Location: [unknown]
Copied from Joe Hines page - Affidavit on his grandson Tip's death
In Texas, when one dies intestate (without a will), surviving family members up to a certain level inherit according to state law. This is an affidavit that defines who does and does not qualify as an heir to a piece of Hines property.
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Sinclair Brown and Mimia Childs Haynes, widow of Cornelius Haynes, deceased, both known to be credible persons who have reached majority, and after being by me duly sworn each on his oath deposes and says as follows:
That I, Sinclair Brown, have been well and personally acquainted with the Joe and Flora Hinds (often spelled Hines) family and the 200 acre tract of land they owned in the John Andrews League, Abstract Number 4 about two miles south of Morales in Jackson County, Texas. That I moved on this 200 acre tract when I was 9 years old when my father Gilbert Brown died. I lived on that piece of land known as the Joe Hinds tract until I was 25 years old, and at that time I moved about 1 1/2 miles from it and lived at that location until 1919, when I moved onto the Hays Ranch about ten miles away. My sister Bettie Brown Harris lived on the 200 acre Hines tract many of those years and I would often visit her, sometimes every few days or every week or so. I stayed on the Hays Ranch six years and moved to Cordele and lived there until 1953, when I sold out at Cordele and moved back to the 200 acre Joe Hinds tract and built the five room house on it in which I am now living and have been living since 1953. During all this time I have been familiar with the land and kept up with it and kept the taxes paid on my mother’s part and on my part of the land. I am now 84 years old. Joe and Flora Hinds are my grandparents, the parents of my mother Jane Hines Brown.
That I, Mimia Childs Haynes, widow of Cornelius Haynes, deceased, have been well and personally acquainted with the Joe and Flora Hinds (usually spelled Hines now) family and the 200 acre tract of land they owned about two miles South of Morales in the John Andrews League, Abstract No. 4, Jackson County, Texas. I was born about two miles from this tract 86 years ago. When I was two years old, I moved onto this 200 acre tract and lived with my mother Mary Childs (who was a daughter of Joe and Flora Hinds). My mother and I lived with my grandparents, Joe and Flora Hinds, who then owned the tract of land. My grandfather lived about a year while I lived with him and died in 1878, and I continued to live with my grandmother Flora Hinds until she died when I was about 15 years old. I lived on that tract until 1894 when I married Cornelius Haynes and at that time I moved onto what is called the Cornelius Haynes place located about one-fourth of a mile from the Joe and Flora Hinds tract. I still am living on the Cornelius Haynes tract and have ever since 1894.
The 200 acre Joe and Flora Hinds tract is described as follows: Two hundred acres, more or less, situated in Jackson County, Texas, and a part of the John Andrews League, A-4, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said League; thence with the upper line of the same to the Northwest corner of said League; Thence with the West line of said League so far that a line running east parallel with the upper line to the Navidad River shall contain 200 acres of land, thence up the river to the place of beginning and being the same land described in that Deed from C. C. Moore to Joe Hinds dated February 19, 1873 and recorded in Volume G on Page 513 of the Deed Records of Jackson County, Texas.
That we, Sinclair Brown and Mimia Childs Haynes were well and personally acquainted with Joe and Flora Hinds and their children. That Joe Hinds was married once and only once and that was to Flora Robinson. Joe and Flora Hinds did not adopt any children, but to their union was born nine and only nine children, as follows:
1. Tom Hines was born about 1829 and died in 1889 in Jackson County, Texas. He did not leave a will when he died. Tom Hines was married once and only once and that was to Sallie Pugh. Sallie Pugh was married only once and that was to Tom Hines. Although Tom Hines did not leave a will when he died, there was an administration of his estate in Edna. I remember well that Tip Hinds and some of the other heirs had trouble over Tom Hines Estate and Sherman Edwards was the administrator of the estate.
To the marriage of Tom Hines and Sallie Pugh were born ten children and only ten, none having been adopted, as follows:
A1. Florence Hines who was born about 1878. Florence was married once and only once and that was to Ernest Dennis who was married once and that was to Florence Hines. Florence Hines Dennis and Ernest Dennis never adopted any children and the only child Florence Hines Dennis had was Cleveland Dennis, a boy born about 1900, who sold his interest in the Joe Hinds tract to Luda Miller about 1952. Florence Hines Dennis died without leaving a will about 1950 in Wharton County, Texas, and Ernest Dennis died and did not leave a will about 1958 in Wharton County, Texas.
B1. Tip Hines was born about 1874 and died intestate, that is without leaving a will, in Jackson County, Texas, about 1939.
C1. Gusta (also called Augusta) Hines Glenn, whose husband was George Glenn. Gusta and George Glenn sold their interest in the 200 acre Hines tract to Reuben Hines about 1903.
D1. Nellie Hines Edwards, wife of Sherman Edwards. They also sold their interest to Reuben Hines about 1903.
E1. Sylvester (Buck) Hines who sold his part in the Joe Hines tract to Reuben Hines about 1903.
F1. Nettie Hines Haynes who was born about 1888. Nettie Hines was married once and only once and that was to Newton Haynes. To this marriage was born five children and the only children born of Nettie Hines Haynes. They never adopted any. The children were:
1F1. Alex Haynes, born about 1909, now living in Victoria.
2F1. Shannon Haynes, born about 1918, now living in San Antonio.
3F1. Mary Haynes Hosey, whose only marriage was to Jacob Hosey. They had two children, born of Mary Haynes Hosey, as follows:
a. Newton Jacob Hosey, who died at age of about one.
b. Geraldine Hosey born about 1945.
No children were ever adopted by Mary Haynes Hosey or Jacob Hosey. Mary Haynes Hosey died without leaving a will in Victoria County, Texas.
4F1 & 5F1. There were also two infants born of Nettie Hines Haynes and Newton Haynes that lived only a few days and were not named.
G1. Tommie Hines, born about 1889, now living in Jackson County, Texas. Tommie Hines sold his part of the Joe Hinds tract to Mary Barnes about 1912.
H1. Mary (also known as Mollie) Hines Edwards, wife of Fred Edwards. Mollie sold her part to Reuben Hines about 1903.
I1. Jimmie Hines born about 1885, who was married once and only once and that was to Mittie --------. Jimmie Hines and wife Mittie Hines did not have any children nor did they adopt any. Jimmie Hines died about 1910 without leaving a will. I believe he died in Oklahoma. His wife Mittie later re-married, to a man named John Cole, and the last time we heard of her she was living in Oklahoma.
J1. Eliza Hines, a singe(sic) boy, who died when he was ten or twelve years old.
2. Bill Hines, who was married three times. The first time was to Adeline Dennis Hines. They never adopted any children and to Adeline Denis Hines was born four children, and only four children, as follows:
A2. Almus Hines, born about 1886. Almus Hines was married twice. The first time was to Lou Hall. To Almus Hines and Lou Hall Hines was born only one child and none were adopted. Their one child was Roy Hines who now lives in California. Almus and Lou Hines marriage ended in a divorce.
Almus second wife was named Ella ----------. They did not have any children nor did they ever adopt any. Ella Hines died about 1958 in DeWitt County, Texas and did not leave a will. Almus Hines died about 1941 in DeWitt County, Texas, and he did not leave a will either.
B2. Bessie Hines Schooler, wife of Eugene Schooler. Bessie and Eugene did not adopt any children and they had only one child, the only child born of Bessie Hines Schooler namely Bessie Schooler, who now lives in Houston. Bessie Hines Schooler died about 1917, when her daughter, Bessie Schooler, was only a few days old. Bessie Hines Schooler died in Ganado in Jackson County and did not leave a will.
C2. Eugene Hines, who is married to Velma Hines and lives in Edna, Texas. D2. Ollie Hines, born about 1884, whose wife’s name was Daisy Hines. Ollie Hines was married once and only once and that was to Daisy Hines. They never had any children nor did they adopt any. Ollie Hines died without leaving a will in Tarrant County, Texas, about 1956. His wife later re-married, but I don’t know her name. Bill Hines second wife was Ruth Parson. There were no children born of this marriage, nor were any children adopted by Ruth Parson Hines and Bill Hines. They lived together 4 or 5 months and divorced. Bill Hines third wife was Martha Lee Sayles (or Sales). There were no children born of this marriage, nor were any adopted. Bill Hines died without leaving a will in Jackson County, Texas, about 1924. Martha Sayles Hines later re-married but she is now dead, having died intestate in Jackson County, Texas. Martha Lee Sayles Hines had one child by a previous marriage, Fannie Sayles (or Sales). I believe Fannie Sayles married Robert Gary, (deceased – handwritten and initialed by SB).
3. Reuben (also occasionally spelled Rubin) Hines who was married twice. His first wife was Letitie Haynes Hines. They never adopted any children, and had four children, being the only children ever born of Letitie Haynes Hines as follows:
A3. Birdie Hines Harris, who was married but once and that was to Monday Harris. They had no children and did not adopt any children. When Birdie Hines Harris died about 1936 in Jackson County, Texas, she left a will in which she left everything to her sister Alean Hines Diggs.
B3. Guidie Hines Rupe, who is the wife of Allen Rupe and lives in Beeville, Texas.
C3. Alean (also spelled Aline and Alinee) Hines Diggs who was married once and only once and that was to Izear (also spelled Isaac and Isaiah) Diggs. They did not adopt any children and had five children of their own, being the only children born of Alean Diggs, as follows:
1C3. William Diggs, born about 1922, living in Edna.
2C3. Truman Diggs, born about 1927, living in Edna.
3C3. Travis Diggs, born about 1919, living in Edna.
4C3. Jane Letitie Boales, a single woman, born about 1924, who lives in Houston.
5C3. Newton Diggs, who died without leaving a will in Jackson County, about 1952. Newton Diggs was married but once and that was to Varie Callis. They had only two children: Aline, a single woman, never having married, who died about 1958 and Rufus Diggs, who is over 21. Newton and Varie never adopted any children.
D3. Annie Hines Lott, wife of Benjamin Lott, living in Beeville. Reuben Hines first wife Letitie Hines died about 1902 in Jackson County, Teas, and did not leave a will. Reuben Hines second wife was Charlotte Hall Hines. They did not ever adopt any children, and had five children, and only five children born to them as follows:
E3. Dale Hines, born about 1911, who sold his interest in the Joe Hines tract to Rose and Sample.
F3. Kate Hines, a single woman, born about 1914, who also sold her part to Rose and Sample.
G3. Flora Hines Kidd, who was married to Lee Kidd. Flora Hines Kidd had only one child ever born of her a girl named Mary Dennis Leslie. Flora Hines Kidd died in Houston without leaving a will about 1941 and her only child Mary Dennis Leslie sold her part of the Hines 200 acre tract to Mr. Sample.
H3. Maxie Hines, born about 1903, who lives at Morales, Texas.
I3. Henry Hines, born about 1906, who married Rachel Diggs. They were both married once and only once, and that was to each other. They never adopted any children, but they had two and only two children as follows:
1I3. Emily ---------, wife of --------------- living in San Antonio.
2I3. Charlotte Lee Hines Barnes, wife of George Barnes, living in Edna, Texas. Rachel Hines is still living in Edna, but Henry Hines committed suicide in 1961. He did not leave a will.
Reuben Hines died about 1923 on the 200 acre Joe Hinds tract near Morales. He did not leave a will but there was an administration of his estate in Edna. Charlotte Hall Hines died in Jackson County without leaving a will about 1930.
4. Mary Hines Childs, whose husband was Henry Childs. They were each married once and only once and then to each other. To this union was born three children and only three children, being the only children born of Mary Hines Childs. None were adopted. The children were, as follows:
A4. Tildon Childs, born on or about March 25, 1877, who lives between Morales and Edna.
B4. Mimia Childs Haynes, widow of Cornelius Haynes, one of the signers of this affidavit.
C4. Gertrude Childs Edwards, widow of Ben Edwards, deceased. Gertrude sold her interest of her Grandfather’s and grandmother’s 200 acre tract of land to W. W. McCrory about 1934. Mary Hines Childs sold one-half of her interest many years ago to William Whitley. Henry Childs died in 1877 when Mimia Childs was about 18 months old, and Mary Hinds Childs died on or about May 10, 1918, in Jackson County, Texas. Neither left a will.
5. Jane Hines Brown who was married once and only once and that was to Gilbert Brown. That was Gilbert Brown’s only marriage also. They never adopted any children and had five children, being the only children born of Jane Hines Brow, as follows:
A5. Adeline Brown Watson, whose only marriage was to Levan Watson. They never adopted any children and the four and only four children they had were the only children born of Adeline Brown Watson, as follows:
1A5. Henry Watson, born before 1900, living n Houston.
2A5. Sadie Watson, who never married. The only child born of Sadie Watson was Alvin Rhoder, who sold his interest in the 200 acre Hinds tract to Mr. Sample. Sadie Watson died without leaving a will about 1942 in Austin or San Antonio.
3A5. Fettus Watson, a single man, never having married when he was murdered in Oklahoma about 1922. He did not leave a will.
4A5. Norwood Watson, also a single man, never having married. He too was killed in Oklahoma about 1920, and did not leave a will.
Levan Watson died intestate in Runge, Karnes County, Texas, about 1900.
Adeline Brown Watson did not leave a will either when she died about 1909 in Jackson County, Texas.
B5. Sinclair Brown, one of the signers of this affidavit, who now lives on the 200 acre Joe Hinds tract.
C5. Nannie Brown Edwards who married George Edwards. Nannie Brown married once and only once and then to George Edwards. They never had any children, nor did they ever adopt any. Nannie Brown Edwards died intestate about 1919 in Jackson County. George re-married, but no children were born of that marriage either. George’s second wife died about 1923 and George died about 2 years later in Jackson County, Texas, and did not leave a will.
D5. Bettie Brown Harris, widow of Ben Harris, deceased, who (note written in - passed away March 27, 1962 in Jackson County, Texas. SB)
E5. Mamie Brown Griffin Gipson, who was married twice and only twice. Her first marriage was to George Griffin. They never adopted any children, but had two children, being the only children born of Mamie Brown Griffin Gipson. The only two children are as follows:
1E5. Sinclair Griffin, who sold his interest to Sinclair Brown.
2E5. Clinton Griffin, who was married twice. His first wife was Annie Barnes. They had two children, and only two, and did not adopt any, as follows:
2E5a. Lloyd Griffin, who sold his interest to Sinclair Brown.
2E5b. Cloyd Griffin, who also sold his interest to Sinclair Brown. The marriage between Clinton Griffin and Annie Barnes Griffin ended in a divorce about 1926 or 1927. Clinton Griffin’s second marriage was to a woman whose name I no longer remember. They did not have any children and did not adopt any. Clinton Griffin died about 1952 in Arizona and did not leave a will. Mamie Brown Griffin’s second marriage was to Homer Gipson. They did not have any children and did not adopt any. Mamie Brown Griffin Gipson died in Jackson, County, Texas about 1913, without leaving a will. Homer Gipson is still living and is not married. Gilbert Brown died about 1889 in Jackson County, Texas, and did not leave a will.
Jane Hines Brown died about 1910 in Jackson County, on the 200 acre tract owned by her father and mother, Joe and Flora Hinds. She did not leave a will.
6. Frances Hines Griffin, who married Andrew Griffin. Frances sold her interest in the 200 acre tract to Tom Hines about 1886.
7. Rosa Grant, wife of Ed Grant. Rosa Grant sold her interest to Reuben Hines about 1892 or 1893.
8. Julia Barnes, wife of Paul Barnes. Julia Hines Barnes sold her interest to Luda Miller, wife of C. J. Miller.
9. Harriet Hines Cook, wife of Charles Cook. Harriet Hines and Charles Cook were married once and only once and that was to each other. They never adopted any children, but had two children born of their marriage, said two children being the only children born of Harriet Hines Cook, as follows:
A9. Estella Cook Robinson, who was married once and only once and that was to Willie Robinson. Estella and Willie Robinson did not ever adopt any children, but had four children of their own, being the only children of Estella Cook Robinson, as follows:
1A9. Minnie Hines, wife of Herman Hines, living in Edna
2A9. Mason Robinson, born about 1912, living in Calif.
3A9. Altone Robinson, born about 1923, who lives on Hiway 111, near the 200 acre Hinds tract.
4A9. Beulah Robinson Washington, whose only marriage was to Arthur Washington. They never adopted any children, but had two children, being the only children born of Beulah Robinson Washington, as follows:
4A9a. Ella Washington, about 10-12 years old
4A9b. Lorain Washington, about 8-10 years old. Beulah Robinson Washington died about 1937 in Jackson County, without leaving a will. Estella Cook Robinson died about 1957 in Jackson County, Texas, intestate. Willie Robinson died about 1955 in Jackson County, Texas, and did not leave a will.
B9. Willie Cook, whose wife was Addie Bell Washington Cook. Willie Cook had married once and only once and that was to Addie Bell Washington. They never adopted any children but had five and only five children born of their marriage, as follows:
1B9. Aldace Cook, born about 1919, living at Morales.
2B9. Ollie Cook, born about 1912, living at Edna.
3B9. Vollie Cook, born about 1907, living at Edna.
4B9. Allen Cook, born about 1921, living in California.
5B9. Ella Cook Roach, a single woman. Ella was married twice, but never had any children and is now divorced. Willie Cook died about 1942 in Houston without leaving a will. Addie Bell Washington Cook has remarried and is now the wife of James Edwards. She lives near Morales in Jackson County, Texas. That we each know of our own knowledge that Joe Hinds was married once and only once and that was to Flora Robinson Hines. However, Flora had been married before. It was a slavery time marriage to a man named Robinson, but her first husband Robinson had been sold, carried away and never heard of again. I have heard this story many times. Flora Robinson had had three children and only three children by her first marriage to Robinson. These three along with the nine born of her marriage to Joe Hinds were the only children she ever had. She and Robinson did not ever adopt any. The three children born of her marriage to her first husband, Robinson, were as follows:
1. Alfred Robinson, who sold his interest to Charles Houston.
2. Tira Robinson Washington, wife of Silas Washington. When Tira Robinson Washington was a widow, she sold her interest in the Joe Hinds 200 acre tract to Reuben Hines.
3. Joe Robinson
Further affiants sayeth not. FILED FOR RECORD THIS THE 22 day of February A. D. 1963 at 11:00 A. M. RECORDED THE 6 DAY OF MARCH A. D. 1963 AT 9:15 O'Clock A. M. WAYNE MYERS, COUNTY CLERK
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