (Newton) links, bio, categories, children, and research L2JC-893
  Six Generations Removed
  4GGOiL - 4th Great-Grandommer's Spouses
1816-1881 Stauffer, John links, bio, children, parents, and siblings K4JZ-4Y3
1827-1905 Phillips, Catherine (Grett) links, bio, and siblings LDTY-PG7
1820-1908 Philips, Susanna (Grett) bio and siblings 9J84-66K
1820-1908 Shorb, Martha Ann Elizabeth (Simmons) links, bio, categorization, son (Raymond), and research 9VG9-LYL
  GGO-GGPiL - Great-Grandommer's Great-Grand-in-Laws
1835-1912 Dixon, Sarah M (Byers) children and siblings KN6W-G17
  Seven Generations Removed
  5GGO - 5th Great-Grand-Ommers
1772-1849 Hartman, Jacob links, bio, and children K6MR-DCD
1798-1867 Shorb, Dr. James Aloysius links, bio, categories, and children LC3L-BKQ
  f5GGO - Foster 5th Great-Grand-Ommers
  Eight Generations Removed
  6GGP 6th Great-Grandparents [256]
1737-1805 Kloessmann, Johannes Jakob links, bio, and research [M1QB-MCT
1740-1811 Guilford, Pvt. Paul links, bio, parents, siblings, and children LQ5B-WXR
1757-1812 Miller, William links, bio, and siblings L82L-DGL
1746-1815 Klessmann, Maria Susanna (Staller) links, bio, parents, and siblings LKN9-31B
1742-1816 Guilford, Mary (Burt) links and children LQ5B-MJX
1735-1830 Hartman, Johann Henrich links, bio, children, parents, siblings KH31-C6X
1764-1835 Miller, Paulina (Phelps) links, bio, children and siblings L82L-D59
1765-1837 Shorb, Catherine E (Fink) links, bio, categorization, children G97P-258
1751-1843 Hartman, Ann Hershey (Herr) links, bio, children, mother, sister MTG9-FG7
1761-1851 Shorb, Joannes "John" bio, categorization, children, and siblings MRWY-8BG
  f6GGP - Foster 6th Great-Grandparents [128]



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