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Historical Data Relating to Counties, Cities, and Towns in Massachusetts, 1997

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Historical Data Relating to Counties, Cities, and Towns in Massachusetts, 1997

  • Full Title: Historical Data Relating to Counties, Cities and Towns in Massachusetts
  • Compiler: Prepared by William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth
  • Publication Year: 1997
  • Publisher: New England Historical Genealogical Society (Thomson-Shore: Dexter, Michigan)
  • Page Count: 176 pages

Cite this book

  • <ref>Galvin, William Francis. Secretary of the Commonwealth. ''[[Space:Historical Data Relating to Counties, Cities, and Towns in Massachusetts, 1997|Space:Historical Data Relating to Counties, Cities and Towns in Massachusetts]]'' Fifth Edition. New England Historical Genealogical Society (Thomson-Shore: Dexter, Michigan, 1997)</ref>


  • For lookups, you can message Millerd-11. Book is currently under copyright protection.


Excerpt from Introduction, page 5: "The fifth edition of Historical Data Relating to Counties, Cities, and Towns in Massachusetts, like its predecessors, provides summary information relating to counties and municipalities in Massachusetts. In this edition, however, the format has been restructured, and additional information relating to the town charters, archaic names, and section/village names added."

Historical Data Relating to the Incorporation of and Abolishment of Counties in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Part One: Incorporation of Counties

County Date of Incorporation/first mention Reference to Act
Barnstable June 2, 1685 Ply. Col. Rec. Vol. VI, p.169
Berkshire April 21, 1761 Prov. Laws, Vol. IV, p.432
Bristol June 2, 1685 Ply. Col. Rec. Vol. VI, p.169
Dukes June 22, 1695 Prov. Laws, Vol. I, p. 216
Essex May 10, 1643 Mass. Bay Rec. Vol. II, p.38
Franklin June 24, 1811Chapter 61, Acts of 1811
Hampden February 25, 1812Chapter 137, Acts of 1811
Hampshire May 7, 1662Mass. Bay Rec. Vol. IV Part 2, p.52
Middlesex ​May 10, 1643Mass. Bay Rec. Vol. II, p.38
Nantucket June 22, 1695 ​Prov. Laws, Vol. I, p. 216
Norfolk (defunct/extinct)May 10, 1643 ​Mass. Bay Rec. Vol. II, p.38
Norfolk March 26, 1793​Chapter 72, Acts of 1792
Plymouth ​June 2, 1685Ply. Col. Rec. Vol. VI, p.169
Suffolk May 10, 1643 ​Mass. Bay Rec. Vol. II, p.38
Worcester April 2, 1731 ​Prov. Laws, Vol. II, p.584

Part Two: Abolishment of County

County Date Chapter: Section / Acts of
Franklin July 1, 1997 151:567 / 1996
Middlesex July 11, 1997 48:1 / 1997
Hamden July 1, 1998 48:1 / 1997
Worcester July 1, 1998 48:1 / 1997
HampshireJanuary 1, 1999300:11 / 1998
Essex July 1, 1999300:11 / 1998
Berkshire July 1, 2000300:11 / 1998
Suffolk July 1, 1999Ma. Gen. Law Chapter 34B Sec.1

Previous Versions of this Text

Historical Data Relating to Counties, Cities, and Towns in Massachusetts, Boston, Wright & Potter printing co., state printers,1920 Edition. 73 pp. Available on HathiTrust, Free



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