
Helen A Blake photo album

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Surname/tag: Blake, Jones
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Helen A Blake photo album, so-called, to identify this as one of several Jones family albums that appear to have contributions by more than one generation. There are two styles of handwriting, presumably some by Helen Angeline (Blake) Jones. The album date is interesting, in that it is a mixed album designed to contain both cabinet size photos and CDV's. This is a 50-page album but only 41 page have photos, and there a few blanks on those pages. Labelling of the photo was done below the inserted photo. I have numbered the pages sequentially. The CDV's are 4 to a page and are numbered, e.g., "19.1, 19.2, 19.3...."

The Jones relationship to many of the photos was unclear until a recent serendipitous finding is that many of the CDV's are about the same age as Helen's daughter, Kate Augusta (Jones) Noyes. It turns out that many photos are of her Littleton High School classmates. Most of them are found in a Littleton student catalog on Ancestry.com $ for the year 1876-1877.

Additionally, an alumni catalog of Littleton students (also Ancestry.com $) was published listing students from 1868-1891, and some life details, if available. A further finding is that with the CDV's many of the photos are paired with future spouses placed adjacent to one another: Classmate Ed White, page 19.1 is next to classmate Millie Morrill, page 19.2
Isaac Calhoun (1832-1900) may be positioned next to both of his wives, Lydia Etta (Hildreth) Calhoun (1847-1884) and Flora R (Young) Calhoun (1846-1916)
Frank O Simonds (1857-1889) is next to his wife: Ellen (Foster) Farnsworth (1857-aft.1940)
Laura Maria Cobleigh (1840-1913) and husband George Little (1832-1918) are adjacent.
Frederick Ellsworth Goodall (1861-1922) and wife Mary Edith Tarbell (1861-) are paired in the album.
Mark Stevenson Jones (1844-1909) and wife Ploomy R (Houghton) Jones (1846-1912) are on facing pages, and again on adjacent CDV slots.

Kate died young. Both Helen and her daughter, Adelaide Maria (Jones) Lucas moved to Spokane. With Addie's death in 1939 Addie's daughter, Kate Isabel (Lucas) Seale, became custodian

This is still part of the Seale family collection, RHSeale MD, grandson of Kate Isabel (Lucas) Seale

Photos in album order:

Cover of Helen A Blake photo album
Clara Dodge Lang, page 1
Charles Little, page 2
Elizabeth Frye, page 3
George H Tilton, page 4 - positioned next to his wife?
Is this Cora Winona Frye?,

husband of George Tilton? page 5

Unknown, Page 6, Helen A Blake family album
"Baby Bowers", page 7
Children of Maggie Powers?, page 8
Maggie Powers, page 9
Francis L Jones, page 10
"Porter", page 11
Harry Lovejoy, page 12
Maria Nelson Blake, page 13.1
Helen Angeline (Blake) Jones, page 13.2
Helen A Jones, page 13.3
Addie Jones, page 13.4
Oscar C, page 14.1
B R, page 14.2
Fred Chandler, page 14.3
Susie Blake page 14.4
Frank Simonds, page 15.1, in the album next to his wife Ellen
Ellen Foster, page 15.2, in the album next to her husband Frank
Jennie Stetson, page 15.3
Carrie Tilton Young, page 15.4
Uncle Charlie Jones, p16.1
Ira Brewer Jones, page 16.2
Horatio Nelson page 16.3
Bacon, page 16.4
Laurette Cobleigh Little page 17.1
George Little, page 17.2
Helen Blake Jones album p18.1
Lizzie Bowker, page 18.2
unknown baby, T C Haynes St Johnsbury, Vermont, p18.3
Ed White, page 19.1
Millie Morrill, page 19.2
Fred Goodall, page 20.1
Mary Tarbell, page 20.2
One of several George H Tilton, p20.3
Unknown woman, not uploaded, Littleton, NH, p20.4
Myron Richardson, page 21.2
Addie Milliken, page 21.3
Belle Redington, page 21.4
Will Cleasby, page 22.1
Isaac Calhoun, placed adjacent to his two wives?, page 22.3
Lydiaette Hildreth, wife of Isaac Calhoun, page 22.4
Another George H Tilton, p23.1
unknown, both on page 23
Flora (Young) Calhoun, wife of Isaac Calhoun, page 23.3
Page 24.1, 24.2, HABlake family album
Francis Lewis Jones, page 24.3
page 24.4 Helen A Blake Album
Oak Hill House, page 25
Mark Stephenson Jones, page 26
Paloma Jones, page 27
Helen Angeline (Blake) Jones, page 28
Addie Jones, Helen A Blake album p29
Helen A Blake, page 30
Nell Cleasby, page 31
Unknown, page 32 Helen A Blake album
Unknown, page 33 Helen A Blake album
Maggie Powers, page 34
Unknown, page 35 Helen A Blake album
Unknown, page 36 Helen A Blake album
Oscar Cameron, page 37.1
Ned Parker, page 37.2
Unknown, page 37.3 Helen A Blake album
Will Mitchell, page 37.4
Unknown, page 38.1 Helen A Blake album
Unknown, page 38.2 Helen A Blake album
blanks, page 38.3 and 38.4
Mark Stevenson Jones, page 39.1, placed adjacent in the album next to his wife Ploomy.
Ploomy Jones, page 39.2
Unknown, page 39.4 Helen A Blake album
Unknown, page 40.1 Helen A Blake album
Unknown, page 40.2 Helen A Blake album
Unknown, page 40.3 Helen A Blake album
Unknown, page 40.4 Helen A Blake album
Unknown, page 41.1 Helen A Blake album
Another "Clara D" (Dodge) infant photo, not uploaded, p41.4
Is this George Lucas?, page 42.1 Helen A Blake album
(possibly) George Lucas
unknown, page 43.4Helen A Blake album

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