
Hesselby Flora

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Hesselby Flora was a name for a property in Hässelby (part of Stockholm) that was used for commersial gardens between year 1906 and around 1961. Today, Åkermyntan shopping centre is located on this spot.


The term "Commercial Garden" relates to gardens that were focused on growing vegetables, fruit and flowers for sale.

The first, true "Commercial Gardens", started to pop up in Sweden when the population growth became so high, that its need for certain produce could not be covered by their own cultivation (mid 19-th century). At the same time the economy of the cities was increasingly strengthening and the economic differences between classes were becoming smaller.

Before the 20th century, most of the area known as Hässelby was owned by the Hässelby Manor (Hässelby Gård). Hässelby Manor is today known as Hässelby Castle (sv. Hässelby Slott).

At the turn of the 20th century, about 1,000 acres were divided from Hässelby into plots. Soon the first commercial gardens were built. 10 years later, there were more than 50 gardeners working there, and most of the plots ended up as commercial gardens during the first few decades of the 20th century.

The success of the commercial gardens and the speed at which they were established has been hugely, due to:

  • Lövsta Garbage Station, which was put into use in 1889 and Stockholm city moved its "sewage treatment" to Lövsta. This gave the gardens access to manure and latrine that was shipped off to Lövsta Garbage Station from Stockholm. Differently from gardens that were built in connection to manors and farms, the commercial gardens had no easy access to fertilizers. Having close proximity to Lövsta Garbage Station provided for that need.
  • New railway line and station at the Lövsta Garbage Station, that was opened to traffic the same year. The land for the tracks was expropriated från Hässelby Farm. The railway provided good communication with safe and fast transport where garden products could be moved long distances and the gardeners were not only dependent on the local (or even Stockholm's) market.
  • After the extrapropriation of the land, Count Carl Trolle-Bonde at Hässelby Manor detached a big swath of his property closest to the railway. This later became Hässelby Villastad (Hässelby Residential Town). Carl Lindau, station manager and representative for Count Bonde realised the location's potential for commersial gardening and often put advertisements in the gardening magazine Viola.


Hässelby Flora has been given serial number 42 in the Hässelby Local Community Association's (Hämbygdsförening) database over commercial gardens in Hässelby. Nils Johan Sigurd (Persson) Nowén (1882-1971) who was the first owner, describes it in Novén's deposition 1 as (translated from Swedish):

"Hesselby Residential Town within Spånga parish of Sollentuna district and Stockholm County [...]

  • partly the plot No: 37 a, separated from the same residential town No: 2; containing 217 sqm (2461.6 sqf).
  • partly the plot No: 37 b, separated from Ytterkullen No: 2; containing 6863.6 sqm (77860.6 sqf).
  • partly the plot No: 37 c, separated from Ytterkullen No: 3; containing 5029.3 sqm. (57052 sqf),"
  • partly the plot No: 37 d, separated from Ytterkullen No: 4, containing 35817.2 sqm. (39899.1 sqf),
  • and partly the plot No: 37 e, separated from Ytterkullen No: 5, containing 108.2 sqm. (1227.4 sqf)

[...] or together containing 15735.3 sqm. (178501, sqf.), Rightly N: 205-206-207-208-209 according to the map drawn up by the first land master Thure [cannot decipher the last name]. "

The Census från 1910, places the property to be city grid. no 205 - 209 (which fits with the above quote).

The register map from 1930-1931 has different plot designation. The property is now considered to include plots 453, 457, 460, 463, 1115, and lie in the block called Törnrosen.


  • 1906 to 1911 Nils Johan Sigurd (Persson) Nowén (1882-1971)
  • 1912 Fredrik Rosenberg (born 1880) leases the property. The lease is contracted to last until 1922. 1917, Fredrik Rosenberg acquires the property with the serial number 41 in the registry.
  • 1913 the property is purchased by an Otto Paulsson in Väsby, Malmöhus, Sweden. The contract points out the lease agreement with Fredrik Rosenberg.
  • 1923 the property is now owned/worked at by Johan Edvard Karlsson (born 1878)
  • 1926, the owner is now Amanda Karlsson (born 1879)
  • The next owner is Bertil Kåsjö (born 1907)
  • And after Bertil, his son Folke Kåsjö takes over (born 1918). During this time, the garden is known to grow irises and Brompton stocks. A small road between property 41 and 42 was named after the Brompton stocks (Lövkojsgränd).
  • Abount 1961a plan over Hässelby has been decided upon. A business center was planned to be placed nearby the railway station.
  • 1977, Åkermyntan Shopping Center opens


  • "Bland Blomsterkungar och Växthus - Trädgårdsepoken i Hässelby" (en. Among Flower Kings and Greenhouses - The Garden Era in Hässelby). Hässelby Hembygdsförenings Skriftserie nr 13.
  • "Från mästare till kommunalarbetare, En unersökning om trädgårdsmästaryrkets status- och kompetensförändring under perioden 1920-1955" (En. From master to municipal worker. - S surven on the status and skills change of the gardener profession during the period 1920 - 1955). Anton Sundin, Högskolan i Gövle. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:770442/FULLTEXT01.pdf
  • "En svensk trädgårdsnäring växer fram" (En. "A Swedish horticulture industry is emerging"). Lennart Ottsson Professor emeritus, Alnarp. K. Skogs- o. Lanbr.akad. Tidskr. Suppl.:20:31-55, 1988. https://www.ksla.se/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/kap_02.pdf
  • Census from 1910 - Spånga parish, Stockholm County, Sweden, ImageId: Folk_102068-063, found at Riksarkivet, Created by Riksarkivet SVAR-Svensk arkivinformation; Scanned Image; transcription.

See also https://hesselby.com/villastad/rosenberg.html https://hesselby.com/villastad/lovsta.html https://hesselby.com/villastad/historik.html https://hesselby.com/villastad/gator/akermyntan.html https://www.akermyntancentrum.se/om_kopcentret.html https://www.hesselbyslott.se/en/ https://hesselby.com/villastad/lovsta.html https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%B6vsta_sopstation

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Categories: Spånga (AB)