Surname/tag: Price
The name Hiram Price seems to have been a common name. As such there has been confusion, resulting in the wrong profiles being linked to father, mother or spouse.
As of 11/16/2022 there are 16 profiles for a Hiram Price.
Information maybe placed on the wrong profile. This information maybe caused by the location. There are Hiram Prices located in Washington State. Washington, DC, Washington County, Virginia, and Washington, Tennessee.
- Hiram Price born Apr 1862 in Virginia married Sarah Martha "Mattie" Lee.
- Hiram H. Price born 10 Dec 1842 in Russell, Virginia married Emma Unknown. He died 10 Dec 1942 at Washington County, Virginia
- Hiram Price born
- Hiram Price born 1849 in Virginia
- Hiram Price born in 1818 at Washington, Tennessee
Link to this page: [[Space:Hiram_Price|Hiram Price]]
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